Saturday, February 23, 2013


As you know, Teddy is the man of the house now.
He will be nine years old soon.


On his annual exam earlier this month the vet found a heart murmur.
Further testing shows that Teddy has HCM - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


HCM causes the heart muscle to thicken making moving the blood more difficult.
It is the most common heart disease found in cats - especially in middle aged male cats -
just like Teddy.


There is no cure for HCM.
It can be treated - in Teddy's case with a beta blocker.
Hopefully, Teddy will be with me and the girls several more years.

He will be checked by his vet every 3 months.


He Came
He Purred
He Conquered all the hearts in this house.

Let this be a reminder.
Be sure you take your pet to the vet annually,
and, as they get older consider visits every 6 months.

Teddy and I wish YOU well and much joy!

Camera Critters


  1. What a handsome boy! Those green eyes... We were thinking a little alike today. My kitty is ten this year. Good reminder about vet visits.

  2. Poor Teddy, I am glad the condition can be treated with medicine. Cute shots!

  3. Teddy is a very handsome boy and looks like he could be a distant cousin of Romeo!

    Yes they certainly DO conquer our hearts.

    I wish him many more happy years doing so - hope they can correct this somewhat with the beta blockers, he's way too loved to leave anytime soon.


  4. He's gorgeous, Snap. I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and hope that he fools us all and lives to be in his 20's. Deb

  5. Glorious image series of an incredibly beautiful cat. Wish you a good weekend :) Hanne Bente

  6. He is gorgeous, heart issues and all. Keep him well.

  7. Poor Teddy! Middle age catches up to us all, doesn't it? But your person will take good care of you, handsome boy, and you will continue in your duties as man of the house for many years to come, I hope.

  8. Teddy is very handsome. I hope he many more years ahead of him.

  9. I lost my Nicky to this disease, which still leaves a hole in my own heart. Take care of Teddy (I know you will) and give him hugs from Nicky and me.

  10. Teddy is such a handsome guy and he's just about the same age as our Harley and LuLu. With your good care I'm sure he will continue with his man of the house duties for a long time.

  11. Teddy is a handsome boy. My puss had lymphoma, so vet visits became very regular. Sam surprised the vet with his stamina for longer than she expected; perhaps Teddy will do the same!

  12. He's so handsome... our kitty Nef, who died recently of kidney failure had the slowest heartbeat our vet had ever heard.. she was on medication for that. She lived a very long time.

  13. You never know what the vet will find. We take our cats every 6 months too. Teddy is a handsome dude! Hope he has many more years with you!

  14. Such a handsome fellow! The photos are beautiful. Hoping for a long healthy life even with his heart murmur.

  15. What a handsome boy Teddy is!

  16. What a face, he's not going anywhere! With all that love and admiration he plans on basking in the attention as long as he can and who would blame him. xox

  17. So sorry to hear about Teddy. Hopefully the medication will help him.

  18. Snap~ What a beautiful face & kitty! I hope his medication works to keep around a long time!

  19. Teddy is a charming critter!
    God bless you!

  20. What a beauty he is, and such heartbreaking news. Enjoy him as long as you can, he is gorgeous.
    Very pretty knitting he is sitting on! I guess you pamper and spoil him to bits!
    Love from Holland,

  21. He's very handsome! I hope he stays with you for many more years.

  22. Teddy is such a handsome cat! I hope he will do well on his meds. I have to find a local vet for my cat, Bo. He is 13 + and I've noticed he is drinking more water than usual..I wonder if he has diabetes? Time to get him tested!

  23. Teddy is lovely!! I do hope that he will receive the treatment well.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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