Saturday, June 9, 2012

Camera Critters: Around The Neighborhood

It's Saturday and time for Camera Critters!

Camera Critters

I celebrated my birthday with one of my young baseball buddies by
She knows I not only love baseball (especially college baseball)
but I also love birds.
She took me to a neighborhood near both of our homes and look what we found!
I did not go prepared.
I only had my Lumix point and shoot with me.
While I saw the hawk in the tree, I figured there was no way I'd capture him.
But look ... there he is -- not far from his nest.


He looks a bit put out! 
Perhaps he was peeved that I was making over all the baby herons.
The hawk and his family seem to live in harmony with their other bird friends.
This is an area, in the middle of town, that is known for the nesting of Night Crowned 
and Yellow Crowned Herons.

Heron Babes

Cute little babes, aren't they!!!!

I took lots of shots, but between my excitement at finally seeing the little ones 
and their constant movement,
this was the best capture of the babes.

What a treat! 

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a lovely weekend!


  1. WOW those are awesome pictures!

    And you apologized for just a point and shoot, and by golly your pics with that are awesome! You are SUCH a talented photographer!!

    What a treat to see these wild creatures up close - all I usually see are the Goldfinches, lol, little yellow meatballs that they are!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. i like those night-herons! got to see 2 youngsters like these a few years ago, and just recently got to see an adult here for the first time! :)

  3. Those Night Heron youngsters sure don't look like the adults. Thanks for showing your pics.

  4. Wow, look at those Talons!
    The herons don't seem to be afraid at all. It's nice they are right in town. What wonderful photo ops.
    Wonderful captures!

  5. A belated 'Tillykke med fødselsdagen' from up here! It sounds like you had a good day to celebrate your birthday.
    There is a heron rookery across from my parents' winter apartment in Victoria. It's such fun to watch the comings and goings - and don't they have a terrible voice for such lovely and graceful birds?

  6. What a great treat! Love the picture of the hawk :)

  7. A belated happy birthday and congratulations on the bird pictures - never the easiest of critters to photograph.

  8. Super treat - I've never seen baby Herons either.

  9. Neither the hawks nor the herons are found in my neighbourhood!It's a good thing you had one of your cameras with you. It's the first time I've seen a baby heron!

  10. I'm glad you had your camera with you for the birds...that hawk is amazing! We had a hawk on our back fence once and I tried to take zoom shots from inside the house but they didn't come out too good. Yours is great!

  11. Belated happy birthday.
    Awesome shots. It's my first time to see the herons.
    Thanks for dropping by :)

  12. Nice captures with your point-n-shoot. There is a hawk nest near us and they put up quite a fuss when people walk near.

  13. I think the hawk looked peeved because he was thinking "@#%$!! paparazzi, why can't they leave me alone!"

  14. Beautiful shots, Snap! Hope you are having a nice wknd!

  15. The hawk does look a bit put out. Saw one yank a fish from the pond yesterday, quite the site as he flew with it over the house. xox

  16. Cool sighting of the hawk and the juvie Night herons are cute. Wonderful photos.

  17. Happy Birthday. Thank you again for posting such inspiration all the time. I signed up for Brave girls, but sometimes I forget to read the daily message. Today's was so perfect.

    I hope that your birthday was wonderful. We have hawks by us, and wherever I go here in Massachusetts, there always seems to be one flying overhead. Makes me feel safe and protected. I wonder what the hawk totem means.

    Well, have a beautiful Sunday.


  18. They look very pretty. Belated happy birthday.

    My Critter post. Have a great weekend.

  19. Wow a young Hawk and young Herons, you were certainly the fortunate one! How marvelous a treat~

  20. Lucky you to get the Hawk so close and this two cute baby Herons!

  21. Adorable birds, I'm enchanted by the first picture, the baby is staring your camera! :)
    Hugs and a nice week sweet Snap, filed of great energies!

  22. Congratulations afterwards! Wonderful bird pictures. While I love birds but I am miserable to photograph them. Well we are different. I have many birds in my garden. I wish you a great week! Zinnia

  23. Beautiful captures of the birds! Love the hawk especially.

  24. They are beautiful and adorable indeed. Gorgeous capture!

  25. What a rare treat, maybe not for the bird though; for us! lol


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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