Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy New Year!

This is what greeted me in my email this morning.

Happy Losar!

A joyous year of the female water snake to you and yours.

In this, the 2140th year on the Tibetan calendar, may all the world, and every one of us in it, come to know peace and walk with kindness so that those born will be welcome, those passing will be at ease, and harmony reins in all our inner and outer realms.


A time to reflect, to start again.

There is no better place to celebrate the Lunar New Year than at the Japanese Garden 
in the early morning.

Tea House

Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden

Mosaic Japanese Garden

Thank you to the hosts of Sunlit Sunday and Mosaic Monday.

Wishing you well and much joy in the Female Water Snake Year of 2140!


  1. What a beautiful garden and what nice wishes for a Tibetan new year.

  2. Lunar New Year blessings to you! That second shot is particularly wonderful!

  3. Happy Losar. What wonderful sentiments for the new year.

  4. It seems that Tibetan New Year is close to the Chinese New Year which if my memory is right is also in February. Nice to see some greenery, we got more snow last night but it covered everything again and just a patch or two of my grass was showing - not any more!

  5. Wishing you much joy this year, too!

  6. Oh, these photographs are lovely. I almost forgot all about Chinese New Year with the Blizzard and all. Thank you for reminding me. Chinese New Year always brings back such lovely memories.

    Happy Chinese New Year, and Happy Sunday.


  7. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Greetings on the female water snake year to you! Your photos are wonderful and so colourful. Take care. Chel

  9. I could find solitude in this garden, it's so beautiful.
    Happy Losar Snap.

  10. Good Morning, Snap

    The sense of peace and tranquility in your photos in almost palpable. It's interesting how some images just make you breathe more slowly and deeply.

    Thank you for sharing these serene garden photos at "Sunlit Sunday".


  11. I heard about this earlier today on the radio. Your garden is a very beatuiful one. :)

    Why not share it on NF Water meme?
    You find it at

  12. I never tire of views of this marvelous garden. I could sit there for hours and just drink it in. xox

  13. Thank you for the beautiful photos and the even more beautiful wishes!

  14. Oriental themed gardens like the one you've shown are such tranquil places, full of harmony.

    Happy Chinese New Year to you!

  15. Happy Chinese New Year to you! The garden photos are lovely. I would like to walk around this garden. Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!

  16. A beautiful garden!

  17. Happy New Year!! The garden is so peaceful, thank you for sharing.

  18. How beautiful! I'm wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year, too! I don't think I've ever wished that to my life! heehee! But it feels good!

  19. Thanks for sharing your great photos! Wishing you a much happiness in the new year also.
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment. Have a great week.

  20. I see why you must love to walk in this garden - so peaceful. It must be a good place for walking, praying, thinking.

  21. It's so green! I loved visiting it when I was there.

  22. what a beautiful garden! thanx for your sunshine ;)

  23. Beautiful photos & mosaic Snap! Happy Losar to you :)

  24. Very pretty images, but the first image, I only can see a tiny red x, just in case you did not already know~

  25. The Japanese garden is just beautiful, Snap! I enjoyed seeing it.

  26. Oh wow, Japanese gardens so beautiful. Great shots

  27. Happy Losar! I love the early morning light in the Japanese garden!

  28. I feel calm and peaceful after seeing your Japanese images.
    A beautiful garden.

  29. What a beautiful garden! That does look like the perfect location to celebrate the new year.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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