Friday, September 21, 2012

This And That

It's been a wonderful week.
Cool mornings -- finally!
Hot afternoons, but very little humidity -- Yay! 
Good walking weather.


My follow-up visit with the eye surgeon went well.
Getting used to the new lens.
My sight changes a little daily as the lens settles in.
Life is so much brighter -- literally!


Mail Call brought this lovely postcard from China.
I have a dear friend there on a Fulbright doing research to complete her
PhD in Art History.

Beijing Imperial Palace

This is Peking University where she is taking some classes.
It used to be part of the Emperor's Summer Palace.
School in a palace!


How about a little needle and hook news?!!

This is a close-up of a shawl I completed for a friend.

Romancing the Shawl

 This is a free Red Heart Pattern called Romancing The Shawl. I did not use the yarn that was suggested. Instead, I used Red Heart Boutique Changes in the Granite color (6 yarns in one) and still achieved the wonderful texture. It was an easy pattern to follow and I may have to knit one for myself!


Jack-O-Lantern Lapghan

Finally finished two squares in the crochet Halloween afghan.
Except, I decided the afghan would be too large for me!
So, I decided to make four lapghans.

Kitty Lapghan

I've completed two Jack-O-Lantern squares and started another black cat.
I was happily putting rows together when I realized I had put them together 
basakwards (as my Granny would say).
What to do?
I have plenty of black yarn, but not a lot of the grey.
Taking it apart is next to impossible. I'm afraid I'm a really good put them togetherer (!!!),
but would really make a mess taking it apart!
I decided to put things away.
Let my new eye rest.
Start again another day!

The Halloween Afghan was designed by Martha Brooks Stein and the pattern has
a copyright date of 2008 by DRG.


Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Very cool the weather cools just a smidgen I get itchy to pick up the crochet hooks.

  2. I dreamed I was in China last night.

  3. Busy stitching fingers, the eyesight must be good! That shawl is amazing. xox

  4. My goodness! What an incredible artist you are--the things you make are just darling.

    I'm glad to read that your eyesight is getting better and better. Someday I may have to have the same thing done. It is good to know those whose eyesight has been improved!

    I loved your postcard. Wonderful! Have a lovely weekend and happy PFF!

  5. Here is to cooler mornings and warm afternoons minus humidity!

    Here is to a new lens and clear vision...and the difference it makes every day!!!

    Love the shawl, love the Halloween lapghans and good for you on putting the backaswards away and coming back to it another day!!!

    Happy weekend sweet friend!

  6. Snap- love your Halloween lapghans! they are so danged cute!

    You need to share your pumpkin one over at Primp Your Pumpkin linky party!!! No one has one of those there!!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I love your header with all the pumpkins! You are sure talented with knitting! I need to make a prayer shawl for a friend and your shawl looks like it would be perfect for her. Your halloween afagan is so cute! Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend!

  8. What a wonderful place to study Art History! Love your pumpkins and Halloween decorations. :)

  9. I am so happy to hear your eye is doing well, Snap!

    You are really a master knitter! The shawl and Halloween afgans are wonderful. I hope you find a solution to the joining problem..perhaps all black yarn joining the squares would not look bad?

  10. The shawl is beautiful! It looks soft and cuddly. And I love the Halloween squares! I hope you can figure out what to do with them. I hate taking things apart after I've started putting them together.

  11. Hello!

    I love all of your projects, sadly I cannot knit.

    Thank you for coming over to visit and comment. I hope that you try the recipes and let me know how they turned out!

    Have a great weekend, Elizabeth

  12. How wonderful about your sight improving everyday! I'm so happy for you!

    Love the Halloween afghans! I always mean to do holiday specific things and then the holidays roll on by.

    Lovely postcard too. I know people don't send them often anymore, but I think postcards are alot of fun!

  13. Oh I didn't know you were having eye issues! I do hope what ever it is going on, that you are continuing to improve each and every day :)
    Your shawl is totally gorgeous, I can only imagine how soft and comfortable it is to wear. And your Halloween afghans are so festive! You are amazing! And apparently a really good putter together-er! Lol! Sometimes this happens to me too...
    I like your idea of putting it away for a bit, and coming back to it later... you might get an idea how to reverse it.

  14. School in a palace, wow! I wanna go there and experience a 'royal class' too. ;-)

  15. I'm happy, it's Autumn, I love this season, the colors, decoration, food and the weather is so nice during this season.
    Léia and little LUNA

  16. I love that pumpkin and black cat! :-)

  17. Wow..aren't you talented. That is beautiful work. My mom was a wonderful knitter. I loved how beautiful it always looked. You have that same gift. So happy to hear you are doing well. Take care and rest that eye. Deb

  18. Hi,
    I am loving the fall weather too, your balck cat afgan is ADORABLE!!
    I have been slow about getting the Blueberry Lemon Cake recipe to you. but posted it on my blog to share today.

  19. Hi Snap! I haven't stopped by in such a long time. We're having beautiful fall weather here, too. Thank goodness after that long, hot heatwave we had for so long! Fall is my favorite season, and I love going for walks, too! Have a wonderful week!

  20. I am so glad that you are healing and your eye sight is getting better and better. Your beautiful projects certainly reflect your talent for fiber art. Something I so admire.

    I especially love your pumpkin square. I love jack-o-lanterns. They always remind me of when we were little in school and we had to draw them with crayons.

    That postcard looks so amazing. How exciting to be there studying art history.

    Well, I am glad it's cooler by you. The weather has been lovely here too. I feel guilty being home and not being out and about.


  21. Snap~ Your lapghans are ADORABLE~ I especially love your black cat! I love your shawl too~ what a wonderful gift for your friend! I didn't realize your were having eye issues~ rest up :)

  22. I really like your pumpkin and cat. I knit and crochet, too, so appreciate all the time and skill that went into your projects. :)

  23. Loooovvvveee that cat blanket, please tell me where I can get my hands on the pattern?


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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