Friday, January 27, 2012


More from The Box of Kisses: 40 Reproduction Vintage Postcards
published by Chronicle Books.

In The Spring

"In the Spring
We are getting busy in the Garden."

The Seventh Heaven

"The Seventh Heaven"


I LOVE January.
It has nothing to do with welcoming a new year or making resolutions.
It is the time of year when all the seed/plant/garden catalogs arrive!
Let the list making begin!
Soon I will be getting busy in the garden.
That's my Seventh Heaven.

Thank you to Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.


  1. Good morning, Snap. Neat postcards. I love the garden catalogs. I don't do any gardening in Florida but when we get back to Maine, I have some herbs and flowers.

    Have a great weekend.


  2. gee, I wish my garden work went so well. Next time I shall forgo those old sweats for a skirt and heals :)

  3. Nice cards. I can see how you are getting busy in the garden. :)

  4. Love the old postcards, Snap.. BUT--I had to laugh at the way they were dressed... We certainly wouldn't wear our high heels or our fancy clothes while working in the garden, would we???? ha ha


  5. What fun. And, may I say, it's nice to read someone who likes January! Hear, hear!

  6. It's a little too early for my call from the garden - I'm a fair weather gardener. :)

    But I do love your cards and by then, no doubt I'll be feeling differently.

  7. I am going out to my garden to see if I can anyone getting busy. Nope! But I sure have a lot of trees down. So I guess I shall be getting busy and not in a fun way. Lost lots of my 20 yr. old Japanese Maples. an Amelanchier tree, some pines, etc. Oh well I shall just have to start again. At least no one was hurt here. I am thankful for that. :-)

  8. OOooh, my! Looking at these, my knees give way.

    Wow--reminds me of my darling husband when we were a bit younger...


    Happy PFF!

  9. Yup January is a time to armchair garden. Love your cards.

  10. These postcards are sweet! My husband loves gardening and it kind of rub off on me now. I chuckled at Betsy's comment about the clothes - I agree with her.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Postcards Crossing

  11. A feeling of Spring in the air, it's wonderful!
    Thanks so much for sharing this lovely post!
    and hugs from mammy Léia

  12. I wish I was getting busy in the garden soon. Alas we have much ice. Little snow this year but whatever we have had was followed by rain and then re-froze. Not much for the kiddies to play around in either. Thank heavens for the internet!!!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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