Friday, April 26, 2013

Random Things

It's Random 5 Friday.
This and That time!

Can I hear a big YEEHAW?!!!

Looks like Spring has finally sprung.

More tulips for you.
This is a postcard of tulips at Tulip Town, Mount Vernon, Washington.


The photo for this postcard was taken by Jon Gnass and was published in
Tulips of the Northwest: A Postcard Book.

Many thanks to the lovely Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.



Several of you have asked about the EARTH PRAYERS book that has
been showing up in my photos.
I've had this little gem for over 20 years (copyright date of 1991 and its first printing).
It was edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon.
It contains 365 prayers, poems, and invocations for honoring the earth from authors like:
Walt Whitman, T.S. Eliot, Margaret Atwood, Robert Frost, Annie Besant, May Sarton,
Dylan Thomas, Starhawk, D.H. Lawrence, Thich Nhat Hanh, Black Elk --
you get the idea!
It is divided into sections: Ecology, a Sacred Place, Passion of the Earth, Healing the Whole,
The Elements, Blessing and Invocations, Praise and Thanksgiving, Benediction for the Animals,
Cycles of Life, The Daily Round, Meditations. 

There is a calendar at the back of the book with suggested readings.
Did you know that today is the birthday of John James Audubon?

"It is neither spring nor summer: it is Always,
With towhees, finches, chickadees, California
quail, wood doves.
With wrens, sparrows, juncos, cedar waxwings, 
With Baltimore orioles, Michigan bobolinks,
And those birds forever dead,
The Passenger pigeon, the great auk, the
Carolina paraquet,
All birds remembered, O never forgotten!
All in my yard, of a perpetual Sunday,
All morning! All morning!"
~Theodore Roethke


Speaking of books -- do you like cookbooks?
Do you have a favorite?
I've been going through all my cookbooks.
Making a stack of those that I love and can't part with -- yet -- and all the others.
by Grace Young is one of my favorites.
Lovely photos, great recipes and wonderful family stories.
I also have
by Grace Young.
Another winner!


Looks like our nice cool spring is over.
It is heating up and the humidity is rising. 
It can't be perfect all the time!


Horticulture tour at the zoo tomorrow!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. That tulip postcard with the wagon wheel is so unique from the tulip postcards that I usually see.

  2. I feel like waxing poetic about the birds coming our way right now. It has been a long wait!

  3. The world needs lights and prayers.
    I'm enchanted by so beautiful postcard, the tulips are adorable, I love this flower!Cezar and I are planing going to Holland to see the Tulip's fields.
    About cookbooks,I'm going to buy 15 Minute Meals (Jamie Oliver)and as I love Chinese food ,thanks for your hint! I will check this book as well!
    hugs and happy weekend,
    Luna is sending purrs and love


  4. Earth Prayers sounds like a soul enriching book! Must look it out and see if I can find one.

    As for that postcard...I agree with Maria unique as far as tulip postcards go.

    Happy weekend Snap! xo

  5. I love how the vase of flowers looks on the small stack of books. The titles of the books make the photo so intriguing!

    Thank you for telling us about Earth Prayers. It sounds like my kind of book! And thank you for sharing Roethke's poem. He's so gifted, and that's a lovely example.

  6. I'll be having a good poke around the used book stores in this town today - two are right around the corner from my hotel. I love a recommendation and will take this one from you seriously. It has been a while since I've had a book of daily reading that I truly enjoyed.

  7. Your tulip postcard is beautiful. I love cookbooks, but keep going back to a few of them Ellie Kreiger's are among my favorites. Have a nice weekend!

  8. the tulips are just thinking about popping up. that is a nice depiction of the tulips and wagon wheel.

  9. True can't be perfect all the time. I don't have a favorite cookbook, though my Mennonite Girls Can Cook would have to be high on my list and anything by Leslie Land.

  10. I love the tulip postcard...tulips always make me think of my mom.

    And I have that book of prayers, too. I've had it for a long time and like pulling it out every now and then.

  11. I love the tulip post card. We live only about 20 miles from there - and have been down to see the tulip fields three times this year. Your photos are wonderful.

    I just ordered a copy of earth prayers - and life prayers - thanks for mentioning it.

  12. I have the Earth Prayers book, and adore it! :)

    Those tulips are marvelous. Especially in those colors!

    I'm glad Soring has arrived for you. Have an excellent weekend.

  13. An eclectic collection of facts today! Love the wagon wheel photo with the tulips. Lovely!

    Thanks for joining in this week! xo

  14. The older I get the more I love tulips. They are so cheerful. The colors are varied and vivid. They are friendly, too. I once had just one tulip growing next to the front porch--this Spring there are FIVE!

    lol Wonderful postcards! Happy PFF!

  15. Pretty flowers. I like my taste of home cookbook.

  16. I haven't come across that postcard book, Tulips of the Northwest. I wish I had if this card is an example - it's absolutely beautiful.

  17. Lovely photos! I know I have a copy of the "Earth Prayers" book ... need to find it again. I have a lot of cookbooks, too. One of my favorites is a old well-thumbed paperback called, "The Low Cholesterol Olive Oil Cookbook," that I got twenty years ago on a special offer from the Filippo Berio Olive Oil makers. Simple tasty recipes with fresh ingredients prepared with olive oil. Thanks for sharing on R5F today ... :) Pat

  18. cook books? I used to have a crazy collection . . but, I traveled so much - they found other homes.

    So, when i want to do something fun (although i haven't time or tools for cooking at the moment) - i go to the library and look up something fabulously fun . . . invite friends over - and we "give it a go."
    love & love,

  19. Beautiful pictures! That book sounds truly wonderful!

  20. Those tulips are scrumptious! So happy spring has found you. It's popping out all over here and I love it! Fun random-ness today, Snap!

  21. Have fun on the horticulture tour and take lots of photos!

  22. Great tulips.....haven't seen earth prayers for quite some time but I know the book. Cookbooks, has to be the original Silver Palette Cookbook from the late 1970''s my go to for a bunch of recipes and then of course my grandmother's cookbook from the 1930's - best banana bread recipe ever....xox

  23. Cookbooks? Oh dear, I do love them. Have fun on your horticulture tour!

  24. Snap,
    The tulip and wheel picture is beautiful!

    I like reading cookbooks and recipes. I like trying new recipes as well.

    Have a great time at the zoo tomorrow. Take lots of pictures.

  25. beautiful photos and you get a huge youpi to Springs arrival from me!

  26. Your tulip and wagon wheel post-card would make a beautiful print for the wall. Love it. Deb

  27. i did plant tulip bulbs last year and the greens are all up, but no hint of blooms yet.

    Cook books, i have quite a few but my favourite changes from month to month.

  28. First:
    Okay you Can Hear a YEEHAW!!! about spring from me, sure

    Cookbooks : I love memoir cookbooks so I'll mention one : Country Kitchens Remembered by Marilyn Kluger

    I love the cookbooks that are more stories than recipes...though they have some recipes included. This is that sort of book :)

  29. Love your random 5 things Snap! Flowers, books and cookbooks especially all add a spring to my step :)

  30. I think I would very much like that book!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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