Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Been Quiet Around Here

It's been quiet around here for a few days.
I had the cataract removed in my left eye last week.
It was not as easy going as the surgery on the right eye back in September.
Probably because I was never truly relaxed!
I got the same amount of *relax juice* as the first time, but for some reason, it didn't work! 
But I have no complaints.
The new lens allow me to see well at distance and to be able to read. 
Amazing what technology can do these days. 
I'm still very light sensitive and carry my sunglasses everywhere -- inside and out.

The Halloween decorations are all back in storage and
a few Thanksgiving goodies have taken their place.

I found these beautiful orange tulips at Whole Foods.
A new shipment had just arrived.
Perfect timing!

Orange Tulips

I have three fabric pumpkins -- all in different sizes.
I've had them for years.
This year I added the little bird pilgrims.
Too cute!


A cool front blew threw last night and that means its time to
pull out Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Chai.

Thanksgiving Tea

I love handmade.
I love hand thrown pottery.
This is one of my favorite hand thrown teacups.
The texture of the cup, the heat of the hot tea/chai or chocolate feels wonderful in the hands.

Thanksgiving Tea

I'm wishing you well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea!

Orange Tulips

A big thank you to these tea party hosts:


  1. Sorry this is a more difficult surgery. I am growing two of my own cataracts. :-( Meanwhile you are seeing well enough to work with such beautiful photos! Love that tea cup!---and the one on top of the Grisham novel!

  2. Hi Snap - those birds are the cutest things. I have a love for bird ornaments although it doesn't seem to jive with my love of cats. The pottery cup is really nice. I bet tea tastes great in it. Feel better soon. Hugs, Deb

  3. Good morning to you. Wasn't it wonderful to wake to what feels like a real fall morning? I am back in town and would love to meet you for tea.

  4. Good Morning to you, I hope you are feeling a little better after your cataract operation. It does take a little while to mend, but your eyesight will be improve as you heal. How marvellous that you were at the shop when the tulips arrived, because they are a beautiful shade of orange and I'm sure they make you smile each time you look at them. Take care, Best Wishes Daphne

  5. I am glad your surgery worked out for your cataracts. I am seriously thinking about having mine done this next year - I feel a bit of a coward about it though.

  6. Beautiful photography as always, but especially of those gorgeous tulips!

  7. I'm sorry to hear this surgery was not as easy for you but at least now it's all in the rear view mirror. Just go slow and easy and recover at your own pace.

    LOVE the tulips, and I bet that hand thrown cup feels great when you wrap your hands around it. I love a good mug.

  8. Hope your recovery will continue to go well. Love your little birdies.

  9. Praying for a speedy recovery with your surgery. Your little bird pilgrims are adorable with the pumpkins. The pumpkin spice tea sounds delicious. Love the little chipmunk sitting on the acorn. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Snap ... I'm so happy that you are doing well. Surgery is always a bit nerve wracking - one's eyes - I can only imagine. Your tea looks great! and how wonderful to be at the market- the tulips are gorgeous! stay well my friend.. sending you hugs and prayers that you heal well and quickly ..xo C. (HHL)

  11. Hi Snap, Hope you soon are fully recovered. I love the little birds, and your tulips are fantastic. The pumpkin spice chai sounds good too. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. So many images to brighten my day, Snap. I had vanilla chai this AM - just the scent warmed me on this cold day in Denver. Glad you're recuperating well.

  13. Glad your eye is healing and you are reading better again. Love the orange as you know, spectacular tulips and a wonderful tea cup I spied there. xox

  14. Sorry you had a tougher time with the eye surgery this time. But sending good vibes and prayers that your recovery will be speedy.
    Beautiful Tulips!!!! And the little birds are adorable.

  15. I love your birdie pilgrims, Snap! They are too cute. I made my first trip to Trader Joe's today. I didn't buy the chai tea, though :(. I love your special tea mug, too.

  16. I am glad you cataract surgery was a success. I can't imagine having difficulties with reading. I didn't know that tulips could be found in the fall! And such a great color! Love your cut decorations! I had a vanilla green chai tea today as well!

  17. Hello Snap
    Bet you're glad the surgeries are behind you now, wishing you a speedy recovery from the latest.
    I like all your autumn pretties on the table, the pilgrim bird holding the pumpkin and the squirrel on the acorn...I decorate with all kinds of animals around our home. :-)
    A short breath of spring with the orange tulips, perfect for this time of year.
    Take care.

  18. Hello Snap,
    What a cute post! The orange tulips are beautiful and the chippie is adorable as are those birdies!
    I had cataract surgery myself back in '07 and I got along very well. What a difference it has made for me! It turned out to be a blessing because now I don't have to wear contacts any longer. I hope you heal up quickly.
    Thanks for sharing your very cute post with us and enjoy your week.


  19. Beautiful tulips and the perfect color, too! Darling little birdies, I love the scarf on the one! Wish we had a Traders Joe here, I hear so many good things about it. Happy tea day to you!

  20. Glad you are doing well since your eye surgery... Take care of yourself.

    Love your Thanksgiving decorations... We bought some Pumpkin Spice Coffee --and it's delicious. We also bought some Blue Bell Spiced Pumpkin Ice Cream... AWESOME.

  21. Your bird pilgrams are just too cute!

  22. What a sweet treat it is finding your lovely blog. I have enjoyed each colorful photo and find your little Pilgrim birdies adorable. Just love their big shoes...and, cute little hats.
    Have a happy day.

  23. Hello, glad to hear your surgery went well. Your flowers and Fall decor are lovely. What cute birds! How is the Pumpkin Chai? I go to TJ all the time but never noticed this product. Happy Thanksgiving,

  24. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous post. Take care after your surgery.
    Thank you for visiting me too!

  25. I love your orange tulips. We only see them in the spring here but what a treat to have them in autumn colors in the Fall. Love your other Thanksgiving decor also.

    sandy ;)

  26. The orange tulips are the perfect compliment to your Thanksgiving decor! Hope your eye continues to heal quickly.

  27. Oh, Snap, your bird figurines are so cute!
    And the bunch of tulips in that bright orange colour, how beautiful!
    Thanks for the lovely and funny photos.

  28. I am so sorry your surgery was not as comfortable as it shoudl have been! But I am relieved it is over now, and you are on the mend. Yes, it is amazing what modern science can do now. It is wonderful that your eyesite is so much better! Yay!

    I agree with you about the hand thrown pottery feel. I love to drink from these types of cups as well.
    It is lovely!

  29. My mother has now operated on both eyes. It was very horribly before surgery but it went well. Amazing that it is possible to surgically insert a lens into the eye. So cute little pilgrims you have in the form of small birds. I wish you a great week! Zinnia

  30. Hi Snap,
    such a surgery is always a difficult thing. But on the end the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. It is a luck that medizine technology offers such possibilities. Your tulips and decorations is colorful and happy. And the hand trown tea cup is very special. I can imagine how nice it would be on a cold day to held the cup, filled with a hot tea. Take care of yourself. I wish you a soon recovery.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  31. Hi Snap! Hope you are taking it easy! A cup of Pumpkin Spice Chai in a wonderful warm mug and a bouquet of tulips sound perfect for your recovery! I love your little pilgrim birds :)

  32. Happy you will have improved site. It is a great time we live in. Your little pilgrim birds all dressed for the season are Adorable! They make me smile.
    Be well, Ruthie from:

  33. Lovely tulips! I like chai too and the pumpkin spice sounds heavenly!

  34. Your birdie Pilgrims are just so cute. The Treader Joe's tea sounds wonderful for this cooler weather. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

    Thanks, Pam


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