Saturday, March 30, 2013

Camera Critters: Crowned Lemur

I had a lovely time at the zoo's Spring Fling despite the cloudy weather.
It didn't really rain -- it spitted. 

The primates were the featured species that morning.
I love visiting the lemurs.
They are always entertaining!

Crowned Lemur
Mrs. Lemur

"There's the crazy woman with the camera .... again."
"Quick -- turn your back."
"Maybe she'll go away."

Crowned Lemur
Mr. Lemur

The crowned lemur is found in  the dry deciduous forests of northern Madagascar. Its diet is made up mostly of flowers, fruits and leaves. It is a medium-sized lemur with a distinctive chestnut-orange crown pattern on their head. They have pseudo-opposable thumbs, binocular vision, are highly intelligent and are on the endangered threatened list. The forests in Madagascar are being destroyed by mining, farming and some lemurs are killed for food or kept as pets. 

Thank you to Misty for hosting Camera Critters for 5 years!

Camera Critters

Wishing YOU well and much joy!
Happy Easter!


  1. How cute, I love the first shot. They have cute eyes and faces! Have a happy Easter and a great weekend!

  2. What a great shot of the lemur looking right into the camera! Such an expression! You did well capturing these photos.

  3. how you did this with the "Mrs." and the "Mr." -- and we can't forget the "crazy lady with the camera"!!

    Check out those eyes...having those stare at you for a little while would be a little unnerving!! I'd confess to everything!!! :)

  4. This couple is so cute, they always seem so curious - maybe that's their eye expression but I want to snuggle one. Enjoy Easter. xox

  5. Beautiful creatures. Lemurs' eyes always seem so expressive.

  6. I love those big round eyes. Beautiful captures.

  7. The lemur's face is distinctive - it has such an inquisitive look.

  8. Glad you enjoyed your trip. I use to love a commercial our local Lion Safari had, when all the animals would rush around saying "the people are coming, the people are coming" Have a Happy Easter.

  9. How fun. I love zoos. And your photos are really adorable.

  10. Looks like you had fun. It's always cool to watch lemurs.

  11. Very nice photos! I also like to visit them, they are really entertaining.

  12. Lemurs are fascinating and your camera critter shots always make me want to visit the zoo!


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