Thursday, December 30, 2010

Good Morning!

Reprint of photograph by Rachael Hale from Potpourri


  1. So cute, and really, so practical, especially given the weather we have right now!

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  2. Well, I saw yuor comment on Betsy's blog and had was called to pop over...then I saw your profi---------------------------------+(sorry ANgel-Kitty stepped on the keyboard) anyway, back to what I was saying, I saw your profile and chuckled because I never want to grow up AND I love college basketball; what fiends we are! UNC of course, or Ohio State. Oh and also, anyone who beats DUKE!!!!
    Last, I love the best CHristmas present of all...that sounds like my husband and me. The cat picture today is precious...I love my newly adopted kitty.
    thanks for the visit and allowing me to chatter on...

  3. So cute. And Kitty would definitely need that up here today 15F this morning....and booties and a sweater. xox Corrine

  4. What a cute photo - the hat was obviously custom-knit!

  5. Maybe if my cats were heavily sedated I might get them to wear a hat but otherwise it would be a fight to my death!

  6. I thought at first you had knitted that cute little hat for Cassie! Wishing you and Mr Dragon a cozy new year's Eve! It's snowing here in CO.

  7. Exactly how I feel this morning. 24 degrees and beautiful snow and blue skies. Your picture says it all! Hugs!!!

  8. What a Cutie... Who needs to see when they are THAT cute????? ha ha

    Happy New Year, Snap to you and your sweetie.

  9. This is a smile happy photo! Happy new Year, Snap! Sending big hugs your way!

  10. Good morning! (I'm only 35 hours late or so!)

  11. That is quite possibly the cutest picture I've ever seen!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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