Friday, September 7, 2012

This And That

It's very early in the morning and already it is HOT.
It's September for goodness sakes!
One of those BER months that is supposed to mean

The weather people have promised a cool front this weekend which means
highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s.
If i get the 60s, I'm walking into the village and having crepes for breakfast!


So, what did you do during your August break?
I had a list of things I wanted to do and I didn't get to them.
Several CALs (Crochet A Longs) I wanted to start, but didn't.


I did read and found I had a theme going in my reading --

Book Mosaic

I started off by reading a charming little book titled
JULIA'S CATS: Julia Child's Life in The Company of Cats.

After hearing Martin Walker on NPR, I decided to try one of his mysteries
which led to reading
and purchasing two more!

THE TENTH MUSE is the biography of Judith Jones starting with her life in France
and of course, including Julia Child.

Have you visited with Vivian Swift?
She has a wonderful blog.
She writes books about her travels (or not traveling) and includes her wonderful illustrations.
LE ROAD TRIP is her Journal of France.

That was my unplanned month with France!


I had a cataract removed from my right eye this week.
I now have 20/15 vision in that eye.
What is amazing is how clear and bright everything looks.
Having a cataract turns your world brown -- literally.
Guess I don't need to boost the color in my photographs anymore!!! 
The left eye has a date in the future with a new lens.

Wishing you WEll, much JOY and a FUN filled weekend!


  1. Oh, the miracle of cataract surgery! Is France calling you? Could a trip be in your future?

  2. Our August and Septembers are always hot but then again sometimes we get a fresh sprinkle of snow in late September.

  3. Wishing a speedy recovery from the cataract surgery. I'm going to explore all your 'french' reading suggestions as it seems there may be some there I will like. Thanks.

  4. It sounds like you had a very productive summer, Snap! The books you read sound very interesting. I'm glad to hear your cataract surgery went well and gave you such good vision--that would be a dream for me as I am quite nearsighted.

  5. Vive la France!! And here is to a speedy recovery from the eye surgery so you can hustle on the other eye!! xoxo

  6. Beautiful french postcards, this post has so adorable energy!Thanks for sharing!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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