Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hoppy Spring!

I went to the Spring Fling at the zoo.
Lovely breakfast buffet, a mimosa or two, and cookies!

This morning I decided to make a pot of tea and eat one of those cookies.

Easter Tea

The Happiness is a Bunny Rabbit mug is by Emma Bridgewater.
The teapot is hand built porcelain and painted by New Mexico artists -- a husband and wife team.
I've had it for over 30 years.
One of my real treasures.
The cookies are on a bunny plate from Pier One.

I couldn't resist the zebra and the monkey cookies.
There were butterflies and tulips on other cookies,
but I was at the zoo and just had to have the zoo animals.
 Cookies By Design made the cookies.

Easter Tea/Hoppy Spring!

Happy Easter! Some bunny loves you.

And remember --

“Easter is the only time of the year when it's perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”

Thank you to our tea party hosts:

Wishing YOU well, much joy, a delightful cup of tea and a happy and blessed Easter.


  1. ... put all your eggs in one basket. Love it. Happy Easter to you as well.

  2. I love anything with bunnies on it! And those cookies are so cute -- almost too cute to eat. Almost.

  3. Good for you! Are you sure that you could eat only one? I'm wondering which one you might choose to eat first. Those are pretty amazing cookies and your tea pot is darling. As you say, a real treasure.

  4. I gather you have a wonderful collection of bunnies, Snap. The teapot is charming. As for the cookies, I wonder if you stopped at only one with your tea. :)

  5. What a pretty scene.
    If I ever get back to the UK I'm going to find an Emma Bridgewater mug that calls me every morning.

  6. Those cookies are cute cute cute!

  7. Snap, everything about your post makes me smile. And - I would have chosen those delightful cookies, too.

  8. hmm delicious tea time! :)
    Wonderful pictures!

  9. What ADORABLE cookies!! Love your treasured teapot, what a treat to use with your mug :)

  10. Your tea set and those tea cookies are fantastic! I am so happy to meet you! I will be back --- what a nice blog you have!

    LaTeaDah from Gracious Hospitality

  11. I like the bunny teapot and mug Snap, and the cookies are so cute. Did you bite the heads off first? We go through this when eating animal crackers with the grands.

  12. Snap, your cookies are really cute and the teapot is a treasure for sure. A happy tea post and I enjoyed your quote at the end too. Thanks for sharing and coming to tea.

    Easter blessings,

  13. Awww I love that beautiful teapot, Snap, and your pretty bunny mug! The cookies look sooo good and I wish I could share some with you with a cup of tea. The bunny plate is adorable.

  14. What a sweet Easter tea with all the bunnies! Love your cute teapot and mug! Your cookies look too good to eat! Have a great week!

  15. Adorable bunny teapot! Your Bridgewater bunny mug is the perfect addition to the teapot. I love your zoo animal cookies. It is hard for me to eat the decorated cookies for they are almost to pretty to eat but I do. Have a wonderful Easter!


  16. TheThe cookies are so cute but what I like most is that teapot -- I covet that -- what a sweet teapot! And so original!

  17. Well that is certainly one happy table. I love how you always surround yourself with things that make you joyful. xox

  18. How lovely! I have several Emma Bridgewater mugs at home here in Vancouver and also in England. Near my village in OXON there is a pottery place where they make similar to Bridgewater mugs and I can't stop buying those either! I don't blame you one bit for your choice of cookies; I'd get the zebra and monkey over butterflies and tulips any day. Hugs :)

  19. I don't know if I could eat those cookies...I'd want to save them because they're so cute!

  20. Well, who would be able to resist those cookies? Such fun dishes all conspiring to make me smile! Love the Pier 1 dish- he can stay out all spring and summer. Happy Easter :)

  21. Hi Snap,
    What a lovely tea with cute bunny china and pretty objects.
    They brought a smile to my face, so thanks for this sweet tea in such a good mood!
    Happy Easter!

  22. Such fun Easter decor! Love the teapot! Have a wonderful week!

  23. Your china all works so well together! Love the mug. And that teapot is a wonderful work of art. SO perfect for the season! Yes! Collecting tea things can be addicting! ;0)

  24. I dearly love Emma B. I don't have the bunnies, but have a lot of the Birds mugs. Love your "Hoppy" Easter post! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  25. Hello there Snap,

    What a wonderfully whimsical tea post. Such charming, pretty tea vignettes with your tea mugs and especially along with your amazing zoo animal cookies... Too cute.

    Have a marvelous and blessed Easter dear lady.

    Cheers, hugs and blessings from Wanda Lee

  26. This post made me smile...I am still smiling. The bold bunny teapot and large bright cookies combined with your words about this being the only time you can put all your eggs in one basket, well, it just makes me happy.

    I love the teapot !

  27. Love your teapot, and that green Bunny plate too. Well actually I love everything ..... what is not to like about Easter tea? (and Emma Bridgewater). Enjoy!
    Minerva ~

  28. Hi Snap,
    I love that Emma Bridgewater mug. Fabo and that teapot is a work of art. They look perfect together. Brings a smile...
    Happy Bunny days,
    Ruthie from:

  29. Hi Snap, love your Easter vignette. The teapot is a real treasure. I love the standing bunny and the cookies are so fun. Yes, you had to buy animal cookies at the zoo. So happy to have you share at Share Your Cup!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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