Sunday, April 17, 2011


It's Springtime!
Today we started with a cool morning and will have a high near 90.
The humidity starts coming back late today.

Springtime Mosaic

I wanted to do some experimenting with some of the mosaics I have presented before
and add some shots to celebrate Springtime and Easter.

Springtime Mosaic

The Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush are in bloom on the Rice University campus.

Springtime Mosaic

It seems like Spring happens for the first time each year!
Do you remember the blooms being this lovely last year?
Or the sky as blue (on those days without humidity)?
Listen to the birds sing!
New life.
New beginnings.
Courage and strength.

I'd like to thank
Mary at Mosaic Monday

for being wonderful hosts.

Wishing you WELL and a JOY filled week!


  1. Beautiful post. Don't you love Spring!

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  2. What beautiful mosaics! I am waiting for Spring to arrive, unseasonably cold, and no flowers yet!
    I am enjoying seeing yours! 90 is too hot though!
    Have a very Blessed Easter!
    Here from Seasonal Sunday.
    I am your newest follower. :)

  3. Beautiful post and mosaics to welcome spring :)
    Happy SS!

  4. Beautiful pictures -- very nice post!

  5. Such pretty flowers! Spring is finally here in the NE... thank goodness!

  6. Your mosaics are wonderful! And what great pictures of Spring!

  7. Beautiful mosaics, Snap.... I love your spring flowers. I miss going on our yearly trip to Brenham and Chapel Hill to see the Bluebonnets....


  8. Wishing you courage and strength, too, Snap. I think every year when spring finally comes after a cold hard winter, it's the best there ever was!

  9. I am so glad you stopped by. It seems that we must live in the same area of Houston. It's nice to think of someone being close by since most of my blog friends seem to be far away. Coffee sometime in the Village?

  10. You are so lucky to hace those bluebonnets, they are spectacular. Sorry for the heat so soon. xox Corrine

  11. Beautiful blooms and pretty mosaics!...Christine

  12. Hmmm, yes - courage and strength are sometimes what is needed to face a new season. Spring rarely calls that out of me though as I spend half a year looking forward to new growth and warmth. I love all your mosaic pieces. Love all the things you include - tea, buddhism, blooms and birds and and and....I hope you are finding your own strength and courage to face this season that speaks of new life and forward movement.

  13. Beautiful mosaics. I love the promise of spring. Take care and have a wonderful week and Easter weekend.

  14. I love your pretty flowers...with Mr. Bunny mixed in with them! Very cute mosaics! Happy Spring! ♥

  15. What pretty mosaics...wonderful pictures, I am totally in love with your snail ~ he is marvelous!
    Spring is a joy! Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment.

  16. What a great idea..and the mosaics are just lovely...great photos...
    Have a beautiful week!!!

  17. What a beautiful springtime post!

  18. Love your photos! And thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great week! Kit in Montana

  19. Beautiful mosaics, Snap! Such stunning shots to welcome Spring!

  20. Pretty spring time photos and mosaic. The bunny and snail are cute and I love the shots from the garden.

  21. I love all flowers and the cute critter, your collage is beautiful!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  22. The flowers look so inviting but the temperature...not so much. :)

  23. Wonderful mosaic combinations and truly delightful pairings of "new life" with "new beginnings, courage and strength." (I remember seeing that sweet snail before. He's so unique that I couldn't forget him.)

  24. Beautiful mosaics. I am loving the teacup with the bee in it. V

  25. Love your creative mosaics! It won't get that hot here - and for once it is dry - not looking forward to humidity - love your spring blooms,

  26. lovely mosaics to welcome the spring - it is fun juggling around the pics to see the results. Thank you for sharing your welcome to spring, and thankyou for dropping by my blog - it was great to hear from you.

  27. lovely Mosaics, I wish we were heading to 90 today....but it keeps snowing here! I am afraid we will have a chilly Easter this year even though it is late in the month. grrr!

  28. Great job on the mosaics!
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.
    Have a great week.

  29. Beautiful spring flowers! Your mosaic are fantastic.

  30. I always enjoy seeing your garden snail but I love the addition of the the bunny drumming on his egg drum - so cute.

    I do love spring the best of all seasons!

  31. This looks lovely! Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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