Sunday, March 27, 2011


I love Callas.
When I saw this one I knew I had to have it ... the beautiful golden color with a deep purple center.


When we lived on Galveston Island, we'd go downtown to the Peanut Butter Warehouse.
It was filled with antiques and junk and so much fun.
This teapot was one of the first things we found.
There is no marking of any kind on his bottom.

Toby Tea Pot Mosaic

He has a crackle finish. He makes me smile.
You can see why he is a favorite.

Calla Arrangement

 "The legend of tea's origin is that it was discovered by 
the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2737 BC, when a tea leaf
accidentally fell into a bowl of hot water."
~365 Things Every Tea Lover Should Know


Thank you to our hostesses:


  1. What a beautiful spring still life ! Lovely to see.
    Have a sweet Sunday, Lovely Snap !

  2. Such vibrant colors here in these photo's just gorgeous!

  3. Purple and yellow - my favorite color combination. Just gorgeous!

  4. Love your teapot! He's a cheerful bloke, makes you happy just to see him. The callas are gorgeous too. Thanks for dropping in. Happy Sunday.

  5. Very beautiful series!
    God bless you!

  6. Another fantastic teapot and your new header is yummy too. That yellow is a stunner. xox Corrine

  7. I'm laughing, too, but for a different reason... I think you're teapot looks like a "she"!! Lipstick, a front laced bustier, eyebrows & rouged cheeks...don't you think? If so, then her position is a wee bit obscene. LOL Still laughing...please don't be offended? Its too cute, either gender!!

    LOVE the photos of the calla lilies! I carried an armful in my wedding. We don't seem to grow them in OH. bummer :-(
    Thanks for sharing yours, though.


    p.s. STILL laughing! ;-)

  8. I agree with the previous comment....I think the teapot looks like a woman! Interesting!! And makes me giggle.

    The flowers are simply gorgeous. The vibrant colors would put a smile on my face every time I looked at them.

  9. Calla lilies are so elegant! I love them too.

  10. I love Calla Lilies and am always trying to grow them. Love your teapot too - even the slightly risqué theme!

  11. Beautiful! I love Callas, too. These are particularly beautiful. Love that unique teapot!

  12. Hello from Frog Hollow Farm! Thanks so much for stopping by my post on the Philadelphia Flower Show - I see by your Calla Lilies that you are also a flower lover. We are 27 degrees here today - but my husband is determined to start his brocolli seeds indoors - we are both just waiting for spring to come and stay. Ciao, bella!

  13. Love those callas! Gotta have me some more lilies this summer, if it ever comes? Beautiful post! Have a great evening!

  14. Such vibrant colors!

    It's wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  15. Beautiful Callas and that teapot is a great find. Enjoy your week!

  16. That little tea pot looks a bit disgruntled with you, Snap! The bouquet ibrings springtime in the house.

  17. Ah Ha.. little wonder my shih tzu's love tea! xx

  18. Lovely floral bouquet. Such vibrant colors.

    What a cute teapot. Love it!

  19. What a cute teapot, and those flowers are so bright and colorful they bring a smile! Have a good week!


  20. Those flowers are gorgeous!! And the teapot makes me smile too! :)

  21. Omigosh, what a wonderful teapot!!! ANd I love your yellow calla, too. Thanks for sharing your beautiful images at MM> :)

  22. I love those callas, and your teapot is so fun!
    I used white callas in a bridal
    bouquet last weekend. . .luv them!
    Have a good week,

  23. I agree with Rettabug. My first thought was that this was a lady teapot and "my oh my, what is she doing?" A wee bit obscene, but most definitely makes me smile.

  24. What a cute teapot and I love the pretty callas. Beautiful photos.

  25. The calla lilies are stunning in their beauty, Snap! I can see why you could not resist them!
    Your teapot is very much a conversation starter. I do believe Rett was right about her pose :)

  26. I did not join in over at Mosaic Monday this week but am enjoying catching everyone's great choices. Your teapot has so much character.

  27. Lovely - the teapot is so unusual!

    Carolina Mts

  28. I have some calla bulbs in the basemnt that are showing some shoots. Need to pot them up. Love callas too and yours are lovely. V

  29. I love anything that is a little unusual...the teapot is perfect! And the bright color of the flower is beautiful! Very cheery and happy! ♥

  30. Gorgeous calla! The colored ones are essentially annuals here, but I still like planting them. I do have a pretty creamy white one that comes back for me.

  31. Its a beauty
    I love it also :-)


    a big cuddle for sister Cassie
    from Betsie ( come over I was the first time outside YEAAAHHHHH....)

    Kareltje,Betsie & Anya

  32. Beautiful! Just what I needed to see right now!

  33. Oh I just love funky and unusual teapots and this one is awesome...great find:D


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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