Friday, February 1, 2013

Yungang Grottoes

I have a very special Postcard Friendship Friday to share with you.
My dear friend, Vivian, is a Fulbright Scholar studying in China this year completing her PhD.
I first met Vivian at the Museum of Fine Arts where we both worked on updating and
reinstalling the Asian Galleries.
We also spent a good deal of time temple hopping in Houston.
With a large Asian population, the city has many beautiful Buddhist and Hindu temples.
When Vivian left for China she asked what I wanted (besides tea) and I said

Yungang Grottoes

Vivan was able to vist the amazing Yungang Grottoes in Datong city in the Shanxi Province.
It is a UNESCO World Heritage site with 252 caves and 51,000 statues that
represent the outstanding achievement of Buddhist cave art in China in the 5th and 6th centuries.

For a student of Art History, Buddhism and Archaeology -- what a wondrous place!

Yungang Grottoes

Vivian sent these to me in early December and they are just arriving.
Talk about the slow boat FROM China!

Yungang Grottoes

The Buddhist tradition of religious cave art achieved its first major impact at Yungang, 
where it developed its own distinct character and artistic power. The Yungang cave art represents the successful fusion of Buddhist religious symbolic art from south and central Asia with Chinese cultural traditions, starting in the 5th century AD under imperial auspices. At the same time it vividly illustrates the power and endurance of Buddhist belief in China. As Buddhism spread over Asia, it was able
to successfully assimilate with the local traditions and Yungang is a good example.

You can read more about the Yungang Grottoes here.
You can find many photographs of the grottoes by "googling".

Thank you to the lovely Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.
I'm also joining Mosaic Monday.

Wishing you well and much joy!


  1. Wow, It's so nice to read about the passion of the foreigners have for Chinese culture and heritage.

    I am happy to see that the postcards arrived safely to your place and that you posted them here.


  2. Thank you for this slice of history Snap and for sharing the postcards from Vivian. I imagine the two of you are going to have some wonderful conversations over that Chinese tea when she returns to the US! Love the slow boat from China reference!! Happy weekend!! xoxo

  3. Snap, I had to chuckle about the "slow boat from China" :) Wonderful postcards!

  4. What a wonderful thing to ask for. Not only does it mean something will arrive in your mailbox, it gives you something to treasure. I'm soon going to Indochina where I expect to see a number of interesting temples.

  5. Well I'm very glad that the slow boat finally arrived. Vivian must be having an adventure of a lifetime! Glad that you're on the receiving end of that adventure, too.

  6. such a rich history depicted in those cards. very nice. Thanks for sharing them.

  7. Amazing! Thanks for sharing these wonderful postcards with us.

  8. WOW! What a wonderful gift. Thank you so much for sharing these.

    ((hugs)) Happy PFF, sweet Friend!

  9. Wonderful postcards, what a great friend.

  10. Fantastic! They are truly wonderful and I'm really rather jealous.

  11. Wowowow! Love them all. Great to have a friend like yours :D We also have so many ancient temples and amazing archaeological sites in Cambodia.

    Postcards Crossing

  12. Dear Snap, thanks for this wonderful post, with lovely lights, peaceful message and positive energies!Your compositions are adorable!
    Léia and purrs from Luna

  13. What treasures from a friend - I would love to see these antiquities.

  14. Lovely postcards, ancient temples, tea and friendship makes me smile :) Thank you!

  15. Thanks for sharing the history and the lovely postcards. The caves or grottoes really sound interesting. Wonderful post, have a happy week ahead!

  16. Requesting postcards was a good idea Snap, and I enjoyed the historical information.

  17. It is so nice to learn about other countries.

  18. Your friend has given you real nice postcards.

  19. How wonderful! I know you will treasure these. I wrote a postcard today! I love them, too and keep every one I get! Happy Monday!

  20. Oh how wonderful ~ Great photography of the beautiful post cards ~ I have fond memories of trip to China and Tibet ~

    Carol of: (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  21. It's nice to see postcards still going through the mail (those these apparently took their time crossing the ocean.) Have a good week!

  22. It is lovely that she shares the postcards with you. It must be a real treat to find them in the mailbox. Valerie

  23. These are incredible Snap - a whole different world.
    We have been lucky enough to visit China but stayed in one province it is such a vast country.
    Your friend has sent you such beautiful cards - not the usual touristy postcards at all.

  24. What a sweet friend! The religious caves are fantastic. I am planning a trip to China in October and really looking forward to it!

  25. Lovely pictures!
    Thank you for sharing) Hanne Bente

  26. How fascinating to have met your friend in such an interesting way and now to be on the receiving end of her interesting trip to China to learn about the Yungang Grottoes.

    PS: I love your new header, Snap!

  27. Postcards from afar are such a joy to receive, even if they take months to arrive. What a fascinating time Vivian must be having.

  28. What a great experience for your friend. She's certainly sending you some lovely postcards.

  29. Wow, these are great postcards, Snap! Such an ancient culture, and I'm sure there's so much to learn. This would certainly be the experience of a lifetime! I like the stamps on the postcards, as well as the images themselves.

    Thanks for visiting me from Mosaic Monday, Snap, and I hope you have a great week!

    Denise at Forest Manor


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