Monday, December 19, 2011

A Christmas Tea This and That

Every morning this month I've been getting up and making 
tea in my Christmas Cardinal/Poinsettia Mug.
I found the mug and teapot at Homegoods last year.

Christmas Cardinal Teapot and Mug

It's a BIG mug (Gibson Elite China) and filled with
Twinings Christmas Tea, gets the day off to a wonderful, warm start.
Twinings Christmas Tea is a black tea with a little cinnamon and cloves.
In the evening I have Twinings Winter Spice.
It is camomile tea spiced with cinnamon, cardamon and cloves.

Twinings Christmas Tea

Just in case you haven't noticed,
I love cardinals!

Cardinal Christmas Wreath


I missed getting to the gym this morning.
On days when I miss walking on the treadmill,
I try to walk into my village (weather permitting). 
Off I went with a list of books to look for at Half-Price books.
This book wasn't on my list!

Nigella Christmas 

But Mary at Home Is Where The Boat Is was very impressed
with Nigella Christmas. In fact, she even gave a copy away!
I didn't win (!!) and when I saw this at the book store I just had to give it a good look and I ended up bringing it home.
I'm glad I did. 
My mouth has been watering and tummy growling all afternoon!
It's worth the price for the recipe for the poinsettia cocktail!
I love butternut squash and look forward to trying butternut orzotto.
It's a beautiful book and I probably should have picked up a few extras for gifts -- great price at Half-Price Books!

Thanks to our tea party hostesses.
These are just a few of the tea parties in the Land of Blog.

Wishing YOU well and a wonderful cup of tea!


  1. That's a gorgeous tea pot and cup. So cheery!

  2. Hi Snap,
    the cardinal/poinsettia tea set looks really cheery and happy for Christmas. Love the bright red and that is possibly the special on the cardinal birds. I love Twinings teas but never saw this two special variations. But I guess we have smilar sorts and they taste great in winter.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!
    Best greetings, Johanna

  3. Butternut Orzotto? Wow! That sounds delicious. I love butternut anything. That cookbook does look enticing!
    Your tea pot and tea mug are perfect for the winter holidays! So fun! I love a big mug too, more to enjoy!
    Happy Christmas to you,

  4. I have quite a few cardinal things in my kitchen as I admire this beautiful bird too.
    Your teapot and big mug are adorable.
    Merry Christmas Snap.

  5. I love your teapot & cup. So cute! And I haven't tried the Twinings tea...will have to look for ti! Merry Christmas!

  6. Your teas sound very delicious, there is nothing like a really good cup of tea to relax us.

  7. Thanks for the recommendations on the teas. I love trying new flavors!!

  8. What's not to love about a big mug of tea? I think if I had to choose between tea or coffee (for the rest of my life) I would choose tea. I, too, have my favorite mugs and what? You are partial to cardinals?!!!

  9. Hi Snap,
    I really like your cardinal teacup and teapot! Very pretty and festive too. I love cardinals but we don't get them here. They are such beautiful birds.
    I must try and find Twinings Christmas Tea at the supermarket. It sounds delish.
    Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Christmas.


  10. Snap! That is a lovely teacup and tea pot... with the cold days upon us... it's wonderful to surround ourselves with items that bring nature into our day!! What a wonderful find! I hope you will share some recipes in the new year.. that Poinsettia Cocktail ... wonder what it would have in it!! Merry Christmas my friend, xo HHL

  11. I 'heart' that mug and teapot in the first picture. Two of my favorite things, cardinals and poinsettias, in the same mug/teapot... AWESOME....


  12. Love your Christmas tea things. I love Harney's Hot Cinnamon Tea (loose only) -- it is a really good cinnamon tea! I bought that book, too! I've made the snowflake cookies and they are really good.

  13. The cutest tea pot and mug I have seen and love the colors too. Happy Tuesday!

  14. Nigella is a great cook, I always enjoyed her cooking shows on tv. I am going to be on the lookout for this book on sale here. I too have a special fondness for cardinals. Merry Christmas to you and your family! xo

  15. I love your little Christmas tea time tradition. I like to do things like that too - if I'm not going to pamper myself a little, then who will?

  16. Hi Snap: Love the Christmas tea cup and tea pot. I pray that God will richly bless you this Christmas Season. Thank you for always being so faithful to our Tea Party! Hugs, Martha

  17. Hi Snap,

    I LOVE the banner on your blog today; it's so sweet! Your teapot and mugs are beautiful; we love cardinals at our house, too (and hot tea, as well).

