Saturday, March 31, 2012

My World: A Study in Bloom

Most of you know I've been complaining this week about the cold I have.
When I don't feel well, I don't want to do much.
Staring out the window into the garden is about all I've wanted to do.
So, I decided to take photos of the amaryllis as it started to bloom.


I'm not good at keeping track of the names of my amaryllis.
This one is the first to bloom in Musashi's Garden this year.

Amaryllis Mosaic

I took photos every day, sometimes several times a day
to document its journey from bud to bloom.

Mosaic Amaryllis

I got up one morning and WOW!
The journey was done.
A beautiful amaryllis in full bloom.


Thank you to Mary at Mosaic Monday,
The  Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, and 
 the wonderful hosts at Our World,

Wishing you WELL and much JOY!


  1. Dear Snap,
    thanks for introducing this flower, it's adorable and I like so much the sequence of pictures with the splendorous bloom, your collages are perfect.You have many talents!
    Amaryllis is a special flower!

  2. What a beautiful progression from bud to bloom...bursting bloom at that! Sometimes just looking at the garden can bring peace..and warmth into our hearts!

  3. Absolutely stunning flower. I hope you are felling better soon.

  4. Hope this all makes you feel better. I love the amaryrilys too, I've not had much luck with it, lately, my cat keeps eating it.

  5. Beautiful Amaryllis bloom, Snap... I think it is blooming to help you to feel BETTER.... Love those colors.

    Get well..

  6. I hope you feel better soon! Great snaps, Snap! Happy Seasonal Sunday!

  7. Those are such beautiful flowers. I haven't tried to grow any yet.
    Thank you for sharing.

  8. I think at least half the fun of growing a plant is seeing it through the different stages of development. Your photos are wonderful, Snap!

  9. Beautiful photos, Snap.

    Feel better soon!

  10. Such a beautiful post. I love the progression of the blooms and the mosaics.

  11. Hi! What a great job depicting the amarillis flower's life. Beautiful Sunny109

  12. Hi Snap
    Hope your cold is better soon, there's nothing worse than feeling lethargic day after day.
    At least you were able to share some awesome photos, the flowers should help you perk up.

  13. Hi Snap,

    How very nice to hear from you! Your amaryllis is just beautiful! It's neat that you have photos of the various stages from bud to bloom. I've never tried growing that particular flower; I think I should give it a try someday.

    Thanks for your kind comments on my Old Salem post, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  14. beautiful blooms, hope you are feeling better soon

  15. Really beautiful. Wishing you Well! Cathy

  16. Your amaryllis are gorgeous! I hope enjoying them will make you feel better....Christine

  17. The amaryllis are in bloom here now and I'm always amazed to see them growing in the flower beds! saw I finally did a month in review! heehee! I don't know how I finally remembered! You were supposed to remind me! lol Big hugs, Diane

  18. And such an elegant flower it is, too. How neat that you documented so well.

  19. Gorgeous! I love the colors! Hope you feel better. The eggs are chalk eggs.

  20. Sorry to hear you are not feel well and I hope you start to feel better soon. Gorgeous shots.

  21. Hi Snap, Not only is this an interesting, it's beautiful. I love the different stages from bud to bloom, an awesome journey a flower makes. Thanks for sharing such a lovely photo flower journey. Glorious color too.
    Happy Week.

    The French Hutch

  22. Sorry about the cold - Hope you feel better soon. Enjoyed seeing the progression of the amaryllis blooming - they are beautiful!
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.

  23. Hope that made you feel better, Snap. No fun having a spring cold!

  24. Amaryllis are stately flowers, to me. I hope you are feeling much better.

  25. And a beautiful bloom it is! We only grow Amaryllis indoors. I plant one at Christmas and love it. I can imagine how gorgeous they are outdoors. Hope you are feeling better.

  26. That was a great little project!
    I hope you're feeling a whole lot better. I've been away from the computer for the past couple of days and didn't know you'd been so under the weather. Here's hoping April finds you chipper and cold-less!

  27. Fabulous sequence of shots. It's an absolute beauty.

  28. I love your amaryllis, it looks beautiful from the buds to the bloom. Just gorgeous. Have a lovely week!

  29. These shots are great! There is nothing like watching a large flower like this open up. And to have them outside in the garden is spectacular - here in Canada they are a winter forced plant.

  30. Wow these is beautiful. The sign of spring has just sprung. Thanks for sharing.

    Spring Flowers

  31. I hope that you are feeling better. It's a beautiful bloom. I've never had one before.

  32. Beautiful photos. I love Amaryllis and am a little envious of anyone who can grow them. They are supposed to be easy, right? I have tried and tried and they will not grow for me. :)) Yours is lovely. Thanks, too, for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

  33. Your amaryllis is gorgeous, Snap! I liked seeing the photos of it's development. Spring bring many miracles!

  34. PS: Feel better soon -- have some good chicken soup! {{ hugs}}

  35. This looks so pretty. I would love for you to visit me at My Dream Canvas :-) You have a lovely blog.

  36. I'm so sorry you've had a cold -- no fun at all!! Hope you feel better soon! Your captures for the day are exquisite! Such beautiful flowers and colors! Thanks for sharing the beauty!


  37. I love this, Snap!
    So beautiful taken...
    Greetings from Holland,
    Anna :-))

  38. And great photos they are!! Hope you feel better. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  39. Amaryllis is a beautiful flower. You have all the patience to watch it grow and bloom.

    I hope you will feel better, and I mean soon!

  40. These are indeed wonderful and a joy to see. Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  41. Wonderful shots of the amaryllis. Some of these shots look like paintings.

  42. Beautiful flowers. Anything blooming here is going to be upset by the foot of new snow we're expecting!

  43. Beautiful full shots of your blooms. Love it.

  44. A lovely spring bloom series! Happy Easter season~

  45. Loved the series of shots. That's one stunning amaryllis!

  46. That is one more beautiful flower. Such pretty colors, great shots of it in bud and open.

  47. Wow -- that is a gorgeous bloom and its just amazing how you documented it as it emerged into full flower. It's lovely at every stage.

    Hope you feel better.

  48. my favourite flower :) Gorgeous shots.

  49. Hello,Snap.
    How lovely to see your step by step photos of flowers. It must be spring!!
    I hope you are getting well.
    I have to be very careful this time of the year due to having asthma.
    Take care.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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