Saturday, December 1, 2012

Zoo Lights

Holiday celebrations in Houston just got a little wilder
with the start of a new tradition at the Houston zoo.
Lions, Tigers and Lights -- OH MY!!

Zoo Lights

Lights depicting many of the zoos animals are located near their habitats.

Zoo Lights

Thousands of twinkling lights, lighted animal sculptures, holiday projections, carolers,
Christmas music throughout the zoo.

Zoo Lights

You can work up an appetite strolling through the zoo.
There's hot chocolate, funnel cakes, cinnamon rolls, gingerbread men,
pizza, sandwiches -- all those good holiday treats that make your mouth water!

I plan on going back several more times.
It was just too much fun!

Thank you to our hosts:

Wishing YOU well and much joy during this holiday season!


  1. That looks like fun. I love Christmas lights in just about any form.

  2. Beautiful lights! The Denver Zoo does something very similar --it's fun to see!

  3. This looks like such a fun event!

  4. What a great idea. It must be quite a draw in the winter months!

  5. Fantastic display. You always find the best in everything! xox

  6. What a fun visit! Thanks for sharing your pics with us.

  7. What fun. I'll be going to a holiday party at the Botanical Gardens in the Bronx. Can't wait to see the decorations!

  8. This is really fun Snap. Our zoo in SLC does that too. I have not went to it. Think I need to go see sometime.

  9. Looks like a lot of fun. Wish I could see it in person. Thanks for sharing. Dianne

  10. I love Christmas at the zoo and haven't been in a long time, so I loved seeing your photos! Thanks for visiting the Painted Apron!

  11. The Zoo lights looks so pretty and festive. What a fun time! Great shots. Wishing you a happy week ahead.

  12. What a great idea, and the food available would have me going back a few times too. :-)

  13. I have never seen lights done up at our Zoo, what an awesome idea. Blessings, Jen.

  14. This sounds like a very fun outing - worth repeating!

  15. This would be a nice new tradition! Looks like fun! Wonder how the animals like it.

  16. I wonder if the Toronto Zoo does that. It would be wonderful to see. Valerie

  17. Wonderful pictures!!! I do love the holidays!!! Wishing you well!! Cathy

  18. Oh I'd be going back, too! It really does look like fun and I love the words PEACE JOY and LOVE.

  19. How awesome is that! I love seeing the lights but they are hard to photograph...great job! Love your banner, too!

  20. Beautiful arrangements with lights.

  21. That is so neat, Snap... Thanks for sharing that. I haven't ever known a zoo to decorate like that before. Awesome.



  22. Many a thanks to stop by to leave a comment.your posts in your blog are just wonderful.hope we have more visits in the coming days.thank you...:):):)

  23. Love the zoo lights Snap! Several trips would be on my to-do list if I was close enough to visit along with a funnel cake :)

  24. {{{{ SNAP }}}}...ALWAYS so glad to hear from you...
    Oh, boy...I bet this is a sight to see. I'd love to see it in person. I love zoos...have been to the Dallas Zoo many times but never your zoo in Houston.
    Now, I am off to search the universe to find as cute a blog header as YOURS. :))

  25. An unusual but fun zoo visit, well worth repeating.

  26. Wonderful idea to walk through a zoo of lights! Thanks for sharing!

  27. Thanks for the peek. I love Christmas lights. I used to live in Tomball.

  28. I LOVE zoos!!! And how fun this one looks, particularly for the season! I would want to go back several times as well! Great captures for the day! Thanks for sharing the fun!!

  29. Great light show!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  30. The light displays are so much fun.

  31. How wonderful !

    Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  32. I wonder what the animals though of their newly decorated home. Sounds like a fun night out. Have a good week.

  33. Awww …. your header with the snowman, children and umbrella is SO adorable. I almost couldn’t look past it to see the lit-up zoo. :)

  34. Wow! Fantastic 'light show' ~ Great photography ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  35. That is so perfect for you, I know how much you love the zoo. I was just thinking about you last night. I was doing some art on Society6 when I stumbled upon this amazing photographer who only shoots animals. I thought of you immediately and your gorgeous work.

    Well have a great night.


    P.S. I love your Christmas header.

  36. I love it. The Tulsa Zoo has a similar tradition that was very popular. We tried it with our son when he was about 3 with unanticipated results. He loves the Zoo and didn't get a flip about the lights, he wanted to see the animals and had a meltdown when he couldn't.

    ahh, Christmas memories.

  37. Such lovely and interesting pictures! Lovely header too :)

  38. Fabulous! They have a light show like this at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens, where we used to live. So much fun!


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