Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dry Creek

Dry Creek is part of the Creek Group in my fair city.
Located in The Heights (one of the funkier neighborhoods),
Dry Creek was originally a 1930's gas station.
Now it's a burger joint ... and a good one.

The Creek Group is a charming group of cafes dedicated
to the 'country folk' mentality.
Slow down and listen to some good ol' country and blues
and have a good time. 
It's like fishing without the pole.

Dinner at Dry Creek

THE KIDS are getting married later in the year.
Dry Creek was a good place to get the families together and for
his folks to meet the Auntie (the woman behind the camera)!

Dinner at Dry Creek

Funky Decor

Dinner at Dry Creek

His folks.
Can you tell we had a great time?
And, the food was good too!

Dry Creek Mosaic

I had the regular burger with a side of jalapeno and sweet potato fries.
Then there was a West Coast Burger -- turkey burger with avocado and sprouts.
THE KID tried the house specialty--
the Triple Bypass Burger -- cheese, bacon and fried egg.
He liked it .

Good Food.
Good Company.

Thank you to our hostesses:

Wishing YOU well and a joy filled week!


  1. It looks like the meeting was a good one - no one has that awkward, get-me-out-of here look!

  2. I agree with Pondside and OMG the food looks so good!

  3. Think I'll have the turkey burger - but the sweet potato fries would be a must! So - a family wedding is in the future. In Houston?

  4. Hi Snap,

    Congratulations to the engaged couple and the families on both sides! And this looks like such a cute burger joint :) I'm sure my husband and I would enjoy hanging out there and trying some of those delicious looking burgers. Thanks for sharing this post and I hope you have a great weekend!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  5. Hi lovely lady from Houston.
    I love your family post !!! Yes it looks like you had a good meeting. I love the food in Houston we did have a home in WEST U. Ten years ago. I would like to thank you so much for your sweet comments on my new Tablescape. I hope you have a great weekend.
    xxoo Diane
    Maybe we can have lunch some time at Good Company on west park.
    XXOO Diane

  6. Such a fun place for the "meeting".. looks like it was a success and lots of fun. The food sure looked good. Handsome couple! xo marlis

  7. It's always good to "meet the parents"!!!! Looks like a great place to do that.

  8. Looks like everyone had a great time and ate very well:@)

  9. Dry Creek looks like a good kind of funky fun and great food. We have our special places like this and I always look forward to an evening out. The best is a place we frequent when we are at the beach. Thanks for sharing the article Set Yourself Free. This is a great way to start the day, thanks for sharing
    I love the postcard and pic in Remembering Love. How beautiful in so many ways.....

    The French Hutch

  10. Fun time..
    Of course, now I am hungry for a Bacon Cheesburger and it's only 9:30 in the morning here.'s gotta be five o'clock somewhere.:))
    Bring on the burger.

  11. Glad to see the meeting went well. Always an exciting time planning a wedding! I am drooling over those fries, love them! Anyway, cute blog, thanks for visiting with me! Hope to see wedding pics!!

  12. That looks and sounds so good and combined with the great company and music, it's a perfect outing!

  13. Looks like a fun evening, but oh my, the by-pass burger is making my dietitian heart drop! Dianne

  14. What a sweet post! It looks like everyone is having a great time.

    Jocelyn @

  15. I'm getting hungry looking at those burgers! What a fun place! It's so nice that the auntie is included! It says a lot of good things about the young 'uns! Thank you for stopping at my blog and leaving a comment.

  16. Congrats to the happy couple! the food does look yummy, it looks like a great place to meet and eat.

  17. This looks like a fun place to gather. I'm glad you had fun!

  18. Looks like a fun gathering and the I want french fries!

  19. It's great to get together and meet before your big event. We have a wedding ceremony coming next March and we won't be able to meet the groom's mother until the event...yikes. I've met the dad and step mom but my husband hasn't met any of them. Looks like you all had a great time. Hope you have a great week!

  20. Oh my goodness, that Triple Bypass Burger is giving me a coronary just looking at it! Think I'll have the West Coast Burger thanks.

    Dry Creek does look like a fabulous spot to have a get-together and it looks like you all had a great time getting to know one another.

  21. This looks like our kind of place!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and thank you for your input. I suppose I will just keep on blogging away too, as long as I am enjoying the process.

  22. What a great day and what a wonderful meal. Thanks so much for making your magnificant day a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. Looks like everyone had a good time. I would like to try the West Coast burger. My son tells me I would loose weight if I visit him in California. Egg white omelets and lots of avocados.

  24. Looks like a good time! Thanks for sharing! Have a nice week,

  25. Hello Snap! I'm blog hopping from Mary's Mosaic Monday. I enjoyed your posts because it talked about family. Family, friends and food form the perfect happiness combination. I hope we could know each other better by following each others blogs. Have a great day!

  26. Looks like a good time and some really good food!

  27. Looks like you all had a grand time! Have a wonderful week! Cathy

  28. Congratulations to the engaged couple!! And yes the food does look good!Happy Monday and thanks for the visit!

    Mosaic Monday

  29. Oh wow delicious it all looks,you all must have had a good time

  30. Looks and sounds like it was a fun time. I will take the bacon burger without the egg. :D
    Thanks for stopping by. I think the glads were either picked to soon or in cold storage to long - ended up pitching them.

  31. Sounds like a good place to eat and everyone had a fun time! Can't ask for more than that!

  32. Wonderful shots. Looks like a nice joint to have some cool time.

  33. Looks like a lovely family celebration ! Any yummy snacks !
    Have a great weekend, Lovley One !

  34. I'll also have a "kids' wedding next year! I am planning, searching and and booking almost every day for the big event:)

    The burgers and fries looked mmmm MMMM good!

  35. What a wonderful way to get to know everyone and everyone does look like they are having a good time. Happy times :)

  36. One daughter lives in the Heights and Dry Creek is a favorite stop. Just picked up sandwiches there last week when I was in town.

  37. I love the funky decor! Looks like my kind of fun! ♥

  38. It looks like a wonderful and casual and delightfully inviting...what a perfect spot for the families to get together!!


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