Monday, November 19, 2012

Wait! Save Some Fitz and Floyd For Me!

One of the local television consumer affairs reporters 
had a story on local thrift stores and shopping
for holiday decorations.
She visited my favorite thrift store where she found several Fitz and Floyd
holiday decorations. She talked about buying them at the thrift store and then selling them on Ebay.
If you've spent anytime around the neighborhood here at Twisty Lane
you know I LOVE Fitz and Floyd.
To buy F&N and sell it on Ebay -- a thousand times NO!

So, a friend and I went over to The Guild to see if there was any F&F left.
I had to save it from the dreaded consumer reporter.
The holiday decorations had been picked over, but there -- under a layer of stuff 
was this Santa and I grabbed him --
clutching him to my chest as I made a dash through the china!

He is from the Winter Holiday series by F&F 
and he'll be on the center of my dining room table after Thanksgiving.

Fitz and Floyd Santa Winter Holiday Series

As I was dashing through the china,
the store closing in 15 minutes announcement was made.
This lovely Royal Stafford Fuschia teacup caught my attention
and I grabbed it.
When I got home, I found out why the price was so good --
the saucer had been broken and repaired.

Royal Stafford Fuschia Teacup

That's okay.
It's a lovely cup.
Fine bone china that is very thin.
It feels wonderful in the hand.

Isn't it pretty with Stash Pomegranate Raspberry Tea?!

Look at the bubbles.
A very dear friend told me years and years ago,
that when you pour bubbles with your tea,
drinking them quickly will bring good fortune!

Royal Stafford Fuschia Teacup

With cooler weather and low humidity,
I've been walking into the Village and having breakfast.
I've been doing some unofficial tea tasting having
The Republic of Tea Pomegranate Green Tea with my meal.
I carry an extra tea bag from home -- the Stash Pomegranate Raspberry Green Tea.
They are both good.
The Stash Tea seems naturally more sweet than the Republic of Tea.

Royal Stafford Fuschia Tea

Wishing you well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea!

A big thank you to these tea party hosts:


  1. I'm another Fitz and Floyd admirer, Snap! I own quite a few of their decorative pieces. If I saw any at the thrift store I'd be sure to buy them. The tea cup is also lovely.

  2. Hello Snap,
    Your F&F Santa is really sweet! I'm glad you found one. It's sure to become a keepsake. Love your teacup too and your pomegranite/raspberry tea certainly looks inviting with its rich red colour. Thanks for coming to tea and have a beautiful day. Happy Thanksgiving!


  3. The F&F Santa you found is gorgeous - glad you rescued him to your home.
    We always say that bubbles in the tea is money - you're going to come in to some.
    Of course, if you don't, I could be wrong. LOL

  4. They are the best decorative stuff. I'm glad you found some! I LOVE the teacup, and am glad you rescued it, broken or not! I would have to. Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  5. Hi Snap,
    see - the F&F Santa was meant to you! Its a pretty piece and very decorative. And the tea cup is unbelievable pretty. Who cares about this tiny chip. The decoration is wonderful and how sweet to have Pomgranate tea from a cup with this decoration. Thank you for sharing. I hope, the tea with bubbles will not be too hot. Enjoy!
    Best greetings, Johanna

  6. I never seem to find anything god at the thrift store!

  7. Good for you for grabbing that darling Santa AND the pretty teacup. Hmmmm that Stash tea sounds like something I'd enjoy. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I am a fan of F&F. When I worked at hubby's ceramic factory, we received catalogs for dishes and things from F&F and dishes from the UK.. and I always just drooled over it. There is none we can find here. Your Santa figurine is beautiful and so is the tea set. I love bone china you can see through and it's paper thin..I have antique Chinese tea sets and German in bone china, which I treasure. Thank you for your kind and sweet visit..but, close up I don't look at all like my daughters, lol!!! I'm 60! Wisdhing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. Hi Snap, How nice to walk to the village for breakfast and do tea tastings! Your Stash tea has such lovely color. Your Santa is adorable and so is your pretty teacup.

  10. I always like looking at Fitz and Floyd creations in the store, but have only owned one piece -- a ritz cracker holder that was shaped like a long black limo. I bought it on sale a gazillion years ago, but alas I know not where it is now. I know I didn't put it on eBay though!

  11. Great finds, amazing what ends up at the thrifts....enjoy Thanksgiving. Glad the weather is so nice for you. xox

  12. Snap~ I share your love for F&F! What a wonderful piece to come by! Lovely tea cup despite the repair...I need to drink some bubbles :)Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. I love Fitz and Floyd and you were lucky to find that sweet Santa. Have a great week.

  14. Wow what a fabulous find!! We never find such treasures around here!

    Jocelyn @

  15. So happy you were able to find some F and F for yourself! In a way her report helped you! Happy Tea Day and Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. Thing that have been broken and lovingly repaired are extra special when it comes to the Japanese tea aesthetic. In fact, October is the month to use them! They're considered extra wabi. Glad you rescued Santa!

  17. Oh, yes! Run to the register with that F&F find to be sure!! I would! I have a Santa collection that keeps my dining room company through the season. I shall have to spotlight it this season.

    Too bad about the saucer repair - but love the cup and glad you can enjoy your tea in it repair or not. The colors are lovely and what an odd shape to the saucer. Love the handle - thin china is elegant to hold.

    Thanks for your sweet words about my daughter's wedding. Just so proud and blessed!

    Happiest of Thanksgivings to you!

  18. Hi Snap,
    What a wonderful find with the Santa and teacup! I never knew what the bubbles in tea meant, very interesting! Have a good evening.

  19. How wonderful that you found that amazing Santa dish! I am so thrilled for you. I can't say I have seen F and F in my thrift store.
    And your trifted cup is very pretty. I love fushia and this pattern is gorgeous. Where is it broken, the plate?
    Your tea choices look delicious. I love that you share the tea you are drinking.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Hey Snap ... Your cup and saucer is so lovely and the broken piece just gives it more charm and reason to be used as a daily teatime favourite.

    I too am surprised to see F&L in the thrift store... great shopping in your location... I slipped over to your Guild for a peek too... Love that Belgium tapestry.... Maybe I need to visit your area (Ha Ha) this Christmas.... Today I was sipping rosehip tea but truly enjoyed the pomegranate tea for a sweet change... ENJOY your day !!!!...Hugs

  21. I love Fitz and Floyd (Although I don't own a single piece). I can see why the Santa piece caught your eye - and so glad you "scored it" on your shopping trip. It's wonderful. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday. I'm grateful for your friendship.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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