Saturday, July 30, 2011

Knitting in The Loop

In an effort to feel cooler (!!!!!!),
my sista and I decided to visit Knitting In The Loop 
at their new location.
Lots of yarn to make something yummy for cool days 
(someday ... in December maybe????!!!!!).

Knitting in The Loop

Their new place is right next door to their old place,
but bigger and that means more yarn!

Open sign

Lots of gorgeous yarn, places to sit, knit and chat.

Mosaic Knitting in the Loop

I just had to include the photo of the knit tea cozy.

Thank you to our hostesses:

Wishing YOU well and a joy filled week!


  1. Cute little shop! I'm ready for more comfortable weather, just not ready for Winter! I think I prefer the heat over 5 months of snow!

  2. You found a great way to spend a hot summer day in the cool of a lovely shop. Me too. How did you every decided on one of those gorgeous colors. Hope you'll share a peek at your knitting project once its started.
    Hope your weekend is going great.

    The French Hutch

  3. Looks like a great yarn shop....and I love the tea cozy.

  4. Looks like a fun place to go! I love yarn and fabric shops even if I just touch the "stuff".


  5. We have no yarn shop here and I've heard the one in Santa Fe is closed now too. So sad, I miss finding great yarn! thanks for sharing. xo marlis

  6. Oh my love..OH MY! I do adore yarn. I love to knit..and knit and knit..even in the hot weather. Although I loooooove it when it gets cool. Of course knitting with a kitten bouncing around may be a challenge..we shall see!
    Hugs, Sarah

  7. I adore yarn shops, fabric shops, art supply shops -- I love the colors and textures, and most important the limitless possibilities of them!

    This one looks wonderful
    and just because it's hot -- keep knitting. Just use cotton yarn!

  8. What a great shop. When I go into the yarn shop in town I'm always convinced that I'm a better knitter than I am, and get inspired to start new projects. I guess that's the whole idea!

  9. Hi lovely lady.
    This is a great way to cool off !! Just go to the little shops in your Home Town. This one looks great for yarn...
    I hope you are having a great day..
    Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my new Tablescape.
    XXOO Diane

  10. So, what are you going to work on?
    I guess I'll find out how warm it still is in Houston when I return this week for a few days.

  11. I have a feeling one of those cozies is in your future, Snap!

  12. Will you look at the colors... oh I'd be in so much trouble! And yes snap I will be seeing the Black Dog much more often!!!!

  13. Oh to have time to relax and enjoy knitting!

  14. What a great shop, so colorful :) I love the "open" sign!

  15. Looks like a lovely place to shop...or just sit!
    I just started knitting last year, and I seem to learn new things much slower than I used to!
    A lovely mosaic!!

  16. Love the "open" sweater in the window! What a grand place it must be to visit! Cathy

  17. Hi Snap
    I don't knit but I do know an exquisite tea cozy when I see one - glad you shared it.

  18. Although I can barely knit, I just LOVE to visit knit shops -- the colors are just so gorgeous! xoxo

  19. Oh that wonderful tea cozy! Wonder if I could figure that out. One thing is's small!

  20. Hi! Thank you for visiting the dragonflies. I've waited quite a while but your photos are still not showing. Hmmm...Have a great week ahead!

  21. A yarn store is like a quilt store, eye candy to the crafter. I just love all the colours in your mosaic. Have a fabulous week.

  22. Great photos and I love that tea cozy!!! Have a beautiful week!!!

  23. A great shop and a great mosaic,
    thanks for sharing it!
    Have a nice week,

  24. It seems like I have been knitting since back in the horse and buggy years so this post and your mosaic were especially appealing to me. Nothing makes for a collage better that a quilting or a knitting shop. Nice work. Genie

  25. What a cute shop. I am sure you got some lovely new idea to work on too. Lov ethe cute tea cozy. Wonderful mosaic, I hope you have a great week!

  26. Don't you just love shops like much inspiration! Happy knitting.

  27. Drooool!!!!! I have been itching to visit our local shop, you may have given me the push :).

  28. I love knitting shops. As a consequence I have tons of yarn and never enough time to use it all. I still love it though! ;-)

  29. The tea cozy is precious! I've been wanting to knit or crochet this summer! I know I would be inspired if I visited this shop! ♥

  30. I wish I could knit! I've always admired people who can handle those unruly needles. A crotchet hook is more my speed but it doesn't turn out such beautiful things. What a great shop!

  31. That tea cozy, swoon. I love what people can do with yarn, you included! xox Corrine

  32. I, too, love that tea cozy! Too cute. Happy August to you!

  33. Such shops are dangerous for me as I can never resist and simply have to get material to make something.
    It looks gorgeous all and the teapot cozy is great fun!
    I have a project in mind for winter: fun socks to wear in my garden boots, made from left over wool.
    Have a happy day!

  34. What a cute place! Love the "open" sweater and that adorable tea cozie. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays. So sorry it's taken me so long to visit.

    - The Tablescaper


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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