Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Tale of Two Bears

Today I'm going to tell you a tale of two bears.
When Mr. Dragon and I first moved to Galveston Island,
we discovered their holiday festival called
For 38 years, Dickens has been centered on
The Strand National Historic District.
Parades, strolling carolers, roving street entertainment --
all dressed in Victorian garb.

That first year, we made a trip to San Diego
for a professional meeting for Mr. Dragon.
On the waterfront, we found Mr. Dickens Bear.
He was perfect!
His top hat, velvet vest ... with his heart for all to see.
I sighed over him and we made the trip home without him.
Or so I thought.
But on Christmas Day, Mr. Dragon surprised me with 
Mr. Dickens Bear.

Christmas Bear

This year, Mr. Dragon is no longer with me.
My first Christmas without the love of my life.
I decorated the house, inside and out.
I put up two trees and today,
two days after Christmas,
I came home with the Court Jester Bear. 
I love his old loved look.
It just seemed right.

Christmas Teddy Bears

Two friends who can tell each other stories
and can bring a smile to my face. 

There are other Christmas bears who have their own stories.
Several more bears who dress in Victorian garb,
but their stories are for another time.
I have done well this Christmas.
I miss Mr. Dragon, but I know he would want me to
*suck it up and get on with it*.
No tears were shed ... until THE grandson ... on 
the other side of the country said:
"Merry Christmas Nana Snap.
Santa came to visit and this time he got it right!"

Wishing YOU well and JOY filled holidays!


  1. I thought about you a lot this Christmas, knowing you were on a new journey...and I'm glad you managed it...and found a friend for Mr. Dickens (no surprise that Mr. Dragon managed to get that Dickens bear for you!). I smile at Mr. Dragon expecting you to suck it up and get on with it this year...and he knew that you would. But a tear shed when speaking to a grandson? I'm so glad you did...those tears are okay. They often need to be shed. Not over what you have lost...but all that you have had. Love you!!! ♥

  2. Oh Sweet Nana Snap.... I have thought about you alot this year, and know that the holidays especially must be hard for you.. You are a strong lady --but let me say that it's okay to cry.. That's just human---and Mr. Snap would want you to laugh --and to cry!!!!

    Love your new bear... It just feels like a piece of Mr. Snap is there with you...


  3. You are one brave woman, not sure I could be that way. I seem to cry more and more these days.

  4. I think it's great that you are healing. I know this must be a very hard time for you, but isn't it wonderful your grandson wished Nana Snap a merry Christmas! All the best, Nana Snap. :)

  5. I knew you were being tough because you were so full of Christmas spirit. I love your bear story and I know Mr. Dragon is holding you in his heart on his journey through the stars. Me too! xox Corrine

  6. Every time I opened your blog I smiled at the beautiful image in your header and at the countdown - I felt that you`d arranged it all just for me.
    It sounds as though you made a good Christmas for yourself - and I don`t for a minute think it was easy. Your strength of character comes through in all your posts - as strong as the love for `the love of your life`.
    I`m glad to see that you found a new-old bear to keep Dickens company!

  7. I love your two adorable bears, Snap! You are an inspiration, and so very brave. I'm sure Mr. Dragon would be proud of your "carrying on" but would also understand some tears and longing. I'm sure he was with you in spirit on Christmas, as he will always be every day of the year.

    Wishing you a new year filled with peace and many beautiful moments to look forward to with your children and granchild!


  8. Yours bears are adorable and I can imagine you have beautiful memories that include them both. I was just dropping by to wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for visiting my place and your special comments. I look forward to engaging more with you in 2012. Cheers SpecialK XoXo


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