Sunday, January 23, 2011

Virtual Shopping

I had no plans to go on another virtual shopping trip.
When the Old Durham Road catalog arrived in the mail I was going to file it directly in recycling.
Then I saw this...

Mosaic of Tea Items

Opening the catalog led to finding several lovely tea sets.

One is the nautical looking Captain's Tea Service.
The East India Tea Company was chartered by Queen Elizabeth in 1600 and the ship's captain tea service would have looked much like this lovely blue and white. 

Mosaic of Tea Items

Then there is the beautiful and regal looking set that makes up the Royal Collection-
The Queen Victoria Range.
This official range of china commemorates the golden age of Queen Victoria (1819-1901) from the Royal Collection. The design takes its inspiration from English bone china commissioned by Queen Victoria for the Great Exhibition of 1851, and features her signature. 

I'm linking to multiple memes this week.
We have a house full of family visiting Mr. Dragon and I needed to make life a little easier!
Besides, I wanted to stop by and at least wave!

I'd like to thank the hostesses of the following memes:

Wishing you well and a JOY filled week.


  1. Snap, those dishes are so precious...I love the tea cup for Will and Kate and the china with the purple on it is quite lovely...I think I have visual-stimulous overload :)

  2. That's covering a lot of bases! And there is no harm in virtual window shopping either.

  3. How very lovely! You have some very beautiful and delicate pieces of china! Cathy

  4. Such lovely things! A virtual shop is fun!

  5. Some great pieces here...thanks for sharing!!!

  6. They are very pretty, nothing wrong with 'window' shopping.

  7. I'm waving back, Snap. All good wishes to you and Mr Dragon.

  8. Very beautiful china! And they make wonderful mosaics! ♥

  9. Some beautiful china shown.
    I still have a big box of stuff on Lady Diana and from her marriage - no more royal collectibles for me.

  10. Virtual window shopping is the only kind of shopping I can afford to do. ;)

    I love china. I thought this was all quite interesting! I've been watching those movies they came out with about Victoria so it is a bit fresh in the mind.

  11. Virtual shopping is one of my favorite things to do :)

    Gorgeous items you happened across too!!

    Have a wonderful week!!

    4 the LUV of SANITY

  12. Such gorgeous tea sets. . .did you
    order one?
    Have a great time with your company, and thanks for waving!

  13. The porcelain is magnificent, mainly the white one with the ship in blue, it's wonderful!
    Very elegant dishes!
    purrs and love
    Luna - We love Luna

  14. Snap,

    I love to virtual shop. I can spend thousands of dollars in my mind and never get a bill!!!

    I will have to check out this catalog for more shopping ideas. Great mosaic.


  15. Beautiful china! Have a great time with all your visitors!

  16. Virtual window shopping is fun. The tea sets are all so beautiful. Have a great week.

  17. I greatly admire the nautical teapot and cup. Tea sets are so interesting!

    Soft hugs to you and Mr. Dragon.

  18. Oh my! So happy for them - wish them a lifetime of happiness and love - I'd have a hard time with that catalog! Lovely, lovely tea sets!

  19. How nice to visit your blog and see such beautiful things today! And to take a glimpse of the Durham catalog...thanks! Have a good Monday!

  20. That's incredibly beautiful tea set! Just a fantastic collection..

  21. Such beautiful tea sets - I love them all.

  22. Hi Snap, WOW--that is some gorgeous china and tea sets... I love the 'royal' one!!!! Gorgeous!!! You certainly get some very tempting catalogs.... I'd be spending us into bankruptcy... ha

    Enjoy your week with family.

  23. Looks like some beautiful tea sets in the catalogue. There is going to be a flurry of items for sale in honour of Will and Kate.

  24. Such beautiful tea things! I love a good cuppa, and a good teacup, too. lol

  25. You have some great virtual-shopping taste :) Beautiful tea sets!

    Enjoy your family!

  26. Oh, yes, these lovely images would have given me reason to leaf through the catalog too. Beautiful pieces and of course, beautiful mosaic :)

  27. I like your collection of tea sets, and the nautical one is my fav.

  28. Those dishes are so intricate, and the designs are beautiful.

    Hi and bye Snap. I hope your family and Mr Dragon are having a wonderful visit.

  29. Aren't they all lovely? I also get Durham catalog and pour over pages longing for pieces....

  30. Such lovely china, Snap! I love those kinds of catalogues! Enjoy your company and thanks for joining me for tea.


  31. Such beautiful tea sets! I love receiving catalogs in the mail and dreaming over items I like in them that I would like to buy. I hardly ever follow though, but it's fun to dream!

  32. That is a beautiful cup! What a lovely design to commemorate them.
    All the other china pieces are beautiful as well. It would be hard to pass some of these up!

  33. Wow! Stunning! Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. I want them all! Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  34. OMG, I am In LOVE,LOVE,LOVE with the nautical looking Captain's Tea Service...Both my Hubby AND youngest son are Both Sea Captain's! I am GOING to have to look into this set...Thank you, LOVE your blog and I'm your NEWEST FOLLOWER. I would LOVE for you to FOLLOW ME TOO if you like my blog...
    Hugs to you,

  35. Hello Snap! Loved reading your profile. I, too, think it's better to never grow up! ha! Kindred spirits. Love your photos of pretty things. Take care and have a great day. Susan p.s. By the way, thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting. Loved having you. Come back again!

  36. Hi Auntie Snap
    Thank you very much
    for your Birthday wishes :-)
    Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

  37. Such beautiful china pieces. I especially like the nautical one.

  38. Hello there Snap,

    I'm delighted that you joined us once again with the fun for TTTT as well as for the 67th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two'; our little corner of, 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland!..,

    What fabulous catalogue finds!.., I always love blue and white especially!..,

    ~ Thanks so much for sharing these catalogue gems with all of us!..,

    Have a wonderful week!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee@ ~

    P. S. ~ Sorry I was so late this week in posting due to technical difficulties, (especially with my, 'The Plumed Pen' blog).

  39. Really beautiful. Thanks for sharing it

  40. I didnot know about this magazine. Thank you for updating me on it and the royal china. Thank you for sharing with us @TTTT. As always it was a pleasure. Look forward to seeing you soon.
    Have a blessed week.

  41. Oh boy what lovely sets...I am hard pressed to choose which I like more the Captain's Tea Service or Queen Victoria Range...

    Blessings Kelsie

  42. Looks like a nice catalog. I really like the Captain's Tea Service. The teapot has a great shape with the pretty blue and white design.

  43. Oh, those dishes are gorgeous. I love the pattern on that mug. I love browsing catalogs. So pretty.



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