Sunday, November 28, 2010

What I Did On My Blog Break!!!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving and I hope you did too!

I enjoyed my short blog break.
I relaxed.
I read.
I cooked.
I got the hooks out and had some hooky fun.

Cassie Helping

Cassie decided she had to help me while I had the camera in hand.
She's getting soooooo big!
Our vet says she has a sweet disposition ... we agree ... most of the time!

Crochet Christmas Mosaic

This is what I'm doing with the hook:
really cute Christmas trees, Gingerbread Men and Houses.
You can find the pattern for the trees (and other wonderful crochet goodies) at

Mosaic Crochet Christmas

The Ginger Bread Man and House are from a pattern of six Christmas potholders that I've had for years.
I think I purchased the pattern from Annie's Attic.
The designer is Crochet Village Designs.

Crochet Christmas Tree

The trees are fun, but I have to tell you I don't like the yarn I used to make them.
It was left over from a doily project I made last year.
The sparkly thread running through the yarn has a mind of its own.
I want it to go one way and it wants to go another! 
But it does make a pretty, glitzy, Christmas tree!

I'd like to thank Mary for being our hostess for Mosaic Monday.
Each mosaic is different and has its own story to tell. 

Wishing you all well and a JOY filled week!


  1. Lovely crochet work! And Cassie has that "caught in the act" look about her!

  2. Sounds like it was a great Thanksgiving break! Love the hooking you're doing.

  3. Happy Sunday and THANKS for stopping by.

    The solar oven is amazing. Just as good as a crock pot, but without depending on any outside power source EXCEPT the sun. Don't you have plenty in Texas too?

    Love and best,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  4. Cassie is beautiful! What a face :)

    looks like you had a productive blog break, you made such pretty things!

  5. You made good use of your blog break! I like the little Christmas trees, and I've used that sparkly yarn and it does have a mind of its own!

  6. Those trees are cute. My mother used to crochet snowflakes.

    Cute cat. lol

  7. Wow, I wish I was that creative. I am in awe of people like you who can create these kinds of beautiful treasures. They will make stunning decorations.

    Best wishes and happy week,

  8. You were very productive with your hooks! My mom and grandmother have gifted me with some beautiful hooked items.

    Cassie is beautiful! What a great face!

  9. Those are soooo sweet! I should get my crochet hook out as well. Thanks for the idea and yes...we do love those furbabies! Have a great week!

  10. You are so talented. They look so cute. Love the christmas trees. Take care and have a wonderful week.

  11. You might have been on a break but your sure were busy. I like the cute Christmas things, the trees would be nice to receive on a gift instead of a bow.

  12. Cassie has such expressive eyes!

    I like your crochet gingerbread man! He almost looks good enough to eat! :)

  13. I think you and I should be called "The Glitz Girls" from now on!

  14. Wonderful, Snap, that you got to play double hooky. The trees are so sparkly - I can't imagine actually using them as potholders and maybe getting them soiled. Could they be tree ornaments?Blue-eyed Cassie is adorable!

  15. All of your projects are very nice. I love the gingerbread potholders!

  16. Ohhh, I forgot to say how beautiful Cassie is. I love Siamese cats!

  17. Those are darling little trees. Isn't crocheting the most relaxing thing? A blog break? Sounds like a good idea!
    :) Nancy

  18. SOOOO, you're a hooker! heh heh heh
    Your crochet work is beautiful. I need to pick that up again. I loved making the afgans.
    Enjoyed your pretty mosaic...

  19. Nice break! Cassie is beautiful! Your litltles are cute and very creative.

  20. Very nice. You're so talented!! And such a "pretty kitty." Have a grand day! Cathy

  21. Wouln't they look splendid on the Christmas table holding a hot pot. Wonderful.

  22. Cassie is a DOLL, adorable portrait !
    Glad that everything is fine there!
    hugs, purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and mommy Leía

  23. Looks like you made good use of your break. The trees are so pretty in spite of the sparkly thread with a mind of its own.

  24. Those gingerbread men are so darn cute! Glad you had a nice break!

  25. Cassie does look to be very sweet, however anyone who is owned by a cat knows that it isn't 100%. Cats are by nature a little feisty. At least all of the cats in our family have had their moments...but they love us anyway!!

  26. Those trees are really sweet Snap, what a great project.
    Maggie has the most gorgeous blue eyes. What a keeper she is. Glad you enjoyed your relaxing break. xox Corrine

  27. Hugs to sweet Cassie love all of the ornaments..
    Happy Monday ~ hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  28. CUTENESS!!!

    The trees are pretty but eeeks, that gingerbread man made me giggle!

    You're such a divine

    You are a crafting goddess!!!!!!


  29. Love your gingerbread man! I have a gingerbread house pattern somewhere in my stash that I've never got around to doing. Must make time!

  30. Beautiful mosaics and beautiful crafting. Oh, and cute cat!

    Erika B

  31. nice little ornaments, my grandma crocheted a lot, I tried a few times but never persevered.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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