Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lunar New Year

A big welcome to the Year of the Dragon and the Lunar New Year!


In the Chinese zodiac, the dragon is the only animal that is not real.
(Unless you are a dragon lady and believe in dragons!)
The dragon is a highly auspicious symbol and represents the unification of the ancient tribes in China.

Lunar New Year Tea

The dragon is a symbol of power, superiority and wisdom.
Unlike the wicked, fire breathing dragons of Western mythology,
China's celestial dragon symbolizes power and can have a soft spot! 

Lunar New Year Tea

Dragons are ancient, majestic, wise and intelligent and
dragon years are considered auspicious for new business, marriage and children.

Dragon Tea Mosaic

Dragon years also tend to boost individual fortunes and the world economy.

Mosaic Dragon Tea

Happy New Year to You!


Thank you to our hosts: 
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Mary for Mosaic Monday
and the lovely ladies who host tea blogs:

Wishing you WELL and a JOY filled New Year!


  1. So fun!!!

    Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Happy Lunar New Year to you! Love your tea setting :) Wishing you a prosperous New Year!

  3. I didn't realize it was the Lunar New Year -- a great post!

  4. Very interesting! I did not know any of this, so thanks for sharing.


  5. Love your tea set! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Beautiful set up! Love your dragon tea set...Christine

  7. I always enjoy a cup or two of tea when having a Chinese meal. Your tea set is lovely and that dragon platter is really cool, too. so you're a dragon lady, huh? I think I'll go check to see what I am. :-) Sue

  8. Happy Year of the Dragon to you. Lovely tea set and such great shots. Fun post!

  9. wonderful! Thanks for the reminder about Chinese New Year!

  10. What a wonderful dragon tale! Your chinese tea set was perfect for a New Year setting!

  11. Happy Chinese New Year to you! We're going out for Chinese food on Wednesday to celebrate! What fun dishes you have.

  12. Great post, what a lovely teaset. Happy New year!

  13. What a celebratory and fun post! I will have to be sure we enjoy a Chinese dinner this week in honor of the New Year!

  14. Those are some fine looking dragons. I was listening to the radio yesterday and the newscaster mentioned that a population increase was expected because of it being the Year of the Dragon.

  15. Wonderful.
    Wish you Happy New Year.

  16. I love all of your beautiful dragons especially that centerpiece!

  17. Happy New Year to you. My new daughter in law was telling me that every Chinese New Year the factory that she works at has the dragons come to perform. She says it is amazing. V

  18. What a great post. I love the dragons and your lovely teaset.

  19. I love your information on the dragon being this year symbol, and I also like your dishes collection!

  20. Love these dishes, Snap. My mother had some very much like these...wonder where they are?
    Great post. :)
    xo bj

  21. Hooray for a year of the dragon!! Just the kind of magic I need!!!!

  22. What a wonderfully informative post, Snap! I didn't know ANY of that!


  23. Yay for the Year of the Dragon!
    Your celebration is fabulous, love the tea set and all the beautiful color!

  24. I LOVE that dragon! What a beautiful and lively table setting.

  25. uauu excelente Boas vindas de 2012!
    belas fotos!

  26. Snap your setting and photos are brilliant! I love the photo mosaics you created. Thank you for sharing your wonderful tea with us! xo Happy New Year! HHL

  27. Happy New Year to you... What a lovely teaset and informative post ... dare I call you the " dragon lady " in a warm sort of way ... I too enjoy the Chinese zodiac and have a few dragon pieces myself... Isn't it fun to go beyond the motif on china and realize a bit of the cultural history... Your pictures had a very calming effect too... which I truly enjoyed ...Hugs

  28. What a perfect tea to celebrate the year of the dragon!

  29. Thank you for sharing the cultural background of the dragon. I was given a lovely teapot and cups from China many years ago from a Chinese friend. It has two dragons on it in the most beautiful colors. My boys loved using it when they were young...they thought it more boyish that the flowery ones. They (as all boys do I think) liked the thought of dragons and adventure. Thank you for sharing.

  30. Thank you for visiting me at Down Memory La La Lane. I was so happy to see you that I thought I would drop in to see you for a while.
    I love your DRAGONS and your lovely tea set. The drawing is AWESOME!! you really know how to bring in the New Year...
    I hope you will stop by again sometime.
    Here's to your health!

  31. Greetings,

    I love your beautiful dragon tea set! I did not know that the year of the dragon represented good fortune and success. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about the Year of the Dragon and the Lunar New Year!


  32. Happy Chinese New year to you as well.

    I learned much about the Chinese dragon - had no idea. Sounds like it may be a very good year, indeed.

    You have a beautiful china set, and that dragon is really neat!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog, too, and for leaving a comment. I am new to blogging (just a little over 3 weeks now) so it especially means a lot to me to have visitors!

  33. A fun post for tea today Snap. Nice to learn something too when I visit with you.

  34. Happy Year of the Dragon to you, Snap! I love your dragon design tea set.

  35. Hi Snap.
    How interesting and it is nice to see the dragon dishes. I like dragons on decoration as much as I am happy that they don't life here. LOL
    Happy New Chinese year to you, too.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  36. I just love your dragon tea set! Wonderful photos. Thanks for linking with Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  37. Enjoyed viewing your post. Your blue teaset is delightful!
    Nancy @ Two Cottages And Tea

  38. Well, I learned something new today, Snap. I never knew that about the dragon. Your tea set is wonderful. Thank you for sharing this with Tea Time's birthday celebration.


  39. Just love the paper dragon and your Chinese New Year Celebration. The dragon china and teaset is so lovely. Thanks for the information about the Dragon! Happy Tea Party! Pam

  40. Your post is fun to read about the Dragon info and you dishes are stunning. A lovely tea party.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  41. Oh you've got some beautiful china too!!! :)
    Vivienne x

  42. Such interesting information on the year of the dragon. Lovely pictures. I hope you have a wonderful and prosperous year!

  43. I should have known you would have the inside track on dragons! I never realized that the dragon is the only non-animal figure. I love the idea that our collective fortunes have a better chance at being boosted this year - I think we all could use a little bit of that magic. And I learned yet another thing - that the Chinese dragon represents unification. Wow, could it really be so - an auspicious year ahead? I do hope so. Happy New Year to you too, my favourite Dragon Lady!

  44. What a beautiful tablescape. That dragon is so adorable too. Happy Year of the Dragon.



'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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