Saturday, June 25, 2011


I've been busy scanning photos again.
I found one of those old, horrible, sticky paged photo albums.
What nasty things it does to the photos!
I thought I better get busy scanning.

When we lived in New Mexico,
we were part of a hot air balloon crew.

These photos are from my very first hot air balloon ride.

Hot Air Ballooning

Beautiful Barnes balloon.
Piloted by a woman who I worked with.
30 years later, she is still a friend.

Hot Air Ballooning

My first balloon ride was in beautiful Angel Fire, New Mexico, August 1981.
 A lifetime ago.
It was a small gathering of balloonists and their crews.
Silent running until the burner was turned on. 
Moved along by the wind.

Mr. Dragon wanted to become a balloon pilot in his spare time (!!!!).
Before he started lessons, we moved to Texas. 

Hot Air Ballooning

A beautiful place, a beautiful time, and beautiful memories. 

Thank you to our hostesses:

Wishing YOU well and a joy filled week!


  1. A friend from here spent her winter in Arizona, where she had a balloon ride. She described it in glowing terms - the silent running, just as you've described. It sounds like something that has to be experienced.
    When you've finished with your sticky album pages, come on up here and have a go at mine, please!

  2. Oh my goodness! What amazing photos, what incredibly memories and experiences. I, of course, could never do that because of my insane fear of heights. But I do love to see things from that vantage point. New Mexico, Texas - they both sound like dreamscapes to me.

  3. How beautiful! Your photos look really good for being in a sticky book for so long! I've always "kind of" wanted to ride in a hot air balloon...but then there's my fear of heights! :o
    Such lovely memories for you!

  4. I've always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon. It looks like it would be very peaceful.

  5. I hope you can save all your photos.. these look wonderful and all intact. And I agree with you pictures bring back so many special memories.... We have a hot air balloon rally in a nearby town and we go and watch every summer but I'm so scared to go up there myself... but its fun to watch!I'm so happy that you can recall cherished memories with fondness. I always enjoy your visits and your sweet comments. Thanks for sharing your lovely memories through your pictures. Have a wonderful evening!~Poppy

  6. Such glorious photos. How neat to be scanning these and how neat to be part of a hot air balloon crew! It's great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. Oh, I've been to the balloon show there once...amazing! I've always wanted to go on balloon ride. I am sure it's magical.
    Love your photos!


  8. Now all I can think of is the song, "Up, up and away, in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon!"

  9. What a fun thing to do. I have always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon!

  10. Your photos are amazing! :)
    Thank you for sharing such lovely memories with all of us.....

  11. What a breathtaking adventure! Very cool! Beautiful shots.

  12. Soo love the hot air baloons and the fact that your first ride was in Angelfire! What a lovely valley in which to soar.. Thanks for sharing. Condolences to Roo, I'm late and playing catch-up. Many Blessings, marlis

  13. Wow, you are a brave one. I love how they look, but wouldn't dare. Must have been spectacular views from up there though, nice to relive those memories of happy times. xox Corrine

  14. Wonderful mosaic of hot balloon images. I am sure it was exciting.

  15. These photos really thrill me! We lived in NM back in the '70s! And what a thrill to see the hot air balloons in Albuquerque! I would love to go back and see them again! You have wonderful photos to share! ♥ And great memories! ♥

  16. Beautiful photos! There is just something neat about hot air balloons. It must have great fun to take a ride in one.

  17. Loved seeing these photos and am glad that you are rescuing them. I've always wanted to go up in a balloon; I'm just afraid of coming down.

  18. We really wanted to do a balloon ride over Nappa Valley, CA, last year but it was the wrong time of the year as they need cool mornings for best conditions. I watched many videos of th fligts and it looked so dreamy..your wonderful photos confirm it!

  19. That must have been cool.

    We have a hot air balloon festival here every year, and we went one year at dawn and I got some amazing photos.

    You're right, those albums do horrible things to photos, and we all used them at one time or another. I'm busy trying to scan my childhood and early adult memories before the photos are lost forever. Of course, it's not just the albums doing damage, film wasn't very good during the 1970s. Photos yellow and fade. Amazing to see vintage images still in better shape than those taken more recently. lol

  20. Wonderful and fun pictures! I have always wanted to go up in a balloon. They make a very colorful mosaic.

  21. Wonderful collection of hot air balloon shots. My husband went up for a LONG ride for his birthday a while back and it was an experience of a lifetime. The views are so cool. Have never worked on a crew, but I think that could be very challenging. Love you post . Genie

  22. So brave, I would never get in one, afraid of heights. Fabulous pictures.

  23. What beautiful balloons. I saw an event when I was in Reno years ago. Fascinating! What great memories you have.

  24. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures, they are all beautiful, and great collages!
    Luna and mommy Léia

  25. Some years ago we usually saw balloons in the air over our house on a daily basis. I loved to hear the whoosh whoosh to signal that they were there and I would run out on the deck to watch. We have a small airport now nearby and I guess the balloons are a no no in their airspace. Lovely photos. V

  26. I remember those sticky paged photo albums and how impossible it is to remove anything from them. Happy that there are scanners that can save those precious photos!

    I always dreamed of going up in a hot air balloon ~ how thrilling! One of my favorite movies is UP! Guess I will always be a kid at heart :)

  27. Wonderful photos of great memories. My one and only hot air balloon ride was one of the most thrilling and wonderful experiences of my life.

  28. Those sticky albums should have been outlawed! Thank goodness for scanners. How exciting to be part of the hot air balloon crew! Every Labor Day weekend we have hot air balloons at the park near our house. I love seeing them dot the sky with all their bright colors.

  29. Nice memories you've shared and the photos are great. I've often wondered what it would be like in a balloon looking down at the countryside and now I think it would be peaceful yet exhilarating.

  30. Gorgeous balloon and wonderful memories. I too have been up in a hot air balloon. It is a wonderful experience.

  31. It is good to be back at last catching up with your blogging activities. I have been doing this very same job myself, although copying with my camera easier than removing from album for scanning.
    I would love to one day have the experience of a balloon ride.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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