Monday, April 8, 2013

Something Special

We had a very big rain storm last week.
Lots of wind.
I decided to cut some of the roses before they were destroyed by the storm.

Tea and Roses

There's something special about your own roses from the garden and a cup of tea.
The tea cup is Royal Albert Country Rose.
Lush pink and gold blossoms plucked from the Old Country Roses collection
 are contrasted by bands of buttermilk-yellow in everyday porcelain.

Tea and Roses

Roses and tea feed the soul.

Tea and Roses

And remember:
"God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done." ~Author Unknown

Thank you to our tea party hosts:

I'm also joining Nancy at Tuesday Muse.

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea!


  1. Beautiful roses, a stack of books and a cup of tea...perfection!

  2. Pretty roses that match your teacup. And you know, I abide by that quote all the time. If the days are nice, the house suffers until a cool or rainy period to catch up on housework. :-)

  3. Such lovely roses and gorgeous photos! The tea cup and books make for the perfect composition.

  4. I guess I'll take this as a sign that it's time to put on the kettle, but no roses to enjoy. Yours look wonderful.

  5. Hi Snap,
    oh you are so funny. I love the gardeners quote on the end. This tea cup is from the new RA collection, right? Its really lovely. And I love your roses. Oh, I am so crawing for my roses, but they are all still sleeping beauties. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  6. Lovely roses and beautiful pictures. No roses here in London yet, with such a late spring. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.

  7. Oh Snap, I love the quote at the end! The Royal Albert teacup is beautiful with your very own roses to enjoy! What joy for the senses as well as the soul.

  8. Snap, your roses are gorgeous! The teacup matches them perfectly. We planted a new rose garden last year. Can't wait to have my own blooms. A few of the bushes didn't do so well with our hard Winter. :( Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup. Hope you'll share often!

  9. Hi,
    Your roses are beautiful! Thank you for stopping by!

  10. Tea and Roses are indeed a perfect retreat. Love the gardening quote.

  11. I agree with you about the roses and tea. And what a beautiful RA teacup! I really like the new OCR patterns. They had sets on at Christmastime for a good price and I neglected to purchase one. I hope they run them again this Christmas. Your roses are beautiful and I'm so anxious for my own to bloom athough I know it will be several months yet. Thank you for sharing and coming to tea.


  12. Very pretty! I love old fashioned, antique roses. Yours are lovely! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  13. The photos are wonderful - I'd love to have my roses blooming right now - but not for a couple months, I'm sure. Lovely post.

  14. I agree %100! Roses and tea feed the soul! Yay!
    Your tea cup is so lovely. I had not seen that version of OCR before and I love it!
    Hugs, and happy rainy spring days!

  15. Blooming roses already - so lucky, Snap! Your roses match the ones on the tea cup.

  16. Dear Snap, these pictures are poetry to our hearts, thanks so much for sharing!
    I also love your header!

  17. I would love to join you for a nice cuppa in such a pretty cup and the roses are lovely. x

  18. Tea and Roses, the perfect combination! Visiting from Tuesday Muse.

  19. A perfect match-up in your photos. Love the tea cup and your own roses. Gorgeous!

  20. Roses are always lovely in the house, especially is a pretty vignette. Love how your roses match the tea cup. Lovely.........

    The French Hutch

  21. Roses and tea cups definitely are the perfect combo! Yours are lovely :)

  22. What a lovely post! I am now following. Hope you'll visit me back! HAPPY SPRING! FINALLY!

  23. Perfect moment captured here with softness and skill!

  24. Glad you rescued your roses, but probably good that you got some rain right? Happy Tea Tuesday. xox

  25. Beautiful composition and colors! Lovely blog!

  26. We're forecasted to get strong storms this week too. I LUV your last photo! Very lovely! And your quote about rainy days and housework is perfect!

  27. so lovely roses! just wanna tell you, that your blog needs very long for loading may be because the pics are full size ;)

  28. Talk about weather - we are having a blizzard and everything is closed today. Your roses are incredible and hard for me to imagine such a thing! How lovely these photos are next to the teacup! Thanks for linking to Friends Sharing Tea!

  29. fabulous photographs ... and a very true quote, except in my case it's snow!

  30. Cute quote, charming cup. I hope you have the chance to try baked oatmeal sometime soon! :)

  31. Each photo is more stunning than the previous photo. Just lovely! But I really like the last one with the roses nesting around the cup. Nice!

  32. Oh, Snap, do you manage to have such gorgeous roses so early in the year. I know you live in Texas, but even so...
    We've had a lot of rain in Portugal this winter, but the sunny Spring days are already blessing us here!
    Have a great week!

  33. Your pretty roses are a perfect fit with your tea set. Lovely quote at the end.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  34. Beautiful images and I do love that quote. My house is in need of another rainy day.

  35. What a perfect combination, roses + good books (I'm a coffee person, but would love to love tea ;)... very pretty photos!

  36. I love roses and tea as well. You speak truth with how they feed the soul. I don't have any luck with growing roses, though. I am not much of a green thumb :(

  37. Lovely roses and lovely tea cup. Somehow we can never go wrong with roses and tea. :)

  38. Your roses look heavenly surrounding that tea cup!

    - The Tablescaper

  39. I love that quote. If the weather forecasts holds, that's what I may be doing tomorrow -- housework!

  40. I love the roses with the books. Great subject matter and beautiful photos!

  41. I completely agree with the quote about God making rainy days so gardeners can get the housework done. I get frustrated when my rainy days are committed to being away from home when I love nothing more than a cozy day inside cleaning, puttering, and getting some crafting done.

    The roses are beautiful. Our roses don't even have buds on them yet...too cold and rainy.

    The teacup is very nice. It is pretty, yet sturdy looking, and also looks like it fits well in the hand.

  42. I don't even drink tea but I want to come to your tea party! Wonderful roses, beautifully arranged.

  43. Beautiful roses! Up here, my roses are putting on new leaves, but not even buds, yet. Love your photos!

  44. I love the way you put them together! So inviting and warming to see!

  45. Gorgeous Snap! I tell myself every year I'm going to plant some :)

  46. You have roses blooming already, I have garden envy we are still weeks away from that happening in Michigan. Have a great weekend, Laura


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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