Friday, December 7, 2012

This and That

It's another This and That Friday!


First, another reproduction of a vintage postcard.
The illustrator was A. L. Bowley.
Adorable children and I'd love to have the elephant!

Christmas Postcard

Loving Christmas Greetings to you!

(Thank you to the lovely Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.)


I'm sharing a post with you today from Tiny Buddha.
Paula Grieco  is the author.
It got my attention and perhaps it will get yours!

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~E.E Cummings

So, in this present moment, how about you? Are you growing up to be who you truly are?
Here are easy suggestions for building the being you habit. Pick one or more if you like.

1. Express your uniqueness daily.

Create a daily practice of doing or saying something that expresses you without regard to its popularity or commonality. It can be as simple as a wardrobe choice or saying no to a social engagement that will leave you feeling drained.

2. Make time for brief moments of solitude.  

Even just a few minutes during the day can help you connect to yourself rather than being caught up in outside forces.

3. Re-connect to a childhood passion. 

Think about what you loved to do as a kid as it can be a clue to your truest expressions. Anything you want to try today?

4. Write down three things that you truly value.

Take one small action every day to express your values.

5. Go easy on the pressure.  

There’s a difference between compromising your true self and having multiple passions. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make the right choice when it comes to your callingSometimes you just have to pick something and take action.

6. Create relationships based on being you. 

Some people are more naturally inclined to care what others think. If you are one of those people, you also likely have a great propensity to be empathetic. Build upon that strength and reach out to others to get the support you need.

7. Find your mantra. 

Sometimes we end up compromising who we are because it is hard to say noWrite down on a small card your response to requests for your time or an opinion you are not prepared to give. Doesn’t have to be eloquent—“Huh, I’ll have to think about that” works.

8. Support someone else in self-expression. 

When you see someone standing out rather than fitting in, be a voice of encouragement and support.

9. Create art.  

Buy a small journal or notebook just for self-expression. It will be one of the best purchases you will ever make. Spend even one minute a day writing or drawing a picture. No directions required.

10. Remind yourself how important this is.  

Hang up a sign with the quote at the beginning of this post or another that reminds you the importance of being you.

I do enjoy being ME! 


A few fun links for you.
The first is from Poppytalk (one of my favorite blogs from Canada). 
Find free chalkboard style printable gift tags here.

We all know Mennonite Girls Can Cook. Apparently their Guys can, too.
Take a look at this breakfast bake for two here.

It is no secret that I love cats.
Lines and Colors is a blog about art -- all forms of art.
In Women and Cats, Charley Parker shares a Flickr site full of art featuring women and cats.

Over at Sidewalk Shoes, Pamela Geer shares a knit-a-long--
I won't get a chance to knit-a-long this year, but maybe in January (!!!) I can start! 

Have fun!

The temperatures have been in the 80s this week.
The air conditioner decides to run every now and then.
The weather folks say it is going to get cold next week.
I'll believe it when I feel it!

With a little help, I got a lot done in Musashi's Garden.
As much as I love my purple trumpet vines, they get carried away
and I'm getting too old to keep them under control.
So, "we" took them off the fence leaving them on the trellis.
They look pretty bare and sort of sad,
but I'll water and they'll come back.

Speaking of water,
we have moved into moderate drought again.
So sad.

What a surprise!
The first of the seed catalogs arrived today!
Let the garden planning begin.


Wishing YOU well and much joy this holiday season. 


  1. Great this and that. I will spend some time re-reading this post but I am already doing most of it for myself. It seems the more you respect what you really need, the more available you become to others.....seed catalog perusing too. xox

  2. I feel so connected to you, I always have. Oh, how I love your words. I was feeling a bit blue this morning and your words went right to my heart. I copied down that list. You have no idea how much I needed these words today.

    By being you, you have blessed my life.

    Thank you.


  3. Wonderful and insightful post! i think that at this time of year it is important to remember that it is the small everyday things which make up the bulk of our lives, and to be grateful for who we are and what we have. Happy holiday season to you + yours! Minerva x

  4. Thanks for those links! I'm off now to check them out.

  5. Well we'll be digging out of snow soon, so I'm envious of your Temp.s love your post today. Great postcard, would that children would be satisfied with just the elephant for Christmas.

  6. Great advice. Snow is predicted this weekend here. I remember the trumpet vine we had - it was orange but it was always out of control.

  7. There's so much good stuff in this post! Love the postcard...I had a stuffed elephant when I was very little.

    The advice is great. I'm going to copy it and post it where I can see it every day.

    And those links...the breakfast for two sounds delicious.

  8. Those heads of curls are just so adorable!
    I have a vague memory (or maybe of being told the story) of opening my Christmas Stocking and being so engrossed with its contents that I forgot there were other presents under the tree.

  9. The illustration in that post card is so darling, so sweet...I love it.

    And thank you for sharing that post from your friend...I'm going to print this out and use it! xo


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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