Monday, September 12, 2011

Remember This?

Remember Mr. Brown?
I crocheted 14 of these strips.


I added green to 7  and
red to the remaining 7 .

 The strips were linked by white,
alternating the colors
and I finished the Christmas Afghan*.

Then I put the crochet hook down and
had a cup of tea.

Christmas Afghan

And it isn't fall yet!
Back to 100+ degree temperatures this week.
This is way past the getting old stage.

My thanks to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday.

Wishing you WELL and a JOY filled week.

*The pattern is from a Leisure Arts book featuring *Mile-aMinute* afghans.


  1. Sending you some cool weather- our fall is giving a hint this week.

    Carolina Mts

  2. Crocheting an afghan in 100+ weather is not for the faint of heart! Well done!

  3. Well, you are certainly ahead of the game! My new learn-how-to-crochet-in-a-day book is sitting in the basket. I think it is mocking me! :)

  4. Your Christmas afghan looks great. I like that pattern and have made a few afghans using it.

    I wish I could send you some cool autumn weather but we're still having summer, too....although right now we aren't as hot as where you are.

  5. Ouch on the 100 degrees! We've had several days of 80's in the Northwest and we are now in a cooling pattern again. Have a wonderful week and I hope things cool down for you...

  6. Your Christmas afghan turned out very nice, Snap! I need to get my crochet hooks out & start on a baby blanket but its just been too dern hot to have it on my lap. Same goes for any quilting.

    They're predicting a cool night for us on Wed. Let's hope!


    ps. Love your pretty new teacup!

  7. It is beautiful! Great job and sure to be enjoyed on many a chilly day!

  8. Puh....
    Thanks for sharing this nice post!
    Have a great week,

  9. I am soooooo impressed with your Christmas afghan. I wish I had started one when YOU did. No, wait...
    I wish I knew HOW to crochet an afghan like yours.
    I made one a long time ago, when my mom was living. She would help me when I got stuck...but she's gone now and I don't think I can remember how to crochet. Been too long.

  10. Very pretty, Snap.This looks like an afgan even i could make!
    I see by your banner that ther eis 11 days till autumn begins ..woo hoo--my favorite time of the year! I hope it cools down for you there soon!

  11. Aren't you bold crocheting in that heat. I talked to someone in San Antonio this morning and I can't believe you are all over 100 again, ugh! xox Corrine

  12. Your crochet is lovely, is this a gift for someone. I love the Christmas colors, red and green. Great post, have a wonderful week.

  13. You must have found it hard to make a warm afghan in such hot temperatures! It is really lovely. I can't believe it's still so hot in some places as it's cooled down considerably here. I guess we'll always be cooler. That's just the way it is. Have a great week. Pamela

  14. Same here with the temps going back up. I love your crochet strips. You deserved your break and cup of tea, getting a jump on Christmas decor. Love the header too.

    The French Hutch

  15. Such a beautiful artwork!
    Here the weather is not so good, today it's raining a lot!
    I wish you a beautiful day!

  16. Gorgeous! But I could use that afghan. Our nights are cool now and well, some days require socks!

  17. I love to crochet but can only do straight lines...I never learned how to do blankets or anything..:(

    I'm your newest follower and would love for you to follow me.
    Have a wonderful day!!

  18. I hope that you were in an air conditioned room! It is going to be a beautiful afghan.

  19. What pretty crochet. I know I've told you before, but my mother was quite a crochet artist. She tried in vain to teach me, her only child, but finally gave up. lol I've crocheted an afghan or two in my time (nothing fancy), but do better at knitting.

    I wish our temps would remain warm. I have 14 tomato vines, full of green tomatoes that need heat and sun to ripen (as we sit in clouds). We've had very little summer this year. The summer season is getting much shorter in my neck of the woods.

  20. You are way ahead on your Christmas gift list, Snap! (Even in your heat!)

  21. Hi Snap, is this from the "mile a minute" pattern? I remember making one afghan withe the same color combination and I gave it away as a retirement gift.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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