Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Healing After Loss

Birthday Flowers

“You will lose someone you can’t live without,and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly—that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp.” Anne Lamott

(Please note: Kelly Kilmer just recently lost her dad. She had the Lamott post on her blog. Oh, boy, can I relate. It's been a year and a half since Mr. Dragon went on to the stars and I am learning to dance with a limp.)


  1. My best friend passed away last month. I find myself wanting to pick up the phone to tell him about little things in my day, just like we'd done for so many years.

  2. Here's to dancing whilst limping - or should that be, to limping whilst dancing? LOL

  3. Dear Snap,
    we all loose during our life some of them, we love. Not only the death takes persons away. Its hard to learn to live without them. Anne Lamott quoted so exactly how it feels. Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs and greetings, Johanna

  4. Hi Snap...beautiful thought today...thanks for sharing this. Anne Lamott is one of my favorite fact my very favorite sentence in once of her books is this "You're freaking me out octapuss (sp) head" One of her boy's friends said this as a comment to her dreadlocks. LOL LOL

  5. Lovely quote. I shall need to save that one.

  6. That is a keeper quote and OH so true.

    I have lost mom, dad, best friend and my first husband......and the sadness has become a part of me, it is always with me.

  7. Yes, Mr. Dragon is right beside you all the time and always will be.

  8. This describes exactly how I feel since I lost my mom 12 years ago. Life will never be the same but it must go on and her memory is alive with me everyday. Thanks for sharing.

    Robin Flies South

  9. I've lost so many family members and like my Mom 31 years ago and I still can feel it on days. Annie Lamott is so wonderful to read, she just reaches in and grabs you in the gut and turns your head around. One day, one month, one year, one decade slowly learning to dance WITH the limp. xox

  10. So true. I've had very hard losses but I can now smile when I think of them. Deb

  11. As long as our loved ones live on in our hearts, they'll always be with us. I think it's OK to talk to them too, I do.

  12. The limp - what a perfect way to describe it.
    Hugs to you from me...

  13. I think this process of acceptation, to learn how to live with these tears inside the heart is so difficult.
    Sending love to your heart dear Snap,

  14. Dance with a limp has a beauty of its own to it. It shows the love and loss that was. Dance, Beautiful, Dance.
    Love and light to you !

  15. This is lovely. I am a hospice volunteer.

  16. My Dad passed away a few weeks ago. For some reason I feel like I'm 6 years old and lost in the park again
    and trying desperately to find my parents....
    This quote kind of seeps into your heart...
    Thanks for sharing it.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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