Saturday, January 12, 2013

Camera Critters: Mina

Doesn't Mina look sweet and innocent?!!! 
She likes her *house*.
It's a good place to hide and wait for her brother and sister to pass by.
Then -- watch the fur fly!!!!!


Thank you to Misty for hosting Camera Critters.

Camera Critters

Wishing you well and much joy!


  1. What a beautiful photo. The colours and textures are wonderful. "Hi Mina"

  2. She does indeed look so sweet.

    They love their little houses, don't they?

    My hubs build a large wooden box to "house" Romeo's litter box.....unfortunately Romeo uses THAT as his hang-out box when we have loud company or whenever the vacuum is running, which is often because he is a hairy bestie boy!

    I need to get him a regular "house" because hanging out in one's crapper, so to speak, is just plain icky. Poor neglected kitty cat!

    Your sweet girl is adorable. Romeo sez meow meow!

  3. Mina is a cutie, cute shot. I can just she her flying out of her house. Have a great weekend!

  4. She could easily be in a Cat food commercial. Gorgeous. I think I might be a cat person. Even with all that hair I have to clean up daily.

  5. Excellent photography ~ She is adorable peeking from the house ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor ~ Carol L McKenna)

  6. Mina is a lovely girl and name so in love with your header

  7. Just as Deb said, I love the color and textures in this shot and of course the beautiful kitty!

  8. I miss my older cat; she passed away in the first week of January but I do have Abby and she is my constant companion now that we are both alone.

  9. Beautiful picture showing a cute cat.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog ..... "little family" is great crested grebes.
    Wish you a good weekend :) Hanne Bente

  10. What a cutie...Queen of all she surveys.

  11. Mina is a doll, she has such a charming look like, the way she is curious about your camera...she is ADORABLE!
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and hugs from mom Léia

  12. Mina looks so sweet and innocent peeking out from her hiding spot. I have a similar picture of LuLu and it's one of my favorites.

  13. Every creature needs a little hidey-hole like that one. Maybe it's a bedroom or a studio or maybe it's just a corner of the couch, but we all need to sit back and watch the parade from a safe place once in a while. What a sweet photo this is.

  14. So cute, and a nice house indeed. Cozy I bet. xox

  15. A gorgeous capture - how I adore cats!

  16. I see that look in Mina's eyes - a stalker in wait!

  17. She looks perfectly innocent in this photo! :)

  18. Awwwww...I have three cats so you know I am a sucker for a cat photo!

    She's so cute and very lovely! I want t give her a big hug!!

    I hope you have a great week!

  19. oh love the sweet kitty great pic

  20. What a beautiful girl she is!

  21. Very lovely cat :)

  22. Nothing like a good sneak attack. She is adorable!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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