Friday, June 10, 2011

Kitties and Cream

I had so much fun last week combining postcards
 and haiku that I thought I'd try it again!

This postcard is from The Cat Postcard Book published by Running Press.

Kitties and Cream

The back of the postcard reads:
Little White Kitties into Mischief, 1871, by Currier & Ives (American).
Hand colored lithograph. Museum of the City of New York
Harry T. Peters Collection.

I'm pairing this postcard with the photo from the June calendar page
published by the United States Humane Society.
It's brought a smile to may face everyday.
It's a real awwwwwwwwww!!!!!

kitty and cream

early morning tea
kitty happily lapping
surprise starts the day

A big thank you to our hostesses:


So many of you have left wonderful comments and sent me emails 
asking how I'm doing and cheering me on.
I had a telephone call last week from the protocol nurse who was so helpful
during Mr. Dragon's chemo, radiation and surgery ... that all went for naught.
It was a rough telephone call. I'm afraid I wasn't very *nice*.
I told my step-daughter that I guess I'd too many good days and needed a really rough one!
I am managing. Almost through all the estate paperwork.
But I miss him and I know I always will.
He had my back and I had his.
My back is lonely.


Wishing YOU WELL and a JOY filled weekend.


  1. Sweet kits! Awww hon..sending hugs to you my dear friend! I am so sorry. Love, Sarah

  2. Sipping my tea and reading your post has allowed me to start the day with a smile on my face! Thank you! Cathy

  3. Anger is a legitimate stage of grief. Hugs to you, haiku lady.

  4. Your haiku and the photos are so cute! We all have rough days... part of life I guess. It's OK to have them now and then. Don't be hard on yourself. enjoy your weekend!

  5. I know that he still has your back...
    Love the kitty haiku - reminds me of my Little Boo who laps milk from my cereal bowl in the mornings. He knows the sounds of the bowl and the box being taken from the cupboard very well and follows me around until he gets his !
    Sending light and love to you, Brave One.

  6. Love the postcard and the treasure of the kitty photo. You are in my thoughts, you know. There will be hard days followed by sunshine. Hugs to you dear friend, love Sharon

  7. You used the postcard and the photo as the jumping off place for your haiku--which is what I do! I need something to get me started. When I saw your images and read your words, I started smiling!

  8. What a sweet haiku in the midst of your healing...

  9. They are lovely! :)
    Wonderful idea for this post and theme!

  10. Ahhh, the kittens are all cute! My PFF Entry is up. I would love to received this postcards. So cute!

  11. They're both great images, and Haiku is not something I've ever tried.

  12. Awwww is right! I bet Miss Cassie NEVER gets into this kind of trouble, right?!

  13. Adorable kitties - nothing can be much cuter. You are going through a very rough patch right now, I know. It is so very hard - but it does get easier with time. Be good to yourself! Carol

  14. Happy PFF. As time passes there are still days.... it happens.

  15. The kittens are adorable particularly the one from the calendar.

    I scrolled down to your birthday post. Lovely tea set and birthday cake.

  16. I'm lifting my teacup to you. It's got to be so hard, and you are entitled to a not-so-good day when you need one.....just so that you get cosy with a cup of tea right after.

  17. This kind of postcards never fail to put a smile on our lips and brighten our day. Sending hugs your way. Happy PFF.

    Postcards Crossing

  18. A very sweet haiku and image. Animals can be very healing at a time of loss and grief. thanks for sharing such a sweet post.

  19. Hi Snap

    I know what you mean
    and what you are feeling

    My back is also lonely :(
    But we must go on ~ alone ~

    Love your postcard
    so so cute :-)

    We wish you a relaxing weekend
    hugs for all
    from Kareltje & Betsie

  20. Thanks for these wonderful postcards and the delightful haiku. I wish you well.

    All the best, Boonie

  21. I'm a kitty person and this one is a keepurrrrr.....:)

  22. That calendar page is so cute!

    I'm sending you lots of good thoughts and big hugs with the hope that you don't have too many rough days ahead.

  23. Snap,

    So sorry you had a rough phone call. I know what you are going through. I was there. Just hang in there because the days will really get easier.

    I love the kitty postcard.


  24. Your cards are lovely, as you say, awwwwwww!

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you.

  25. He will always have your back, Snap. Each day brings sorrows and joys - hope happiness can fill the majority of your days.

  26. Very sweet postcards and the haiku is lovely.

    Thoughts and prayers to you, dear one. I cannot begin to imagine your journey and your loss.

  27. Dear Snap~ I remember when I first met you. It was the new Japanese face of haiku introducing the irreverent baseball! I loved it! Now here you are with the kitties lapping up milk and tea!
    Then I read about your husband losing his fight, and I was sorry I missed visiting you, consoling you. I went back through your blog (beautiful, btw!), and I saw your birthday celebration.. You're doing all the things that help: letting family and friends in, taking joy from moments in the day. These photos and charming haiku show that. I am sorry for your loss, Snap. You are a lovely person, and I wish you all the best.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.