Sunday, January 6, 2013

Let The Light Shine

It's winter and many are waiting for the light to return.
Karen at My Little Home and Garden has started her Sun Lit Sunday Party again.
Please join us as we share the light: sun light, smiles, JOY!

Let The Light Shine

One of my favorite places:
The Japanese Garden in Hermann Park.
A wonderful place to walk.
A wonderful place to sit and dream.
A wonderful place to just BE.

Wishing YOU well and much joy.


  1. Looks like a beautiful place!

  2. That looks like a lovely place to visit and perhaps sit for a while.

  3. Japanese gardens do have something special!
    God bless you!

  4. What a pretty spot, lovely image! Happy Sunday!

  5. Lovely light! How wonderful to celebrate it as we await the brightening!
    Happy Sunday, Snap!

  6. Beautiful - I'd be wandering there with my thermos mug to sit in the sun and contemplate the day.

  7. Wish I could join you there Snap for quiet conversation and contemplation.

  8. Beautiful photo--showing off the light, Snap... Love it.

    Hope 2013 is a blessed year for you.

  9. I SO needed that dose of sunshine today Snap!! xoxo

  10. Oh that looks like a wonderful place to be. I'm going to try to remember it when I need to think "warm."

  11. Hi, Snap

    That spot does look so inviting. I can imagine sitting there, thinking about life, breathing in the fresh air, and just re-balancing. I love the round window.

    I'm so glad you've joined in with "Sunlit Sunday" once again. Thank you.


  12. Yes, that looks like a wonder place to walk, sit, dream or just BE. I would love a place like that right now. It's so cold here.
    Thanks for stopping by and your nice comment.

  13. I would love to be there this afternoon if it looks like that. :) A nice place to sit and talk.

  14. It reminds me of a little tea house in Descanso Gardens where I used to spend time just thinking.

    It's sunny and bright here today but a bit chilly.

  15. Looks like a wonderfully peaceful place to sit and enjoy a cool drink.

  16. Good Evening Snap, What a beautiful place to visit, to sit and rest a while. Just lovely. Best Wishes Daphne

  17. I joined the Sun Lit party too. Love your photo.

  18. What a place, a nice long sit and listen to the birds is in order for this place. xox

  19. Yes I like this place too. It was a bit cloudy the day I visited though.

  20. Really beautiful capture. Its as if the sun is shining spotlight just on that one spot. I can see why you love the place. Thanks for sharing.

  21. What a beautiful place... Thanks for stopping and commenting on my page.

  22. Your place is perfect. Both sun and shade. :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.