Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blooming In Musashi's Garden

Early last week it was rainy, dark, dreary and finally the sun appeared
bringing the first morning that the city saw a freeze.
I dashed out the door in the early morning to feed the birds
and caught the sun spotlighting the Bill Warriner roses.

Rose Collage

I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. 
 ~Emma Goldman

Amaryllis Collage

Inside the house, the sun was shining on the Minerva Amaryllis.

Flowers Mosaic

When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other.  ~Chinese Proverb

Flowers Collage

People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.  ~Iris Murdoch, A Fairly Honourable Defeat

I'm joining Sunlit Sunday and Mosaic Monday.
A big thank you to our hosts.

Wishing you well and much joy!


  1. I can smell those roses - absolutely gorgeous!

  2. I feel the same way.
    Time for another bouquet of tulips to help banish the winter blahs.

  3. Beautiful photos and I like the quotes. You are so lucky to have roses blooming. It is so very cold here.

  4. That rose is gorgeous! The amaryllis isn't bad either.

  5. On this day you were blessed! Roses in winter? I can't even imagine.

  6. What beautiful flowers! Everything here is all dead and brown.

  7. I love the bright spots of color in this post. The flowers are beautiful and I also enjoyed the quotes.

  8. It warms my heart to see these blooms...that you have beauty in your garden in January....bliss!

  9. Your pictures are magnificent so clear and beautiful, the detail is stunning, loved all the pictures, your flowers are so lovely...

  10. Great quotations -- and from such disparate sources!

  11. Oh beautiful to have roses in January! And such soft peach pink ones, too. The amaryllis is making quite a show.

  12. What a beauty rose, love that color, xox

  13. Hello dear Snap,
    Thanks for these lovely images! They are bringing colors and lights to our day here!
    Have a nice Sunday,hugs...
    Luna is sending purrs and lights!

  14. Oh flowers are so fabulous! Don't they just make you feel so happy??

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  15. You captured the sun on the flowers beautifully.

  16. I love how the sun is highlighting both the roses and the amaryllis. I can almost smell the former and love the gorgeous blast of colour with the latter! Beats a cup of coffee in the morning; thanks for your participation in Sunlit Sunday, Snap!

  17. These really are the most beautiful blooms. I never think about buying cut's a good thing we have some that bloom year round! Happy Sunday!

  18. B e a u t i f u l flowers! The Bill Warriner rose is beautiful and the light cast on it was perfectly captured! The Minerva Amaryllis is a beautiful color! Good photography!

  19. So pretty to see so many flowers.

  20. Gorgeous photos and I LOVE the quotes. What a wonderful journey this post was!

  21. you still have flowers? Gorgeous ones. :)

  22. Oh my gosh, your photographs are beautiful! Thank you for sharing your lovely flowers.

  23. Pretty kisses of sunshine on these flowers!

  24. Such lovely and colorful flowers!

  25. Beautiful flowers. The Amaryllis is stunning. Love the colour of it. Pamela

  26. Hello Snap
    Flowers do brighten a dreary day and lift the spirits. Thanks for sharing your flowers.

  27. Oh my to open up your post and feel joy just looking at your beautiful photos! Great quotes, I love all of them.
    Beautfiul post!
    Happy Day Blessings.......

    The French Hutch

  28. So nice that you still have roses in your garden! Beautiful photographs!!!
    Happy Monday...

  29. Wow! magnificent macros ~ well done ~ so beautiful!

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  30. I am missing green outside ! Luckily I have a bounty of indoor plants. My African violets and my Crown of Thrones are full of blooms. Delightful color here, Snap ! Happy Monday !

  31. Beautiful photography. I'm partial to the rose and its shade of pink. Gorgeous!

  32. Those are some of the most beautiful roses ever! Each one is lovely and in the mosaic combination even more so. Wonderful. And the comment above is right -- I can almost smell the heavenly rose perfume.

  33. Those are absolutely stunnning flowers...I miss mine even more after seeing your beauties!

  34. Amen to the diamonds around my neck quote Snap! Don't those blooms just boost your spirits?! I need a Trader Joe's fix and a bouquet or two :)

  35. I don't know the person who said it, but I love that quote: I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. ~ Emma Goldman

    And that Bill Warriner rose is my idea of floral perfection. Wish I had one!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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