Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Going Green

I'm going green today.

This is my new Aynsley teacup.

I found it at the Guild Shop -- a thrift shop/granny's attic shop run by the Episcopal Church.

Aynsley Teacup

Two of my favorite things:

Elegant, isn't it?!!

Definitely a little finger held out at attention when I use this cup!

Aynsley Tea Saucer

I found the tea towel with its green background at Tuesday Morning.
It reminds me of some I've seen at Anthropologie.

Green Tea

More favorite things:
the color green, teapots, teacups and birds!

Tea Towel

Finally, some green tea with ginger.

Green Tea

Pretty in the pot!
Two Leaves Tea Company announced a new line of affordable "luxury" teas
They are traditional English Style paper teabags (no tag or string)
with tea that's organic and fair trade certified.
I was asked by Stephanie at Steph's Cup of Tea
if I would taste test three of the new teas and I said yes!

Today I'm sharing the Green Tea with Ginger.
I love Green Tea and I love ginger, but I wasn't impressed with this tea.
It had a wonderful gingery aroma and the color was pleasant,
but it was too medicinal tasting for me.
I cut the kettle off before the water boiled and waited for about a minute before I added it to the tea, letting the tea steep for about 3 minutes.
Perhaps my *taster* was just off.
I kept comparing it to a matcha tea with ginger I had the week before that knocked my socks off.
An unfair comparison, I'm sure.

Next week I'll share reviews of two teas that I loved!

Thanking our tea party hosts:

Wishing you WELL, much JOY and a wonderful cup of TEA!


  1. What a lovely cup indeed! Adore the design, well found. x

  2. You find the most amazing tea cups, that's some thrift shop you have. xox

  3. I love that shade of green! And the towel is delightful...a little of something of everything you love (what a sentence! lol!!). I'll wager that your "tester" wasn't off. Sounds like you are describing it exactly as you tasted it. Not all teas are created equal! xo

  4. It's funny how some tea-cups just grab our attention and we must have them. This one is very pretty. I am not a fan of green tea. I am about to try again though.

  5. Lots of green to enjoy here. That tea cup is so pretty. I always think that tea tastes better from a china teacup.

    I'm not a fan of green tea, but I do love ginger.

    Joy to you.

  6. The GREEN is so elegant! I love the wonderful roses and the deep green color. That's a wonderful find at Tuesday Morning. The towel is just perfect with the tea theme. The tea does look wonderful in the pot, but sad that you didn't like it very much. But you know you've got to go with what you like! I am looking forward to your reviews of the next two teas.
    It was lovely having tea with you today.

  7. I love your gorgeosu new tea cup and saucer, Snap, and the adorable tea towel! I'm alwasy interested in good tea blends so I will have to look into Two Leaves brand.

  8. Beautiful tea cup and . . . tablecloth? Wall hanging? Cushion cover?

  9. Wow Beautiful teacup-I love it.Darling tea towels too.I love the fact that you review teas for us.I really need the help.I must try the one you liked last week.Thanks for dropping by with encouragement.Denise(I'm so glad I'm following you)

  10. Absolutely beautiful, and very unique - never saw one like that before!

  11. Hi: I have never seen this cup before. It is just stunning. I love Aynsley's. You got a treasure. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Blessings, Martha

  12. What a pretty cup ! I love great finds such as this from thrift shops. I bet that any type of tea would taste great in this cup ! Thanks for visiting my blog and saying hello x

  13. Lovely teacup! And I like that tea towel a lot, I have a similar one.
    Thank you for your visit and your sweet comment.
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina

  14. LOVE that teacup! It makes me want to start collecting them again. :-)

  15. Ooh, I love the new teacup and that pretty tea towel!! Thank you for your honest opinion on the new tea flavor that you tried, too.

  16. Hi, Snap
    Fiona, over at Raindrops and Daisies, hosts a "Green Day" on Fridays. I thought you might be interested, given this lovely post.

  17. The green tea cup with white roses is very striking. You seem to find the best things at the Guild Shop.

  18. Wowness...what a super gorgeous cup..stunning and enchanting! Enjoy..so very beautiful..feels like it carries a magical vibe to it!!

  19. A stunning green teacup Snap; if Martha has never seen it, you better keep it in a safe place. :-)
    I like your honest opinion of the tea you tried and look forward to hearing about the ones that received a thumb's up.

  20. Hi Snap,
    What a beautiful teacup! I love the green floral, perfect for tea any time of the year. Your darling tea towel goes so well with the teacup. I wish we had a Tuesday Morning to shop at! Have a good evening.

  21. Hi, Just wanted to drop by and say HELLO. It's been a busy week/month --and just gonna get busier.

    I love your greens --and I love Green Tea... We just went green too--since we painted our house GREEN... Yeah!


  22. I have serious teacup and tea towel envy Snap! Love the little bird perched on the cup! Green tea with ginger sounds delicious~ I'll have to look for the Matcha :)

  23. You have a beautiful selection of teacups. Aynsley is one of my favorites.

  24. O, Snap...it's a lovely tea cup...

  25. You prepared an interesting article about "tea time", your pictures are wonderful!

  26. What a beautiful set of tea cup! Very fancy..

  27. Hello Snap,
    Sorry I am so very late visiting. It's been a sad and busy week what with Hubby's nephew passing away suddenly and my son flying home from BC for the funeral.

    I adore that shade of green! What a scrumptious teacup; very elegant! You must have been thrilled to find it!
    I enjoy ginger tea but have never tried this one. Thanks for joining me for tea and enjoy your day.


  28. Gracious! You have found a true beauty! I love all the fancy colorful rose cups we see each week, but it isn't often we see dramatic ones like yours here! I am so glad you were there at the right time to pick it up! Yay!
    The tea towels are wonderful as well. I love this type, and have seen the pricey ones at Anthropology too. Good for you!

  29. Your new cup is so lovely and such an unusual colour of green...OMG didn't you find the cutest tea towels....They look handmade.

    I can tell that you're having a relaxing teatime...Enjoy your green ginger tea...( HMMMM) sounds delicious !!!! Hugs

  30. Love, love both the cup/saucer and the tea towel!! And thank you for this review!

  31. Snap, Your teacup is just beautiful! I've never seen one anything like it. Great find!


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