Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday Wisdom

Lotus Blossom

"Nothing is permanent:
The sun and the moon rise and then set,
The bright, clear day is followed by the deep, dark night.
From hour to hour, everything changes."
~Kalu Rinpoche


  1. It is an ever changing world and we change with it, hopefully for the better.

  2. love this quote and the flower is just adorable!

  3. That's so awesome, and truly words of wisdom. We humans are such creatures of habit, and could learn to sway a bit without breaking, allow changes and not be too "stuck" in our own habits and ways of thinking.

    Have a wonderful day.

  4. That bloom may not be permanent, but it's all the more reason to enjoy it while it's here.

  5. Good Evening Snap, That is why we must remember to live life in the moment. Best Wishes Daphne

  6. Wisdom, indeed, and a wonderful thought for the new year.

  7. What a fabulous photo and thoughtful words. xox

  8. Such a beautiful photograph and the words are lovely.

    Your photograph reminds me of the ponds in Hong Kong with blossoms in beautiful ponds. They would even feel bouquets of these on the streets.

    Have a beautiful day.

  9. What a stunning picture. This just fills my eyes.

  10. What a gorgeous shade of pink on that beautiful lotus.

  11. Beautiful bloom Snap! I like all my wisdom accompanied with a little flower :)

  12. Such beautiful, poignant words. And that photo - oh my....


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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