Monday, October 31, 2011

Frank Stopped By

Frank stopped by the house.

Here Kitty Kitty

Here Kitty Kitty!
Teddy wasn't sure he'd met Frank before.

Frankenstein and the Bride

Frank brought his beautiful bride to visit, too.

Frankenstein and The Bride

Don't you think they make a lovely couple?!!!
I do!

We all wish you a very Happy Halloween!


  1. The BEST! He does seem congenial doesn't he. What do suppose Raider would think of Frank? :) Lovely bride!

  2. Ha! Just read your 'About me' and i could have been reading about myself :)....all except the baseball, don't do baseball maybe a little football now and then. LOL! I've been lurking for a while , not sure if i've commented before but had to say hi after reading your about me. deb

  3. Happy Halloween to Frank, his lovely wife and to you, Beautiful Snap !

  4. Two people who are truly made for each other. Happy Halloween!

  5. Frank and his bride make a lovely couple for sure!

    Happy Halloween!!!!

  6. Nice couple [read: love is blind!]

    Have fun tonight; hope its all treats and no tricks.

  7. Great costumes! Happy Halloween!

    Carolina Mts

  8. Have a safe and spooky night!

    (Very cute couple hahahahaha.... :)

  9. Frank and his bride look great. I do have to say the bride is a lot prettier. Wonderful costumes, Happy Halloween!

  10. What great costumes - actually Frank seems quite a bit more friendly than his appearance would suggest.

  11. woooo kity was brave so brave. What a cute couple. Hope your Halloween was hauntingly good.

  12. What a fun couple. I love that she still looks gorgeous, even as the bride of Frankenstein. Love this!


  13. Great costumes! What fun! Mrs. Frankenstein's hair is especially amazing! Thanks for your comment on my blog! Have a great weekend! ~ Mary


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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