Sunday, January 2, 2011

December Favorites

Time got away from me this weekend.
I didn't have anything prepared for Mosaic Monday.
So, I decided to look at December, pick some favorites and share them with you.

Happy New Year!
Wishing you all the best of everything.

Thank you to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday.


Mr. Dragon is on oxygen 24 hours a day now and is very frail.
He still has his sense of humor and makes me laugh daily.
He enjoys visits and telephone calls from friends.
We are trying to make every moment count.


  1. I love the December photos you picked to share with us on Mosaic Monday. Thank you for taking some of your precious time to visit and leave a comment. Blessings and Smiles to you and Mr.Dragon!

  2. Beautiful mosaics! Happy New Year and I will be sure and add you to my prayers! God bless you! ♥

  3. Thinking of you and Mr Dragon as you enter this new year with a focus on making every minute count.

  4. HI Snap, Beautiful mosaics.... You couldn't have done better since all of these December pictures are GORGEOUS...

    I wish for you and your hubby the best 2011 possible. My love and prayers are with you both.

  5. Minutes, moments. I know you are truly living each one. Much love to you both.

  6. I love your favorites, I think the kitty most of all :)
    Happy New Year!

  7. Your December pics were fun - love the cat with the hat.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year and special moments with Mr. Dragon.

  8. I do love the favorites that you picked to share! I love the cat in the Santa suit :)

    Happy New Year to you, Snap!

  9. Lovely mosaic of your December photos! Prayers for you and your dear Mr. Dragon.

  10. I will keep you and Mr. Dragon in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy every moment. Take care and have a wonderful week.

  11. My thoughts are with you & Mr. Dragon.

  12. That must be a Canadian cat with the knitted toque!

  13. My thoughts and prayers are with you both as we go into this new year. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.


  14. Enjoyed your mosaics...brought lots of smiles! You and Mr. Dragon are in my prayers today! Cathy

  15. Wonderful choices for your mosaic. Wishing good thoughts for Mr. Dragon.

  16. Time got away from me too! I'm kinda glad it's January so that life can slow down a bit...I hope!

    Great mosaics!

  17. Mr. Dragon is in my prayers, as are you, Snap. XOXOXO

  18. Very cute mosaics. I love the picture of the cat in the hat. It made me break out in a big smile! Prayers and positive thoughts to ou and Mr. Dragon!

  19. Lovely mosaics.

    Blessings on you and Mr. Dragon.

  20. You and Mr Dragon continue to be in my thoughts each day. It's good that you both can laugh at things and enjoy your time together.

    Hugs to you both!

  21. Lovely mosaics. The cats are so sweet! Send you all my best wishes!

  22. Snap, this is great for Mosaic Monday..I love the way you put them together. You and your husband are a lesson for us all, to make the most of every minute of each with our loved ones.

  23. Dear Snap
    Your mosaics are wonderful, really beautiful!
    All love to you and Mr Dragon, we are always praying and thinking of you!
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and mommy Léia

  24. Sending love and light to you and to your Mr. Dragon, Snap.

  25. Wonderful collection of December photos. I wish you and Mr Dragon all the best in 2011. I will keep you both in my prayers.

  26. I love your beautiful photos especially the cats!!! Please give Mr. Dragon a big hug from Tennessee!!!

  27. Fantastic mosaic! But nothing beats the cat in the hat though :-)

  28. Pretty and whimsical mosaic! My heartfelt energy goes to you and Mr. Dragon♥

  29. What wonderful favorites you have -- love the cat in the hat! Wishing you peace, joy and blessings in the new year. I will keep you in my prayers.

  30. Sending you & Mr. Dragon big hugs, lotsa love and rays of sunshine as we begin 2011!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.