Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's That Time Again!

How time flies.

It's time to celebrate my Blog Anniversary and my birthday with another
box of curiosities.

This year the box holds two glass mugs
a red tea pot 
Honey dipper
Almondina cookies
Assam tea
Special Blend of tea (Blend of Ceylon and Indian)
and I'll probably add a couple of extra goodies.

All you have to do is leave a comment. 
One comment is all it will take.
You don't have to be a follower (if you win it would be nice).
A winner will be selected on June 4.

Good Luck!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Looks like I'm first in line for once. I am thinking June 4 is your bday so I'll wait til then to wish you a happy birthday. Very generous gifts for the winner. Love the red tea-pot. "Happy Blogiversary" Hugs, Deb

  2. Happy Birthday, happy blogaversary.....sorry about the email silliness, what a pain right? Nice giveaway...Not a tea drinker as you know so I hope a true tea lover wins....celebrate in style. xox

  3. June 4th will be my 25th wedding anniversary. A nice gift selection with that sweet, red tea pot.

  4. Woo hoo, a celebration! Happy Blog-a-birthday... and here's hoping there will be many more, you are a beautiful source of inspiration among the chaos.

  5. Congrats on your blog aniversary and your birtday!

  6. Blog-a-birthday... I like CreativeDreamers words. Happy to you! Very fun giveaway too :)

  7. Happy Blogversary and especially sending you good wishes on your birthday, Snap.

  8. How sweet of you to do this! Happy blogiversary and Happy Birthday! When is your actual b-day? Mine is coming up next week--the big 5-0!

  9. Happy blog anniversary! It is always fun to celebrate such special milestones! I would love to be entered in your drawing! Thank you for offering!

    Gracious Hospitality

  10. What a lovely and special time of the year for celebrating birthday! :)
    Luna and I are sending lots of lights, some butterflies, happy thoughts, love, purrs and poetry to your heart!

  11. Happy birthday and blog anniversary! What a delicious looking box of treats. :-)

  12. Happy Blog Anniversary! Your blog is always a sweet and soothing place to visit - just like your package of treats!

  13. How'd I miss this? Congratulations on your blogiversary! Please toss my name into the cap. =D

  14. Happy Blogiversary Snap! How sweet for you to share a gift in celebration of your birthday too! Hope it was special :)

    I haven't said it before, but I wanted to share that I, too, am a "pathological picture taker" as my family will tell you. I take photos of everything!

    Hope I get that delicious looking box of curiosities but even if I don't, I'm glad that I could tell you about our shared pathologies!

  16. ♫♪Happy Happy Blogversary♪♫


  17. Happy bloggo-versary... I don't really drink tea, but that little red tea pot would make an awesome photo prop. Lol. Thanks for the giveaway. xo

  18. Congratulations and happy birthday to you!

  19. What fun - blogaversaries are neat - congrats. I'll have to look up and see when I first started blogging.

  20. Happy Blogiversary and thank for the chance to win!

  21. Hi Snap. I was just scrolling through my feed and was catching up on your posts. Oh my, but I love the elephants! Well, I love everything you post but the elephants really turn my crank. And the tea entries. I am a teaholic. I should say, "hi, my name is Kim and I am a Tea aholic". Glass mugs- ooooo. So happy to see you so busy, so fulfilled these days. Summer is coming - I am happy because I am in the north, you are likely looking at much warmer days!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.