Monday, October 8, 2012

OWLing Time!

Halloween is just around the corner and it's time to invite the
OWLS for tea! 


One of the local tea houses has owl tea cups.
Every time I visit with them I pick the owl cup for my tea.
Mr. Dragon searched and searched and found the teapot and teacup set.
He knew how much I enjoyed tea with the owls! 
It is one of my most precious possessions.
I can't help but think about Mr. Dragon and all the love we shared when I use this set.
It brings a very big smile to my face.
He would like to know I'm smiling and laughing.

Owls for Tea

How about a cup of chai and a pumpkin muffin?
Sounds good to me!

Thanking our tea party hosts:

Wishing you well, much joy, and a wonderful cup of tea.


  1. What a thoughtful gift this was from Mr. Dragon and now what a sweet memory using it brings to you! The owl theme is so unique and adorable, Snap.

  2. Tea and a pumpkin muffin sound good to me too! I'm sure Mr. D is smiling to know how much you love to use the owl set and what happy memories it brings.

  3. Adorable cup and teapot, Snap! Loved seeing them and hearing about them. Glad they bring happy memories to you.

  4. I'm smiling at that winking owl. Glad you have these warm memories Snap. I would love to have tea with you.

  5. You were very "wise"to use owls today!

  6. Hi Snap!
    I just love your owls and pumpkin muffins and Chai tea sounds so good.

  7. What loving memories you have when you look at that cute owl set! It's perfect for Fall!

  8. Oh my goodness...that's so cute! I love your owls, and have never seen them before. What a thoughtful honey! That's a special tea! Thanks for sharing your unique teaset and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  9. That is a gift to treasure. I love your owls...very unique.

  10. Owls and Mr. Dragon...savoring the tea and the sweet wonderful memories the two of you made. Beautiful! ♥

  11. Very unique tea set! Pumpkin muffins with chai tea sounds perfect.


  12. Hi Snap,

    Your owls are just so adorable! I'm sipping Pumpkin Spice Chai this week too. Happy Tea Day!

  13. These owl tea things are just the cutest things!....Christine

  14. Your owls are very cute! I need to buy some Pumpkin Spice Chai tea I think. It sounds so good. Blessings, Pamela

  15. Snap, your owl cups are really cute and chai with pumpkin muffins would be wonderful! Sounds like a 'wise' idea for an autumn tea. Thank you for joining me and have a beautiful week.


  16. Those are some cute cups ! Glad there are good memories to go with them : )

  17. what a cute set to bring you such sweet memories! Enjoy!

  18. That is so sweet! I'd love to share a cup of tea with you (especially with a pumpkin muffin!).

  19. Love the owl tea cups AND the owls! Tea with pumpkin muffins sounds wonderful! ;)

  20. I am loving these chubby owls, so cute. They are hooting up a storm in the woods around here. xox

  21. What a cute tea set! Perfect for this time of year and a plus for the nice memories they bring. Pumpkin muffins and Chai tea sounds great to me!

  22. Cutest owls I've ever seen.... I'd love a pumpkin muffin, thank you.

    Cold here this week... We've had a fire in the fireplace all week... LOVE it.

  23. Lovely owls Snap!
    I wanted to say I like your "About me", it sounds so optimistic!
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina

  24. Owls are so very trendy right now...and your own tea pot and cup are perfect! I love the look of them! I remember back in the sixties when we all had owls decorating fabric, wallpaper, and jewelry. It is all coming back now!

  25. Your owl tea set is great - I'd be smiling while I had my tea too. Love chai tea & anything pumpkin.

  26. How very charming! I love owls of all sorts.

  27. How delightful!!!!
    I was prepared for real owls, but this is much more fun!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  28. Darling owls...they make me smile. They are definitely in style now too. Love the colors. This is my first visit. I hope you drop my my blog.

  29. Those are really cute. Pumpkin muffins are my favorite.

  30. This is too darn cute... and perfect for the Autumn season ... Pumpkin muffins sound like a hoot...Yummy ...Hugs

  31. Hi Snap~ Tea with the Owls sounds delightful, especially if a pumpkin muffin is included! Love your pot & teacup :)

  32. Oh my GOODNESS! Those owls are so wonderful. I am consumed with green envy ......

    Minerva x

  33. *Darling*! Found your through your flickr post -- which I found though Melissa, the High Duchess of Tea! Love your blog -- it's such fun! :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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