Sunday, July 8, 2012

Introducing The Princess Mina

I'd like to introduce to you the Princess Mina.
At least she thinks she is a princess!


Mina is around two years old.
She was found in late March in an empty apartment with her 5 kittens.
Lucky for her, a kind person found her and took her to a local no kill shelter.
She was fostered while she took care of her babies and I understand she was a very good momma.
When her kittens were old enough, Mina was spayed, taken to the shelter
and placed for adoption.

Mina Mosaic

That's where I came in!
I met Mina at the shelter and fell in love with her.
She is a lynx point siamese with who knows what else and a bobbed tail.
Mina now lives with Teddy, Cassie and moi.
So far, so good! 

Mosaic Mina

A big thank you to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday.

Wishing YOU well and much joy.



  1. Sweet as can be! Nice to meet you, Princess Mina!

  2. Welcome Mina, you are adorable and such a lucky girl.Now you have a beautiful family, your mammy Snap has a kind heart with lots of love.
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  3. She is beautiful Snap. And she is so blessed that you have come into her life ♥

  4. She's a beauty. I've never had a cat that wasn't a member of the nobility.

  5. Congratulations on the addition to your family. How lucky you and Mina are to have found each other.

  6. How sweet. Princess Mina looks like a wonderful addition. My younger cat, Abby just came in from her morning scout and whatever it is that she does in the morning. I don't let her stay out at night - too many meanies in the neighborhood.

  7. My cat Sam (gone now) won a home after he rolled over for a belly rub and purred loudly. Out of the Humane Society and home with me!

  8. She looks like a Princess to me!! What a sweet face. I am glad she found a forever home with you! Hugs, Linda

  9. Isn't it strange how they can snatch our hearts so quickly? My Ting Ting came home in a similar way. Princess indeed she is!

  10. A pleasure to meet your royal self, Princess Mina! I know Snap will treat you like a Queen!

  11. Your Princess Mina found a great home. She is pretty. Wonderful mosaic, have a great week!

  12. Hi Snap, Mina is stunningly beautiful! Thanks for rescuing her. You are a good person.
    I often refer to my cat Gracie as the Queen - you see, she does what she wants, when she wants, and seems to live a charmed life!
    Wanted to let you know I finished the novel you sent me today (about Ladybug Farm) - it's a very good book. I plan to look for more books by the same author. Thank you!

  13. She is a beautiful colour and will give you lots of love.

  14. She is gorgeous! Her fur looks so shining and clean! She really does look like a Princess!

  15. Mina is a gorgeous princess indeed, and a very fortunate cat to have been adopted into your loving home, Snap! Congratulations on your new addition!

  16. That first photo says it all, a cute face that could only be a princess. And, we know you'll spoil her like one Snap.

  17. She is beautiful and very blessed to be part of your family. I am a cat lover, also. I enjoyed your pictures very much.

  18. Mina is absolutely beautiful and looks very sweet. A cat lover, myself, I have three wonderful rescue kitties, including one with a bobbed tail (amputated actually). We love all our kitties.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  19. oh.. she is the sweetest.. :)

  20. Princess Mina is very beautiful.

  21. Isn't she pretty!? Good for you in adopting an older cat...we've done that several times now. Have a great week :)

  22. She certainly carries herself alike a princess. Lucky princess she!!! Have a wonderful week! Cathy

  23. What a beautiful princess! :)

    I too have a white kitty..but she's long hair. Also adopted through humane society

    She loves to shed, I know that! :)

  24. She is a lovely cat. I am sure she is happy with your family. Valerie

  25. "Well, hello there." What a gorgeous cat she is. I'm always so happy to hear that the mom finds a good home along with her kittens. Often they sit at the shelter forever. I look forward to getting to know her. Hugs.

  26. Beautiful Mina is now going to have the good life. Her sweet face and unusual coloring are wonderful.

  27. She is a pretty princess indeed and very lucky to be adopted by you.

  28. Oh what an unusual gal. She looks quite inquisitive as all good cats should and her bob tail makes her quite sassy. xox

  29. Definitely a princess -- wonderful you rescued her. We used to have a lilac-point and she really does look like that.

  30. I just spent time visiting orphans and adoptable kit-cats at our animal shelter yesterday and would have brought them all home;') I always leave, feeling that way. This a wonderful outcome for such a sweet cat. She is beautiful!

  31. She's lovely Snap! Welcome to the family princess Mina!!

  32. Just see her now: A-DO-RA-BLE!
    No better castle for this princess than your home!
    Enjoy to the full!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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