Monday, July 18, 2011

Tea and Books

There is nothing like a cup of tea and a good book.
In this case, it is a book about tea:
The Chinese Art of Tea by John Blofeld.
Mr. Blofeld was a world renowned writer and scholar who 
devoted his life to the study of Eastern traditions.
I've just started the book and it is a delight.
Full of history and stories that will fit in with one of my 
Food and Feast tours at the museum.

Tea and Books

The tea cup is one I found at Anthropologie.
There are no markings on the bottom of the cup or the saucer.

Tea and Books

I love the orange color and the shape of the cup.
It is very thin and you can feel the tea in the cup. 

Tea and Books

In Mr. Blofeld's words:
"Tea is at its best when enjoyed in pleasant surroundings, whether indoors or out, where the atmosphere is tranquil, the setting harmonious. A large party is distracting, whereas the company of two or three relaxed and friendly people contributes to the enjoyment of unusually fine tea. The other two essentials are very pure water and a set of tea-things that please the eye on account of their subdued, unostentatious beauty, thus adding to the prevailing atmosphere of tranquil harmony. Nevertheless, a perfect combination of these five --- setting, company, tea, water and tea-things -- will fail to work its magic in the absence of the special attitude required to do them justice."


"The key to that attitude is mindfulness. The world today is so full of distractions that mindfulness, which must have come about spontaneously in times gone by, has to be cultivated. Once this has been achieved, a thousand hitherto unnoticed beauties will reveal themselves. For example, there is music in the hiss and bubble of a kettle, a springtime freshness in the fragrance of the steam rising from the teacups, and a gentle exhilaration -- too subtle to be apparent to a distracted mind -- results from certain mysterious properties inherent in the tea itself, particularly in the case of green and oolong teas as opposed to black teas. "

"The spirit of tea is like the spirit of the Tao: It flows spontaneously, roaming here and there impatient of restraint."

Thanks to our tea party hostesses.
These are just a few of the tea parties in the Land of Blog.

Wishing YOU well and a wonderful cup of tea! 


  1. Nice post, pretty orange, mindful yes. xox Corrine

  2. This is a very pretty and unusually shaped tea cup. I enjoyed reading the quotes from the book. It is so true that it is good to take a few moments in the day to be mindful and enjoy the moments of pleasure in a cup of delicious tea!

  3. Like your new blog header -- those flamingoes rock!

  4. YES---tea and books do go together, don't they???? My hubby loves BOTH...

    Great pictures... Love that teacup...

  5. Wonderful tea post. Your beautiful teacup has an Asian flair!

  6. Love the pattern on the teacup and the sunflowers are so glorious!!

    Barb ♥

  7. Hello Snap,
    that is an amazing tea cup. I never saw before this shape nor the design. And so perfect with the book. The teacup looks like handpainted. What a tresure.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  8. That fluted cup reminds me of a shell, Snap. I like the idea that "you can feel the tea in the cup." The sunflowers make me smile.

  9. Love the delicate tea cup. The pattern especially. I also love your header.

  10. Hi Snap,
    Your teacup is very nice. It is unusual in its colour and I like that! I love tea and books and yes, they do go together very well. I enjoyed reading the quotes. Thank you for sharing this with Tea Time and have a delightful week.


  11. Your new book sounds amazing.. I must look for it at our book store. What a beautiful teacup you are sharing... love the colour and the unique shape. Was just catching up on your posts... what a lovely teacup you won!! Congratulations ... xo Blessings, HHL

  12. What an especially pretty tea cup! And, another interesting post! :)

  13. What a very unusual teacup. I love the shape!

    Jocelyn @

  14. Love the teacup...Anthropologie is fun! Wish there were one close to me! Great post!
    Thanks so much!

  15. What a unique teacup Snap and interesting tea facts.

  16. This is a great post, I love the cup but the book and the prose were fun to see/read. Thanks a lot for sharing this. I have quite a collection of tea books but I will be adding this fun treasure soon.

