Monday, September 5, 2011

Sitting By The Dock

On this Labor Day,
I hope you are Sitting By The Dock of The Bay
Enjoying Your Day......

Sitting By The Dock

Thank you to our hostess:

(A quick edit. The high temp today will be below 100. I'm taking the day off from watering! Still no rain. Shucks!)


  1. lovely mosaic - I think we should all take the hint to "stress less". I hope you enjoyed your day and that the high temperatures and no rain are not getting to you. Enjoy your last days of summer, and have a wonderful week. Thanks for dropping by my blog to say hi.

  2. You've captured some truly lovely sights this summer. I love Japanese Gardens! Monet's Garden would be a visit of a lifetime for me as well!

  3. Thanks for stopping by...I like your mosaic...makes me want to sit on the dock for awhile.

  4. Happy Labor Day! Preferably with no labor.

  5. Hi, Snap

    Your collage is really beautiful and I could happily sit in several of those places. I got a kick out of how you named each one... bit of a theme going on here!

    I enjoy my visits to your site, so it's time to go and click "follow".


  6. Having grown up on the south end of Long Island, on the bay side...I did a lot of sitting there! These pictures make a great mosaic..and by the way, I saw Otis Redding in concert many years ago singing that was memorable. Have a wonderful week.

  7. Hi Snap! Oh, what a lovely mosaic and enjoy your day! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Oh my goodness, you must be getting tired of the heat. Last night it was just 50 here, and it felt colder. Days don't get above 70, so I guess fall is really on the way. I love your dock photos!

  9. I'm hoping for a quiet, peaceful day too.

  10. Oh so lovely. I'd love to be sitting by the dock of the Bay! Happy day to you...

  11. A great mosaic, thanks for sharing!
    Have a wonderful week!

  12. Oh I was hoping a little rain fell, but at least the temps are finally below 100. Nice mosaic. I was on the dock watching puppies swim yesterday! xox Corrine

  13. Hi Snap, Very pretty mosaic! My daughter and hsb live in TX and they too could use some rain. Thanks for visiting Beyond The Garden Gate. I enjoyed visiting back.
    Hugs, Beth

  14. You've put together a wonderful collage of appealing images... Thanks for sharing!

  15. It was a rainy day here...but a day inside has been nice, too! Love your photos! Nothing better than being near the water! ♥

  16. Love your mosiac! Oh, I wish I was sitting by the dock of the bay. What a wonderful place it is. But no, hubby and I were completing a few outdoor projects. Figured that we wouldn't get many more chances to wind things up before cold hits.

  17. I always did like that song! Very good mosaic illustration!

  18. I sure wish I could send you some of our rain & cool, 60-ish temps, Snap. You guys really need a break! My oldest brother lives in Kerrville, TX & I hear all about it from him.

    I wanted to tell you how much I loved seeing your garden photos. So much tender caring went into them.


  19. Great mosaic. All wonderful pics. Glad your temps are cooling...if only a little. Hang in there. It can't last forever.

  20. oh yes indeed I did!

  21. Very restful images...I am enjoying the view of the dock, of the bay, of the pelicans...sigh. What's that you're having in those glasses? Red wine? I'll have a glass, thank you, Snap.

  22. Bonjour sweet Snap,
    Your collage is just perfect with so wonderful critters and beautiful nature shots!
    I'm so happy visiting you now, thanks for the lovely energy that I always find here.
    purrs and love to your heart,
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  23. Funny you should mention that, I was sitting on my dock for part of the weekend and it was lovely. Love your pelicans!

  24. Wonderful mosaic, Snap! I especially loved the photos of the sea birds

    I will now be humming this tune all evening! :0)

  25. Lovely photos of the dock by the bay...wish I had been by one, my sister's families went camping and they were all by a dock...maybe next year for me. I like you tea mosiacs in post above this one too.

  26. Lovely shots -- just what is required on a Labour Day weekend!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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