    Thanks for visiting me from Seasonal Sundays a week ago. I so appreciate your kind comments about our Christmas mantel, and I'm glad you enjoyed the tour of Replacements, Ltd. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  18. I adore your teapot and cup! I love cardinals, too - they're our state bird! Thanks for visiting Buster! It's nice to know I'm not the only one with lumps in my bed! lol Merry Christmas!

  19. Hi Snap, I just love your tea set and I love cardinals too as they always remind me of my grandma for some reason. I am using my cardinal tray platter today with my tea set.
    The recipe books looks very good. I will have to keep a look out for this one as I collect cookbooks.
    Thank you for sharing the yummy teas too.

    Wishing you a very special Christmas and many blessings in the new year too.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  20. Oh, I love that big cardinal on the wreath! I'll have to tell my sister about that...she would love it! And I'll look for that book...sounds really good! Happy holidays! ♥

  21. I just love the mug and teapot.Have a good Christmas and I look forward to following you in 2012.

  22. Your teacup and pot are very lovely. I am a bird enthusiast so I love the idea of cardinals inside the house:) Your tea choices sound so good, I'm going to the grocery store to look for them and when I sip my tea I'll think of you. Thanks for sharing them!

    Have a blessed Christmas,

  23. Hi Snap,
    First of all Merry Christmas to you!
    I loved your cardinal mug and teapot, they're very cheerful in their Xmas colors.
    I also like Nigella's TV shows, she'as a great cook.
    Thanks for your visit.

  24. How gorgeous your cardinal teapot and teacup is! I'm loving it Snap. I also love Nigella's TV show and her cooking. I love all your tea choises, see, I like teas and we have great ones around here, all flavors! Wishing you and yours the merriest of Christmas and many blessings this Holiday Season.

  25. We don't have Cardinals in Colorado- I miss them as they are the Virginia State Bird where I was born! Lovely post!

  26. Dearest Snap,

    Merry, Merry Christmas dear lady.., and a happy New Year to you as well!

    I love your Cardinal teacup and pot and oh my.., don't those tea 's sound wonderful!

    You've got me curious now about what exactly may be in a Poinsettia drink, that Christmas-y libation!?..,

    The Orzo squash sounds tantalizingly epicurious as well. ~ Nigella Lawson is amazing alright.., Good for you; do enjoy that well deserved treat of her Christmas cook book dear lady!

    Thanks ever so much for also inspiring us richly and sharing with us all of your marvelous tea posts for our Tuesday tea parties.

    We always adore having you join us in the fun!..,

    Thanks for so faithfully brightening our corner of blogland, as you have joined us for, 'T and TTT', and also for, 'Tuesday Tea For Two', on many a lovely occasion.

    May God richly bless you and yours during this coming Christmas and also in the New Year in 2012 dear lady.

    Hugs from Wanda Lee, (and Pam)

  27. Mammy and I are taking notes here, thanks for all good hints!
    purrs and love
    Luna and mammy

  28. adorable mug and teapot! love the festive design on them and the wreath is just too cute!! i like watching Nigella's TV show, she's not just gorgeous but a great cook too!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  29. I love the mug & teapot!! And I love the sound of the teas you've been enjoying. While we have Twinings here, we certainly don't have those options.

    You and Nigella will be getting along famously this winter I expect!!! :)

  30. That cocktail has everyone curious. Do let us know. Enjoy reading your new cookbook witha cup of tea in that amazing mug.
    Cardinals are so cheery this time of year!I so enjoyed your presence at our tea, especially during this busy season.
    Wishing you a blessed Christmas!


  31. Boy, oh boy, do I wish I had a Half Price Books Store near me!
    (or maybe it's lucky I don't, as I would be so tempted to buy too many have a wealness for cookbooks!)

    I'm sure Nigella's recipes are divine!

  32. I love cardinals too! I saw your set at Home Goods...just lovely! Merry Christmas :)

  33. That cup and teapot is so PERFECT for the season. I love it very much and I am sure you do as well! It has a good home with you. Just stopping by to wish all who link up at Tea Party Tuesday extra Holiday greetings and gratitude for your support and wonderful contributions! Blessings and all things good to you and yours in 2012

  34. A beautiful teapot. :-)

    If you've never tried it, during the holiday season Tazo has a blend called 'Joy'. It's only available for a short time so we stock up. lol It's made right here in Oregon.


    Allegro also makes fabulous tea. We like their breakfast blend and China White (can be purchased at Whole Foods Market as well as other locations).

    Allegro Tea


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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