  17. That is a very unique cup...unusual shape and color.

  18. I like the interesting shape of your cup, and my compliments on the sunflowere photo too!

  19. The cup is so very unusual - I've never seen one quite like it.
    Tea will always be the drink for me. It refreshes, it goes with conversation or solitary time.

  20. Hello, Snap, I came from Barb’s blog. Your icon reminded me of Great Buddha in Nara. OH, what an interesting story about Chinese tea culture, it is very similar to Japanese tea culture. No wonder, as our culture is based on Chinese culture. I love this expression “music in the hiss and bubble of a kettle”. How eloquently it tells us the serene tranquility. Have a nice day! Greetings from Nara, Japan

  21. Two wonderful subjects!
    The tea cup is awesome!

  22. I love the new banner (I am a flamingo girl, myself) and feeling the tea through a thin cup is reserved for special occasions for this klutz. Those are beautiful words penned by Mr. Blofeld, I would have loved to share a cuppa with him.

  23. That is such an interesting tea cup. I am finding myself more and more fond of orange as time goes by, especially a shade like this. I really appreciated your quotes, especially the words about tea and mindfulness. I am new to the love of tea cups and would love a visit.


  24. Hi: What a great tea cup! I love orange colors. They are hard to find. Thank you for joining Tea Cup Tuesday. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  25. what a unique teacup! love the freshness color of it and the design is so lovely! i love books about tea, i'm going to have a nosey in the library if i could find the art of tea book and read! thanks for sharing!

    Have a lovely tea time!


  26. Hello Texas Friend,
    Snap your tea cup and saucer is gorgeous. I love the unique shape and the delicate design.
    Enjoyed the words from Mr.Blofeld
    Sounds like a great book.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment on my tea set.
    Hugs from a very HOT North Texas, Celestina Marie

  27. There is something really restful and special about drinking tea in a beautifully decorated delicate cup. Makes me long for High Tea in London... :)


  28. Beautiful and peaceful post.

  29. I couldn't agree more with those quotes, Snap. Enjoying a hot cup of tea, especially with friends, is one of life's great pleasures. My quilting group members all drink tea & having a little homemade sweet to go along with it, makes it all the more special.

    Your unusual cup is very pretty & I know it will bring you many cups of pleasure.


  30. Hello, Snap...

    Thank you for sharing your lovely orange teacup/saucer...just beautiful! Oh, I do agree about mindfulness and making the conscious effort to slow down and be present. Calming the mind is a thing I have to re-work on.

    And isn't it amazing that when we slow down we become open to the faster more spiritual vibrations where all works together for good.

    Have a glorious day in peace,

  31. I never had seen that pattern of tea cup...I love the orange colour
    and that book seems really interesting
    Delighted to meet you again

  32. Dearest Snap,

    Thank you ever, ever so much for your kind generousity in being willing to send your absolutely delightful blog-aversary give-away gifts so far a distance!

    What a wonderful and generous array of lovely tea themed items; from the antique mug to the fabulous teapot, the tea pictures, the lovey tin of tea cards, lovely book on tea and journal.., My oh my!

    What an uplifting treat!

    What a fabulous tea theme of mindfulness, reading and lovely orange teacup as well!

    Thanks for joining us once again for TTTT as well as for my 92nd, 'Tuesday Tea Foe Two'..,

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

    P.S. ~ I shall happily show my lovely gifts at next week's tea with a link back to your blog Snap. Thanks once again!

  33. tea and a good book...I have spent many an afternoon in just that's bliss.

    I love that cup and saucer...the cup is a unique shape and if you can feel the tea through the china, that's a fabulous cup!!!

  34. I have really enjoyed this post! The readings from the book are fabulous and the tea cup you are sharing is really stunning. I love the shape of the cup as well as the orange color. The fact that it is also very thin makes it even better.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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