Saturday, August 27, 2011

Elephant Bath

Earlier in the summer, before it got too hot for man or beast,
the Houston Zoo had a open house at the elephant barn.
Tess and her calf, Tupelo were the stars.

Asian Elephant

They love having their bath.

                                   Asian Elephant

Little Tupelo was helping.

Asian Elephant Sitting Up

Tess was a very happy elephant!

Be sure to visit Camera Critters to see the other critters.
I'm also linking to and thanking 

If you are on the east coast, please stay safe.

Wishing YOU well.


  1. Baths look fun! I bet with the heat they really appreciate them.

  2. That last shot is hilarious. She looks like she is laughing!

  3. Thanks for sharing your visit to the zoo. Mama and baby are certainly enjoying their bath! Great photos!

  4. OOOOOOOOOh, I love your new background and header, it looks so lovely.

    I love your elephant photographs. These are really wonderful. That Houston zoo is truly a wonderful place. So nice that they take such good care of the animals. Look at that last photo, that elephant is surely basking in the shower.


  5. Looks more fun than my shower!

  6. LOVE it!!! That last photo is adorable!

  7. Wow, very cool shots of the elephants. I just love that last capture.

  8. You've made all of us smile! That last photos is priceless.

  9. It looks like a lot of fun for everybody involved! Great shots!

  10. Great shots made me smile too..

  11. Love tht last shot, you really captured her expression. I love elephants!

  12. Oh, how fun! That little elephant is just so cute!

  13. Hey, a great way to beat the heat. Those gals are too cute! Hope you're getting a little much needed rain and cooler temps out your way. We did get some rain, but back up in triple digits here.
    Cute post this evening and I love the gals in the pics.....

    The French Hutch

  14. Hope you get some rain too! Here in my neck'o'woods there's a lot of rain over due, today we had some little rain , no big deal, but hey, it probably means it'll start raining soon. Those gals are great! Have a nice cool temp. soon! Have a safe Sunday, hun. FABBY

  15. That photo is so precious! I love baby elephants. xo

  16. That last shot is so happy!

  17. How wonderful, nothing beats a cold shower when the temperatures rise.
    Maggie @ Normandy Life

  18. How fun!!! This was a very pleasant post...and a great way to cool off in this inferno Texas is having!!

    Y'know our son has lived in Houston for nearly 20 years, and we still have yet to go to the zoo when we're there with him. Hmmmm.

    My Week's Summary & Shadow Shot

  19. Your visit to the elephant barn looks like fun. Great photos!

  20. Awww, the pictures of happy Tess made me smile! Dianne

  21. These are the cutest things I've ever seen/. You did a fantastic job on your pictures.
    I pinned them all....:))
    xo bj

  22. Oh how fun! We have watched elephants take their baths in a lake before, and it was so exciting!

  23. How adorable. They look like they were having a fantastic time!

    - The Tablescaper

  24. Aw, how cute! The pics made me smile!

  25. Hi Snap,

    These photos are marvellous!! I love animals and have always thought that elephants are so amazing. Seeing these photos makes me want to laugh out loud :) Thanks for sharing!

    Denise at Forest Manor


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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