Friday, July 13, 2012

This and That

It's raining.
It's been raining all week.
After our horrible drought last summer, I'm not going to complain about rain.

ICAD Friends

I spent a lovely day with a good friend.
Part of the day we walked through the gem and mineral show. 
Lots of ooooouing and awwwwwwwing! 
Speaking of this friend - I've mentioned her before.
She is an art teacher.
I've spent some summer days with her helping her prepare for the coming school year.
She always has good ideas for me.
She has started a blog called Manifestations.
Some art education, art history, a trip to Tuscany -- I think you would enjoy it.
Please go by and visit and welcome her to the World of Blog!

Tomato Seeds ICAD

I've really been enjoying my bushel delivery every two weeks from FarmHouse Delivery.
I'm in tomato heaven! Fresh, organic, sweet, delicious! 
The best summer has to offer.
And peaches -- Oh, my! 

ICAD- Ride

I love when it's time for the Tour De France.
I admire the athletes taking part in the race, but admit I watch to see the beautiful scenery!!
I'm up early to get my mornings off to a good start with the Tour.


Speaking of France, MJ at WanderWonderDiscover 
started her summer off in France. Lucky girl!
She sent me this wonderful postcard and teased me with a short message about tea on the back! 
Thank you MJ! So wonderful to have thoughtful blogmates.


We've had an exciting week around here with introducing the lovely Princess Mina to the group.
But today it's all about Cassie.
She has been so good about the new kitty in the house.
She gets extra hugs and treats! 

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a fun filled weekend!


  1. Mmmm..fresh tomatoes sound divine. I can't wait for mine. Look at that gorgeous girl. Isn't it wonderful when they get along right from the get-go. It saves you so much grief. Lovely post today, as always. Deb

  2. Gardening, waahooo!!! Yes, I will sure visit the blog of your friend. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Thanks for the link to your friend's blog -- it's terrific!

  4. Tomatoes and peaches...summer fruit that tastes divine!

    Love that postcard and the tea's so nice when friends "know" who we are!! :)

    Off to check out your friend's blog...

    Enjoy the rain and have a beautiful weekend!

  5. Lucky MJ. and a great treat to spend the day with a friend ant such a wonderful show. I'll be checking out her blog. Great ideas are meant to be shared. Love your postcard, and LOVE your kitty. Happy PFF

  6. What a wonderfully eclectic collection of cool stuff! I LOVE the artwork and enjoyed these wonderful postcards!

    Happy PFF!

  7. We're just back from France so we've been following the Tour avidly too. And funnily enough we were near Orléans. We've passed it many times but never really stopped, but now I must.

  8. You can send some of your rain out way. It may help to put out some fires that have kicked up again only to the west of ms. This morning not only was it cloudy but very smokey throughout the whole valley. It's fun to watch two cats make friends.

  9. Oh this was eye candy for the soul. Loved all the pics and sentiments

  10. I love tomatoes and I love all your photos. I was looking at the photos on the side and just love your furbabies. We have a cat that looks very much like Theodorable (to die for name BTW) and my adult siamese - I remember when she was so creamy in color. Yum!

  11. I enjoyed your chatty post. The friends card at the beginning is lovely. Will be going to check out your friend's blog next.

  12. What a fun post! I love the postcard, and the beautiful kitty - the artwork is fun ... and I'm jealous of the peaches!!! I haven't had fresh peaches in soooooooo long!!!

    Happy PFF!

  13. Isn't Liv's Little Bliss List the best idea! It really makes you pause and think what to be thankful for, otherwise I might not notice things as much. Lucky you to get rain! We need it desperately where we live. We're in a major drought!

  14. Fresh tomatoes so yummy. I shall check out your friends blog. Cassie is a sweetheart. I hope you have a great weekend. I think you have my rain. We are now hot and sunny! No bear the last 2 days. We are limbing up some of our evergreens so we can see further into the woods. That way I will have a running chance. Maybe...

  15. Fresh veggies delivered to the door sounds heavenly! Glad you're getting rain! Thanks so much for stopping by my ABQ post to say hello. It surprised me how many of you out there have a soft spot for the place! Texas seems a world away, though. Some of my kiddos are in Dallas. SO nice to know you came by!

  16. Nice assortment of images here!
    God bless you!

  17. I love your friend art and I'd like a try at those tomatoes! An art piece in itself. I myself have watched some of the Tour de France. What a challenge for them and yes the scenery is magnificent! You sure have a sweet blog friend to send you such a lovely card. ENVY...

  18. Imagine spending the summer in France? Sigh!

    I have also been enjoying summer's wonderful bounty of fresh vegetables andd fruits and berries...they are all so delightful!

    Off to visit your friends blog!

  19. I am a tiny bit jealous about the tomatoes and the peaches, Snap. I'm also watching the Tour!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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