Sunday, July 24, 2011

Circle of Red

The American Heart Association Circle of Red Art Hearts
arrived in Houston this summer 
and will be on exhibit in several different locations.
The hearts are a reminder that heart disease is the number one killer of women.

Circle of Red

The Art Hearts, on display from May 15 to July 31,
were individually created by various local artists for 
members of the Circle of Red group,
a dynamic, committed, passionate group of women
who have made a personal commitment to help find a cure for heart disease.

Circle of Red Mosaic

The Circle of Red Art Hearts
are a representation of the Circle of Red's dedication
to fight heart disease in women. 

Circle of Red Mosaic

These were photographed in *my* village. 

Thank you to our hostesses:

Wishing YOU well and a joy filled week!


  1. As someone who has ended up at an ER with heart symptoms, I can tell you that women are still not taken as seriously as men when it comes to suspecting heart attack. This project is a good one if it brings attention to the issue.

  2. Love that you shared this with us.. It's a worthy cause since women on the whole are more concerned with breast cancer than their own hearts! xo marlis

  3. Excellent project and some lovely hearts!

  4. This is so important, Thank You for posting.
    Great pics. The display is so colorful and interesting, to get everyones attention. Soooooo important.
    Hope your day is great.

    The French Hutch

  5. A great cause and some beautiful art.

  6. Hi lovely lady.
    I love the America Heart Association for helping with the women of today .. Thanks so much for sharing with us... I hope you have a Great Week sweet lady... and thanks so much for your lovely comments on my Patio Dinner Party..
    XXOO Diane
    Keep cool in the sun...

  7. Thanks for sharing! Love the variety that the artists created! Hope it will bring attention to this disease! Visiting from the Tablescaper!

  8. Those hearts are cool!

    Reminds me of a Portland event held years ago, as a fund raising event for a childrens organization.

    Local artists decorated large fiberglass cows in varying ways and they were scattered across town for viewing. I wish I had sought the pieces out because the event has never been held again.

  9. Beautiful and close to my heart. My father and his mother both died from heart disease at the age of 65. Art can make magic and miracles happen.

  10. Fantastic cause and beautiful art! Very cool hearts!

  11. Wonderful, ingenious project. Thanks for sharing the pics and for stopping by my post. Come visit often, please! Cherry Kay

  12. A great idea and project. The artists have creative some beautiful hearts. Lovely photos and mosaic.

  13. This is awesome. I live in Houston and didn't know anything of this, so I'm so happy you posted about it. Lovely mosaic. xx's

  14. Fantastic pieces. Anything to heighten awareness of heart disease is a great thing.

  15. Very decorative hearts. I am sure they make a great statement to bring attention to a great cause. V

  16. They are beautiful and make a wonderful mosaic! What a great cause, too! ♥

  17. Beautiful artwork for a beautiful cause. As Pondside said, women's heart issues are not taken very seriously sometimes, since they are so different from men's symptoms.

  18. Awareness is a very good thing and if you can promote it well using these beautiful and compelling images all the better!

  19. This is such a wonderful fund raiser! I have seen oversized stars, pigs, and moose painted, but I really love these hearts.

  20. How wonderfully creative & for a good cause, too. BRAVO to all involved.


  21. The Circle of Red Art Hearts are all so lovely! What a wonderful way to increase awareness that heart disease is the #1 killer of women.

  22. Great mosaic with beautiful artwork with hearts.

  23. LOVE it! What a beautiful way to get the message across. Gorgeous display. How lucky you are to get to appreciate it in person :)

  24. Thanks for sharing hearts and colours!
    Have a nice week,

  25. Really beautiful. My dear brother died from heart disease in his early 50's. It is a cause near and dear to me.

  26. Wonderful mosaic. The hearts are lovely aren't they? Have a wonderful day and thank you for stopping by! It's always a pleasure to have you visit! Cathy

  27. Hello, Snap!
    Great post...and the hearts are wonderful!

    I'm just south of Houston . Small world!

    Enjoy your day,

  28. That is a really unique way to carry the message forth about heart disease!

  29. What a wonderful way to get the message out there. Thanks for sharing these works of art.

  30. Thank you for sharing and reminding us ladies about the risks of Heart disease. A wonderful collection of photos on this cause.
    Hope you are staying cool!

  31. What a great cause and wonderful idea. Love the various hearts. I've been to the ER several times with symptoms but so far so good - no heart problems. Great idea to make women aware! Thanks for sharing. Pamela

  32. Thanks for sharing. Excellent photos of lovely hearts! Of course it is an important project, we all have to take better care of ourselves.....

  33. What magnificent art for such a "special" tribute.


  34. Hi Snap,

    What a very worthwhile project you have shared with us! My MIL almost died from a massive heart attack at age 59, and 14 years later, she's still with us. Hers is absolutely hereditary, non-smoker and not overweight. I think this is a wonderful thing, and the art is so creative.

    Thanks for visiting my blog this weekend and for taking time to leave a comment. I'm so glad you enjoyed the "tour". You must come for a visit sometime.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  35. It's such an important cause, those hearts are beautiful and you took great pictures.I like a lot your collage.
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  36. Great photos, Snap, of a wonderful exhibit to raise awareness. I hope it comes to Denver.

  37. Thanks for the gentle reminder with such beauty. I'm a heart collector so I'm sure I'd be in awe of the exhibit.
    Wishing you a wonderful week, my friend!

  38. Such a wonderful way to remind us all. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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