Sunday, January 15, 2012

This and That

As I start a new journey in the New Year,
it's time for This and That.

I read Tiny Buddha daily.

There have been several good articles on getting the New Year off to a good start.
One of those was create solutions not resolutions by Laura Fenamore.
I encourage you to read the whole article, but here is a short form:

"My solution  for letting go comes in daily reminding myself of the process.
 I do that using this morning affirmation for self-love:

Today, I accept myself just the way I am.

Today, I accept my body the way it is.

Today, I accept my mind the way it is.

Today, I accept my heart the way it is.

Today, the love I have for myself is so strong that I embrace all that is me.

Self-iove transforms my life from fear to joy and guides me to make healthy choices.

Today, I share time with others and easily forgive any injustice I feel in my mind.

Today, all of my relationships are based on respect, love and joy.

Today, I allow the divine wisdom in me to direct all my thoughts, words, and deeds.

Today, I allow divine love to give me peace and joy.

Today, I remember I am one with all life, and I give thanks for being me."

There was also a nice article by Loran Hills on journaling tips to help you heal, grow and thrive.

1. Start writing about where you are in your life at this moment.

2. For five to ten minutes just start writing in a "stream of consciousness."

3. Start a dialogue with your inner child by writing in your subdominant hand.

4. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by maintaining a daily list of things you appreciate in your life, including uplifting quotes.

5. Start a journal of self-portraits.

6. Keep a nature diary to connect with the natural world.

7. Maintain a log of successes.

8. Keep a log or playlist of your favorite songs.

9. If there is something you are struggling with or if there is an event that is disturbing you, write about it in the third person.

10. Develop your intuition.

Loran goes into detail on each of these suggestions.


Speaking of journals:
I've started a journal of sorts in a Composition Notebook.
Images that I come across that I like, a post from Tiny Buddha that I liked, tea that was new to me, breakfast at Hungry's. roses for the Rose Bowl Parade, scones that I made and liked ....

Journal Page


I've been cleaning out the garage.
I tackled all of the boxes from Mr. Dragon's office and then found three boxes of *things* like this:

I believe these are all left over from the clean-out of my mother's things
years and years ago.
I have no excuse. There should always be a project going to keep my fingers happy!

Sometimes it's fun to visit with an old friend.
I first read The Copper Crown in 1986 and I still love it.
Good fantasy, good writing, good story, a smidge of sci-fi and lots of good 
Celtic Mythology.

Wishing YOU well and a JOY filled week.


  1. Oh Snap, I loved this much insight and so much to savour...and so much to delve into...including old patterns forgotten and found (and sounds to me like this wasn't a case of forgetting as much as not even knowing it was there!).

    I like the idea of having a dialogue with my inner child by writing in my non-dominant hand...what a delightful way to reconnect!

    Off to check into this book...looks like one I would like!

    Enjoy your Sunday! xo

  2. Oh sweet friend Snap,
    I have tears in my eyes, this post is so beautiful.May I copy the words?
    Thanks soooo much for sharing!

  3. The Laura Fenamore quotes speak to me on so many levels. They were just what I needed to read this morning. Thank you for bringing them to me. I am printing them so that I can refer to them and use them as a meditation.

  4. Great inspirational suggestions. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Any way to move through the universe from the heart is a great one. Thanks for sharing all this with us today. I really love your journal page full of tea and light. xox Corrine

  6. You have been a busy lady. I love scones. When you have time, post the recipe, please. Also, I've never tried this: "Start a dialogue with your inner child by writing in your subdominant hand." This might cause more frustration than creativity for me!

  7. This is so beautiful I just love this post has me thinking thank you. So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog and so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I'm now following you, wonderful to meet new friends. Hope you find a spare minute to visit me sometime follow back if you like. Sending you special wishes for a wonderful New Year I’m looking forward to keeping in touch in 2012.
    Always Wendy

  8. Great post! Inspirational words.
    I love the journal, great ides, I think that would be fun to look back on.

  9. Lovely post -- the Tiny Buddha article that you summarized is a great reminder of what's really important!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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