Monday, February 25, 2013

Comfort Food

If I asked you to list your favorite comfort foods, what would they be?

Macaroni and cheese
Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup
Scrambled eggs
Ice Cream

For me I'd have to add scalloped tomatoes to the list.

Scalloped Tomatoes

For my Granny and my Mother, scalloped tomatoes were their go to vegetable.
Quick and easy.

There are lots of recipes for scalloped tomatoes (Google and see) and
the recipes are basically all alike.

I cheated when I made this one.
I used a 28 oz can of diced tomatoes with basil, garlic, and oregano.
I sauteed some onion and celery, added the tomatoes and mixed well.
Dumped everything into a baking dish.
Added about 1/4 cup of bread crumbs to the tomatoes -- mixing well.
Then sprinkled a little more bread crumbs on top with some grated parmesan cheese.
Baked at 350 for around 30 minutes --
Bubbling and the cheese was melting.

Perfect as a side dish for On The Menu Monday and Meatless Monday.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. I think I'd add ice cream to this list!

  2. I do love tomatoes! This looks delicious, a great idea for these winter days!

  3. Oh I've never had this, can't imagine why not, it sounds delicious. All of your above and clam chowder....and lobster. Gotta have "lobsta" in New England". xox

  4. This sounds wonderul, Snap! I know I'd love your version of scalloped tomatoes and love that you have memories of your Mom and Grandma making it.

  5. I'm a grilled cheese sandwich girl, myself.

  6. My list would include ice cream and mashed potatoes...not together though!!

    I don't think I've ever had scalloped tomatoes but they sound delicious so I'll add them to my list of things to try. Thanks, Snap!!

  7. Wow! I had totally forgotten about this recipe. Way back in the dark ages I remember my mom used to make this for lunch -- using home-canned tomatoes I'm sure. I never cooked it for our kids and now I feel sorry about that.

  8. I hit send to soon -- meant to add that I thank you for the memories. Fun post!! And I did (and do) make all those other comfort foods you list. Would add tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches.

  9. Egg Nog Pie heals all wounds no matter what, and that's a fact. That and fried rice with pork and shrimp.

  10. PS that tomato scallop looks really good too.

  11. Ahhh...this reminds me of a recipe that we enjoyed one winter when my grandmother was with us and begged most especially for scalloped tomatoes. They were good. I must do that again! Yours sound especially tasty, too.

  12. I've never had scalloped tomatoes, Snap! I wonder if that is a regional dish? It sounds good! I posted one of our favorite Italian style comfort foods, but I know it won't be familiar to many.

    I also love tomato soup and a grilled American cheese sandwich ...that brings me back to childhood ;(

  13. I do love macaroni cheese but as a celiac I cannot have gluten so although there are alternative pasta products it is never quite the same. Porridge is another favourite with runny honey drizzled. Your recipe looks tempting too! Minerva ~

  14. My comfort food is poached egg in milk over toast with the egg center still a bit runny.

  15. I've never heard of scalloped tomatoes before. Sounds tasty! Can't go wrong with tomatoes, breadcrumbs and cheese, as far as I'm concerned!

  16. Your note cards are gorgeous, as is dear Teddy! What a handsome fellow!
    Your advice about pets is spot on.
    The mystery rose is glorious.
    And today's side dish looks yummy!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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