Saturday, December 4, 2010

Medicine Buddha

Image from Dharma Crafts

This is the Medicine Buddha (Bhaisajyaguru in Sanskrit). He is invoked for healing physical illness as well as to pacify the inner afflictions of attachment, hatred and ignorance. His right hand, extended in the gesture of giving, holds the stem of a healing plant. His left hand holds a jar of healing nectar.

Once again we are asking for your good thoughts, prayers, white light, good juju as Mr. Dragon once again is going to M.D. Anderson for more tests next week. He has had a rough time the last two months, continues to lose weight and because of an injury during the surgery has trouble breathing.

Thank all of you so very much.

Wishing you well.


  1. Good thoughts and prayers your way, my friend!

  2. You will both be in my thoughts. My very best wishes for a positive result from the tests.

  3. Good thoughts winging your way, and a prayer went up before I began to write this comment.
    Thinking of you and Mr Dragon....

  4. Oh Snap.... I am so sorry to hear your latest news... I thought he had been doing well. My love and prayers are with you both...

    Hugs and PRAYERS,

  5. My prayers are with you and Mr. Dragon.

    I was just sitting down a minute and thought I would stop by and say hello. Now I will know to keep you both in my prayers.


  6. May the Medicine Buddha smile upon you, Mr. Dragon, and send healing energy your way.

  7. Hi Snap,
    Do believe in the power of your minds. Believe in the positive and it well help you in the process.
    The mind can really help in the recovery process.
    Take care, I will burn a candle for both of you.

  8. Medicine Buddha ju-ju coming your way from the north!

  9. I'm so sorry to hear Mr Dragon isn't doing good. My thoughts will be with you both in the coming days. I hope the Medicine Buddha works healing wonders for Mr Dragon. (((Hugs)))

  10. Oh sweet friend,
    We are sending purrs and love to them.
    All our prayers and please be positive!
    Luna and mommy Léia

  11. Thoughts and prayers to you Snap and Mr. Dragon for good things on the horizon. xox Corrine

  12. Dear Snap, I'm sending you positive energy - may you and Mr Dragon have a healing week.

  13. i only just stumbled across your blog, so hope you don't mind my sending you healing vibes your ways.

  14. Oh Snap I thought things were going well for Mr. Dragon. I am so sorry and you know I will keep both of you in my prayers. I am sending hugs, Sharon

  15. Sending you and Mr. Dragon all my best Snap - take care!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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