Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Tetsubin cast iron teapots were first crafted in the mid 17th century in Japan to brew the whole leaf Sencha green tea that was becoming popular at the time. They became status symbols featuring intricate and symbolic designs, The Japanese believed this imparted a zen-like quality of peace and inspiration for the tea drinking ritual. *

Tetsubin Teapot

Today, with their fine raised relief designs, they are admired and collected not only for their quiet beauty but also for their ability to brew the perfect pot of tea. Forged by the most renowned iron producers in Japan, a fine Tetsubin can be distinguished by hand-crafted, high grade iron exterior and the smooth enamel interior.*

Tetsubin Teapot

I'm sharing with you my Tetsubin teapot with its bamboo design (good fortune, fortitude, and resilience) and a hand thrown porcelain teacup that I found at the December student art sale at the Glassell School.

I don't make New Year resolutions, but I read one on a blog that I follow that I think I'll try to keep. I'm going to try to drink the good tea first! I'm not going to save the good stuff for a special occasion. I'm all the special occasion that is needed!

Thanks to our tea party hostesses.
These are just a few of the tea parties in the Land of Blog.

Wishing YOU well and a wonderful cup of tea!

*Information from Teavana


  1. I always love these iron tea pots, I bet you will have it forever and pass it down generation by generation. Nice cup too! xox Corrine

  2. That is a beautiful teapot! I love the embossed design! Thanks for visiting and happy TT!

  3. Oh Wow---aren't they gorgeous? I love the cast iron teapots... The bamboo design is neat... Love the teacup you got also....

    Yes---drink the GOOD tea FIRST.

  4. I love your resolution to drink the good tea first. Why do we do that with so many things--reserve them for a more special occasion? I think I'm going to institute formal dining off the china at least once a month with my kids. They are what I prize most of all my blessings, so we should celebrate that!
    Happy New Year, Snap!

  5. What a wonderful teapot! I am always attracted to these teapots although I do not own one. My cousin has several and I admire her collection. Happy New Year Snap!


  6. The teapot is beautiful but what caught my eye and made me smile was when you said "I'm all the special occasion that is needed!" And that's for sure!

  7. Hi Snap! What a beautiful teapot, and I agree: drink the good tea first! I also agree that cats make great bed mates and that your kitties are simply adorable. Must say also that I ADORE your header. Cute, cute, cute!
    Hugs, Beth

  8. Fabulous teapot .. and one never realizies how really wonderful an until you sip the first drop of tea from a Japanese teapot... surely good fortune and health shall be you gifts for 2012.

    I love the all over design..It's beautiful... and you're right " you are the special occasion" ENJOY !!!..Happy New Year...HUGS and Thanks for visiting my bog," The Grand Lady "..Please come again soon !!!

  9. I really like your Tetsubin teapot. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year! I am now a follower. Pat

  10. I love these teapots. I always see them at Epcot in WDW. Hope you have a fantastic New Year!

  11. Hi Snap,
    thank you for your sweet comment. I love your iron tea pot. I have one, also, but I don't find it. LOL. Mine has a pearly decoration and is a cheap one, I guess. But it is nice because the tea keeps long hot inside. I really love your resoulution to drink the good tea first. I will remember that!!!
    Wish you a great new year with many pink moments.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  12. That is a real beauty. I bet the tea tastes wonderful.

  13. Good new year resolution, I read it too and think it's a fine idea. I am really enjoying flavoured teas and there are some nice herbal ones.
    Using such a special Oriental teapot, you must almost feel like doing a little tea ceremony first.
    Happy New Year Snap.

  14. Love the pot and the history. Makes me smarter to read blogs like this. Thanks and happy New Year. I am your newest follower. Richard from My old Historic house.

  15. I have always liked looking at these teapots in an Asian import store in West Edmonton Mall. So far, have never purchased one though. Maybe one day?

  16. I love your tea pot! I have been wanting one for a while, but just haven't been drawn to one yet. Yours is lovely.
    I agree with your new resolution...drink the good tea first! Yay! And use your best china!

  17. I like that resolution. I'll drink my good tea first too!

  18. I always admire japanese and they have a beautiful tea ceremony that is so beautiful and of course i love all things Tea and that iron teapot is just gorgeous and yes it's zen-like and ooze peace and quiet, that's my opinion anyway but i agree! you're allthe special occasion that is needed! here's to Tea Drinking! :)


  19. It's funny how we can get into the habit of saving the best for last, but when it's something fleeting and/or perishable, it is no longer "the best". I am going to try to drink the good tea first too. And I have one of those pots in my cupboard - and I thought it was just a heavy, dusty old thing!

  20. Hi Snap,
    I love these Japanese teapots, but I don't own one...yet!
    The bamboo decoration is so beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing and thanks for your nice comment on my post.
    Happy New Year!

  21. I also have a special affection for asian teapots, teacups, and many of their traditions! We had 2 different Japanese exchange students stay with us several years ago and I have many cultural items that were gifts from our students. Thanks for also stopping by and commenting on my blog, recently! I hope you stop by again. I will definitely be following yours!! :)

  22. Yes, life's to short for bad tea, bad wine, and bad company!

  23. Dearest Snap,

    What marvelous teapots!.., I only own one, yet they are marvelous.

    Thank you so very much for so generously and kindly gracing our blogs with your various lovely Tuesday tea party links. Thanks also for visiting our blogs time and time again and leaving sweet words of comment and encouragement with your participation for our Tuesday Tea's for our, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday', as well as for my, 'Tuesday Tea For Two', weekly blog tea party.

    Pam and I are going to very much miss you as we leave blog land for quite a long while. This is due to very important personal reasons that were unforseen; (even two weeks ago).

    Dear Pam and I had a long and friendly conversation just two days ago. Upon my informing Pam that I needed to 'bow out gracefully', from blogland for the forseeable future, she requested that I also send this message of deepest gratitude and regret on her behalf also. As I bid you a fond farewell and as we both leave you and other very lovely fellow bloggers for the time being dear lady.

    Have blessed New Year in 2012!

    Hugs and blessings from Wanda Lee, (and Pam; Pam is from her own, 'Breath Of Fresh Air', blog.)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.