Friday, May 27, 2011

It's That Time of Year...

when thoughts turn to summer
and baseball 
and Memorial Day.

I thought this postcard covered all of those.

The back of the postcard reads:
A uniformed soldier takes a swing.
There is no date or location.

This postcard is from AMERICA PLAYS BALL:
Historical Baseball Photographs from the Library of Congress
A Book of Postcards
Published by Pomegranate

Have a wonderful time this weekend.
Enjoy the hot dogs and hamburgers,
a little baseball
and don't forget to remember and honor members of the armed forces.

Thank you to the lovely Beth for being the hostess for Postcard Friendship Friday.


  1. Hi Snap! Oh, I love the postcard. I love anything from the 1940s, and 1950s, and well....many old decades! I totally agree with you, too....about summer, baseball, and Memorial Day...remembering what it really means. Thanks!

  2. Yes---it is that time of year. I have always loved baseball--but don't live near to where I can see a team play anymore.

    Yes---I always think of hot dogs, hamburgers, baseball and APPLE PIE.


  3. Hot dogs and hamburgers, yes, but don't forget to "buy me some peanuts and crackerjack" too!

  4. HiSnap, Happy PFF and hope you are doing well.

  5. Maybe it's baseball where you are, but as I type, The Great Dane is deep in the Stanley Cup playoffs - tonight's Boston and Tampa Bay.

  6. Happy holiday to you, Snap. I'll drink some tea and think of you!

  7. Pure Americana here! I love that picture! They should be using an apple pie for home plate.

  8. That PC brought back such memories of my mom and her identical twin sister watching baseball games on warm MN nights. So much fun was had by all. I hope you have a good weekend my friend! Take care. Sharon

  9. wonderful, evocative shot...could be a film still from a classic movie!

  10. Love this vintage postcard - quite Americana and patriotic at the same time -

  11. That is a great action shot, eye on the ball, wham. I think baseball is a perfect photography subject.

  12. Great card! Please don't forget that we honor those veterans that have either died in the service of their country or once did serve their country on Memorial Day. Current members of the Armed Forces are honored on May 21st, and veterans are honored on November 11th.

  13. Nice image. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Great card....Thanks for sharing... Happy PFF!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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